HDF 201 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Nature vs Nurture II Plasticity III Holism IV Modernization Theory V Existentialism Outline of Current Lecture I Psychosocial Theory II Erik Erikson III Six Concepts of Psychosocial Development IV Hans Selye V Albert Ellis Current Lecture I Psychosocial Theory Psychosocial Theory emphasizes that there is growth and development through many life stages and At each stage there are certain tasks that are accomplished as well as crises that occur Beliefs about ourselves continuously change and just because we go through a bad stage doesn t mean we re stuck forever in that stage II Ego Identity is the view we have ourselves and the view that others have of us Competence is the ability to complete tasks at each life stage and becoming good at them Psychosocial Evolution is processing information from one stage to the next PMA Positive Mental Attitude looking at things differently in order to avoid stress looking at the positives and focusing on the positives to eliminate the negatives Erik Erikson These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Erik Erikson proposed that development is a lifelong process He studied psychoanalysis and earned a certificate from the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society and later got a teaching job at Harvard and changed his name from Erik Homberger to Erik Erikson He had a private practice in child psychoanalysis He helped to broaden and expand the psychoanalytic theory III Six Concepts of Psychosocial Development 1 Stages of Development Epigenetic Principle we are who we are based on more than just our genes 2 Developmental tasks age graded expectations 3 Psychosocial Crises discrepancy between your competence and what society expects of you 4 Resolutions to each crisis 5 Radius of Significant Relationships there are people in our lives that have an impact on us Context of Development How do these significant relationships affect you 6 Coping Behavior How do we deal with stress Problem focused behavior Emotion based behavior IV Hans Selye He proposed that it isn t the event that causes stress it s the stress that we put into it We cannot avoid stress in our lives V Albert Ellis Believed it s not our feelings that cause our thinking it s our thinking that causes our feelings irrational thinking causes stress
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