URI HDF 201 - Adulthood
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HDF 201 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Psychosocial Theory II Erik Erikson III Six Concepts of Psychosocial Development IV Hans Selye V Albert Ellis Outline of Current Lecture I Adulthood II Choosing a Career III Boomerang Generation IV Autonomy from Parents a Differentiation V Gender Identity a Archetype b Transgender c Transsexuals Current Lecture I Adulthood Adulthood is defined by meeting 5 criteria 1 Leaving Home 2 Completing Education 3 Becoming Financially Stable 4 Getting Married These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II 5 Having Children Choosing a Career Many people try to get experience in a certain career area before they choose a career to make sure they enjoy this career Experience may include research volunteer work job shadowing part time jobs and apprenticeships or internships III Boomerang Generation The Boomerang Generation is known as the young adults who move back in with their parents after a short period of time living on their own this is partly influenced by the challenging job market and the bad economy Perma children come home permanently while Boomerangers live at home with a purpose and have a clear goal in mind IV Autonomy from Parents In order to establish autonomy from your parents children must make their own decisions that their parents accept physically mature leave home or go to college and become self sufficient a Differentiation you can love your parents but also disagree with them V Gender Identity Who am I What am I a Archetype Much of our behavior is adopted from centuries ago b Transgender A person who doesn t feel like their role is the same as what society expects of them c Transsexual Someone who believes what ever gender they were given from birth is incorrect

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