URI HDF 201 - Nature vs. Nurture
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HDF 2011st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture I Nature vs Nurture II Plasticity III Holism IV Modernization Theory V Existentialism Current Lecture I Nature vs Nurture This is one of the oldest debates in psychology Gene makeup vs experiences Nature Nativists suggests that certain things happen naturally despite environmental influences Nurture Empirists suggest that the mind begins as a blank slate tabula rasa and that everything we know and are is determined by our experiences The majority of experts believe both nature and nurture influence development and behavior II Plasticity Also known as neuroplasticity is the brains ability to change and adapt as a result of a new experiences Up until the 1960 s researchers believed the brain could only change during infancy and childhood but new research has determined that the brain is continuously changing with new experiences Poverty can have a negative influence on plasticity III Holism The idea or concept where the whole is believed to be greater than just the sum of its parts Holists look at things to better understand their nature and purpose Holistic ideas can facilitate growth and healing and help find meaning in life experiences and reason for being IV Modernization Theory These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute The more modern the society gets the worse it treats the elderly New scientific technology targets younger minds and the older people get left behind V Filial Piety unconditional love we owe to our parents Age Graded Expectations expectations based on your age expectations are changing over time for example the ages you are expected to work marry have children attend school and retire Existentialism Existentialists believe that there are questions everyone must deal with Death The meaning of human existence The place of God in human existence The meaning of values Interpersonal relationship The value of knowing ourselves The meaning of existence Everyone as an individual is responsible for what we do who we were the way we face and deal with the world and the way the world is Life should be a quest for values reason and purpose filled with passion and governed by individual responsibility When life has a meaning life has a purpose

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