T205 Study Guide 2 04 08 2013 exam 2 The exam may cover anything discussed in class and in the book since the last exam Below is a list of concepts to focus on You should focus on anything from lectures or the book related to these issues Interactive Media 3 basic lessons internet use is associated with demands of democracy worldwide digital media provides unique opportunites for mobilizing social change governments and media corporations make decisions that influence major social political and cultural Contributions of social media to collective action Provides for o High levels of organizational resources Consistent with traditional media o The formation of collective identities Consistent with traditional media o Personalized content sharing across media networks Unique to digital media Corporate policies that may shape activism Requests to remove content and compliance Social Media Facebook Social support matters for health Isolated more accidents risk of disease shorter lives Definition of a social networking site The public display of connections is a crucial component of SNSs Publicness is crucial Impression Management function of Social Networking Sites Very conscious of what we put up Games Size of the gaming industry 72 of household average age 37 age of players o 18 18 o 18 49 53 o 50 29 gender of players o 42 female o 58 male Stereotypes v Facts What are en v Women Men more often are playing sport first person shooter and action Women prefer puzzle strategy and role playing games Gendered Criticism of Female Game Designers Media Effects What is propaganda Expression of opinions or actions carried out deliberately by individuals or groups with a view to influence opinions or actions of other individuals or groups for predetermined ends through psychological manipulations Propaganda techniques euphamisms abortion pro choice plain folks trying to relate to the common person bandwagon Who makes propaganda today Hypodermic needle theory Media are all powerful Messages are like bullets o Hit intended targets o Have pre determined outcomes Independent v Dependent variables independent variables factors that predict effects o time spent watching sesame street per week o number of violent movies consumed each year dependemnt variable the effect 6 Types of Effects left off here with blocking lecture type of media effects o cognitive o attitudinal o o o o emotional physiological behavioral macro Campaigns Definition Early History Purposive Inform persuade and or change behavior Large audience Not for profit Set time period Mass media Pamphlets and speeches to convince people First v second party entitlement Primary stakeholders v secondary stakeholders Theoretical approaches Elaboration Likelihood Model central vs peripheral processing Theory of reason action and planned behavior reasoned actions and planned behavior attitudes towards act or behavior subjective normal behavioral intention behavior Social Leaning Theory behavior change involves modeling of behavior by credible role models o got milk campaign Self Efficacy above the influence Jennifer Hudson for weight watchers Media Ownership Localism v efficiency Types of concentration Media Violence Third person effect People assume that other people are affected by media but not me Findings from Bandura Experiments on Modeling Tried it and became more violent Immediate Effects Behavioral Imitation Disinhibition Physiological Fight flight Excitation transfer Cognitive Learning lessons Long term effects Violence as pro social Upsetting violence pro social effect Realistic offensive graphic violence might have pro social Sex Media Effects of IU study from 1980 s on attitudes about sex Less satisfacation with the affection physical appearance Lower evaluation of marriage and monogamy less desire to have childeren Effects of 1995 study on sex aggression Pictorial nudity o reduces aggression in viewers portrayls of nonviolent sexual behavior o increases aggression in viewers portrayls of violent sexual behavior o increases aggression in viewers even more Objectification in advertising Objectifies the exception Objectification through sex submission Summary points from Miss Representation Women portrayed as sex crazed sexualized dangerous Politics Media Why did studies of political communication increase in the 70 s Concepts of Interest Two step Model media influences opinion leaders who then influence public Spiral of Silence 1 opinion becomes dominant as others fear social repercussions 2 Primary aims of media in politics inform pubic of sociopolitical issues represent all sides of an issue powerful weak Factors that shape political media effects Who you are o Education party affiliation personal motivation psychological differences Causes of effects Manifests latent effects o Manifest what we can observe o Latent what we can indirectly observe or what is brewing slowly o We researchers 04 08 2013 04 08 2013
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