UT Knoxville BCMB 230 - BCMB Supertest Final Exam Key

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BCMB 230 Final Spring 2005 1 Hemoglobin that has carbon dioxide bound to it is called a oxyhemoglobin b deoxyhemoglobin c carbaminohemoglobin d hematopoietic 2 Which of the following is an example of a specific body defense mechanism a phagocystosis b inflammation c antibodies d complement 3 Which is mediator of inflammation is secreted by mast cells a histamine b kinins c complement d perforin 4 The structure within the nephron that helps control kidney function by acting as a sensory and endocrine organ is the a juxtaglomerular apparatus b juxtamedullary organ c vasa recta d renal corpuscle 5 The shape of the oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve is a linear b sigmoid s shaped c sinusoidal d saturated 6 Which of the following pressures found between the body wall and the lung a intrapulmonary b intrapleural c transpulmonary d atmospheric 7 Reabsorption that must occur is called a primary b secondary c regulatory d obligatory 8 The volume of the urine produced is mainly dependent on a ADH adjusting the permeability of the collecting ducts b aldosterone increasing sodium reabsorption c vasodilation or constriction of the glomerulus d active transport of water by the distal tubules 9 Sodium levels in the plasma are conserved by the action of a ADH b aldosterone c parathyroid hormone d calcitonin 10 Extreme vomiting can induce a metabolic acidosis b respiratory alkalosis c metabolic alkalosis d respiratory acidosis 11 Concentration of respiratory gases is typically measured in a partial pressure b moles c osmoles d millimeters 12 Each molecule of hemoglobin can bind oxygen molecules a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 13 Which of the following does not increase hemoglobin affinity to oxygen a lower temperature b high oxygen concentration c high DPG d low carbon dioxide concentration 14 Which substance does not bind to hemoglobin a bicarbonate b oxygen c carbon dioxide d hydrogen ions 15 Contraction of the diaphragm acts to a increase thoracic volume and lower pressure b decrease thoracic volume and lower pressure c increase thoracic volume and increase pressure d decrease thoracic volume and increase pressure 16 Movement of water and solutes from the glomerulus into the capsular space is called a filtration b reabsorption c secretion d urine production 17 Reabsorption that must occur is called a primary b secondary c regulatory d obligatory 18 A countercurrent exchange system occurs in the a glomerulus b proximal convoluted tubule c loop of Henle d collecting duct 19 Which substance would not be secreted a potassium b hydrogen ions c penicillin d glucose 20 ADH changes the permeability of the a ascending loop of Henle b descending loop of Henle c collecting duct d all of the above 21 Filtrate in the capsular space would not contain a glucose b protein c sodium d urea 22 The hormone that is released when plasma calcium levels are high is a aldosterone b parathyroid hormone c calcitonin d ADH 23 Atrial natriuretic hormone is secreted due to a decreased plasma sodium b increased plasma sodium c increased atrial stretch distension d decreased aldosterone 24 Activation of Vitamin D results in a increased reabsorption of calcium b increase loss of calcium from bone resorption c increased absorption of calcium d release of calcitonin 25 Which of the following is not an action of angiotensin II a vasoconstrictor b stimulates renin secretion c stimulates aldosterone secretion d stimulates ADH secretion 26 The ascending loop of Henle is a always permeable to water b always impermeable to water c permeable to water when ADH is present d permeable to water when ADH is absent 27 Which of the following is not an enzyme a renin b aldosterone c ACE d carbonic anhydrase 28 Prolonged hyperventilation can result in a respiratory acidosis b respiratory alkalosis c renal compensation d both b and c 29 Which of the following is reabsorbed by simple diffusion a sodium b creatine c urea d glucose 30 Carbonic anhydrase is found in the a interstitial tissue of the lungs b somatic interstitial tissue c plasma d red blood cells 31 Which of the following would not result in the release of aldosterone a low plasma sodium b high plasma potassium c low Na and low K d high Na and high K 32 Short neural reflexes occur in the a lungs b kidney c digestive system d all of the above 33 Injection of antigens would provide which form of immunity a active natural b active artificial c passive natural d passive artificial 34 Which treatment would not work well on a patient that is immunosuppressed a vaccine b antisera injection c antibiotics d all of the above 35 The enzyme responsible for the production of leukotriene is a lipoxygenase b carbonic anhydrase c cyclooxygenase d phospholipase C 36 Reduction of lung surfactant will reduce a compensation b compliance c bicarbonate d intrapleural pressure 37 Inflammatory mediators act to a increase capillary permeability b produce localized vasodilation c increase antibody production d both a and b 38 Which of the following is not a cardinal sign symptom of inflammation a redness b edema c pain d fever 39 Which of the following would decrease air flow into the lungs a decreased compliance b decreased airway resistance c bronchiodilation d decreased alveolar pressure 40 A shift to the right of the oxygen disassociation curve represents a a increased affinity b decreased affinity c increased saturation d decreased saturation 41 A chloride shift is necessary to a reabsorb sodium b secrete potassium c prevent membrane potentials d all of the above 42 Oxygen and carbon dioxide move from the tissues into the plasma by a bulk flow b diffusion c primary active transport d secondary active transport 43 Potassium moves from the distal convoluted tubule into the filtrate by a bulk flow b diffusion c primary active transport d secondary active transport 44 Most of the carbon dioxide transported by the blood is a dissolved in plasma b bound to hemoglobin c nonspecifically bound to plasma proteins d in the form of bicarbonate 45 The residual volume a is the air left in the lung after a forceful exhale b decreases the alveolar oxygen concentration c increases the alveolar carbon dioxide concentration d all of the above 46 A membrane attack complex is produced by a macrophages b complement c antibodies d inflammation 47 The main driving force for filtration is a systemic blood pressure b glomerular hydrostatic pressure c capsular osmotic pressure d plasma osmotic pressure 48 Which of the following would decrease

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