CORNELL HD 3700 - Dreams to Symptoms, Signal Anxiety to Neurotic Compromise
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HD 3700 1st Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I From dreams to hysteria to neurotic conflict II How we evolved into humans the erotic and aggressive drives III The psycho sexual stages IV Review of Freud s ideas so far Outline of Current Lecture Dreams to Symptoms Signal Anxiety to Neurotic Compromise I Reflecting on your dreams II Dream structure and neurotic structure III Two of Freud s case studies IV The modern version of Freud s theory signal anxiety and compromise formation Current Lecture I Reflecting on your dreams Sam s dream went back to high school in English class sister embarrassed to see him took the wrong bus home got off bus left his cat sweater on it o High school was not a good experience for him he was in the closet and overweight o Dream thought he didn t know who he was then when he was in high school dreaming about newly found confidence and sense of who he is Anna s dream went back to high school went to field but couldn t find schedule for soccer no one showed up very anxious really wanted to play o She likes being busy having a tight schedule o In dream she couldn t find schedule without that schedule a part of life she liked was missing o Who are you without your schedule o Dream about desire and about something being fulfilled if I didn t have such a packed schedule I would know what was missing dream is about something that is missing in her life right now that she hasn t thought about II Dream structure and neurotic structure Dream structure and Dream work review o Thoughts occur to the dreamer during dream states these are dream thoughts which Freud thought were always wishes o These thoughts constitute the latent content of the dream o Dream Work takes the dream thoughts and expresses them in hallucinatory images composed of related thoughts which nevertheless disguise and distort the dream thoughts o In this way Dreams are the guardians of sleep And a nightmare is a dream that failed Dreams keep us engaged in the dream so we don t wake up and have these thoughts o How the dream work works Condensation compressing the latent dream thoughts in images that omit combine or reverse those meanings Displacement a latent thought is replaced by a part of itself or a symbol of itself or by an allusion to it Transformation into Visual Images these hallucinatory movies you experience every night Language is often reversed or doubled the ambiguous meaning of primal words is often exploited in dreams such as cleave which means to cut apart and join together Freud argues that dreams rarely depict no but instead represent both sides of a wish or fear Freud s major point The mechanism of dream construction is the model of the manner in which neurotic symptoms arise o Example 12 year old boy humiliated by a servant who walked in on him in the bathroom years later he spilled tea on his lap felt shame This manifested as a neurotic symptom as he always had pain in his leg where he spilled tea When he recalled to Freud the event that occurred when he was 12 his leg stopped hurting his neurotic symptoms ceased Is hysteria real o In a 1997 paper published in the journal Cognition Dr Halligan of Cardiff and John C Marshall and their colleagues analyzed the brain function of a woman who was paralyzed on the left side of her body First they spent large amounts of money on tests to ensure that she had no identifiable organic lesion o When the woman tried to move her paralyzed leg her primary motor cortex was not activated as it should have been instead her right orbitofrontal and right anterior cingulate cortex parts of the brain that have been associated with action and emotion were activated They reasoned that these emotional areas of the brain were responsible for suppressing movement in her paralyzed leg o The patient willed her leg to move Dr Halligan said But that act of willing triggered this primitive orbitofrontal area and activated the anterior cingulate to countermand the instruction to move the leg She was willing it but the leg would not move o This disorder was so common in Europe in the late 1800s some psychologists discovered that hypnosis was helpful in relieving hysterics but only temporarily III Two of Freud s case studies The jealous delusion o A woman received a letter that her husband was cheating but had no reason to believe her husband was cheating besides the letter Despite previously coming to the conclusion that the letter was probably the work of the malicious maid the woman became very jealous and accused her husband of cheating o Freud Think of her suspicion as a paranoid symptom So although the woman had a logical argument that her husband was not cheating because the letter was false the woman still suffered from delusions of jealousy The woman broke off the analysis but Freud sensed her anxiety After two sessions he found that she herself was in love with a young man her son in law Freud concluded that the woman used displacement to relieve her anxiety and instead engaged in projection of her own state on her husband When someone is cheating they often think their partner is cheating o The jealous Delusion unraveled The woman had romantic erotic feelings toward her son in law that were unacceptable to her Like a dream those feelings were projected onto her husband so that he carried her wishes to be unfaithful And so her feelings were disguised through projection but the strong feelings for her son in law powered the intensity and relentlessness of her jealousy The obsessional neurosis o A girl suffering from pathological obsessive behavior every night would engage in excessive rituals such as removing all the clocks from her room and ensuring the door between her and her parents room was half open o Freud Said that all these items were removed because they were symbols of female sexuality and concluded the girl had a fear of her own sexuality She had to keep the door open to her parents room to prevent their sexuality Through asking her about her symptoms and getting her to associate and work through them Freud made the girl s symptoms go away o The obsessional neurosis unraveled The girl was struggling with oedipal desire for her father wishes to interfere with her parent s relationship and fears of growing up and separating from her parents Like a dream her symptoms both disguised and symbolized these wishes by the ticking of the clock sexual throbbing the shaking down of the pillow pregnancy and the demand that the doors between

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CORNELL HD 3700 - Dreams to Symptoms, Signal Anxiety to Neurotic Compromise

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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