t205 test two 02 27 2013 2 27 3 basic lessons of today s lecture 1 internet use is associated with demands for democracy worldwide knowledge is power o in transitioning democracies it may increase knowledge plurality of ideas increase desire for democracy o may lead to bottom up democratization o frequency of internet use is associated with demands for democracy surveys tell us about correlation 2 digital media provides unique opportunities for mobilizing social change development of interactive media o forces that shaped the development of the internet convergence share ability shared commons open source software need for social networking contribute of social media to collective action o provides for high levels of organizational resources the formation of collective identities consistent with media personalized content sharing across media networks unique to digital media 3 governments media corporations make decisions that influence major social political and cultural events brief primer on the Arab spring what is the Arab spring o Started in Tunisia Egypt got most publicity o Strongly facilitated by media This article points to the constraints on digital media as an activist tool Limit 1 code is law lessig 1999 Limit 2 corporate policies o User agreements o Intellectual property o Offensive content Social media does contribute to collective action Easier for citizens to publicly coordinate Created information cascades that bolstered perception of success Raised the costs of repression Allows for a global audience How do digital Case study 1 we are all khaled said Former FB exec wael ghonim had his political FB page removed because of the use of a pseudonym which was a violation of FB policy Benefits of pseudonyms o Physical safety Drawbacks o Increased deception o Decreased monetization Case study 2 youtube videos from Syria video of a young Syrian boy that was removed and then restored YouTube policy of exceptions for video that are education documentary or scientific in nature Case study 3 Organizations and governments may attack other groups vi social media Repeat complainers are taken with a grain of salt Case study 4 the Syrian electronic army Hacker groups may launch digital attack son those viewed as dissidents Social media may serve to proliferate ideologies from both sides of an issue Companies may comply with gov t requests to prove information on individuals or remove content Summary Companies may have policies that do not optimize the safety of individual users One size fits all policies may be misapplied in ways that limit social movements Corportanions ma bend to the will of government to protect investments social networking sites 3 4 02 27 2013 Social support matters for health Socially isolated people have o More accidents o A greater risk of disease o A greater risk of developing psychiatric disorders o Shorter lives Social support is associated with bio markers of health including o Cardiovascular functioning o Neuroendocrine functioning o Immune functioning Unique aspects of online support Social distance access support without fear of embarrassment or social obligation Anonymity Interaction management have control over what is said and when o Don t have to have an instantaneous response more time to think reduces likelihood of being interrupted Access contact day or night o Social support online in the middle of night while everyone was asleep formed connection Weaker ties sometimes preferable o Greater utility reduced risk What is a social network site A definition web based service that allows individuals to 1 construct a public or semi public profile within a bounded system 2 articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection and 3 view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site the public display of connections is a crucial component of SNSs distant types of SNSs many sites intended for US audiences ended up with international base o Orkut Niche sites abound o Beautifulpeople com o Blackplanet com o Mychurch org MySpace v Facebook o Open interface design v apps o Music emphasis v student emphasis at start What isnt a social networking site Youtube Pinterest Spotify CNN and other news sites how do we use social networking sites To build and maintain social networks Helps maintain offline network FB helps us form new and strengthen old relationships For impression management We carefully craft online self presentations We use friends to signals of identity To understanding human behavior Can use to understand how certain site behavior associates with friends ties or types of people Building and maintain social networks What is social capital o The sum of the resources actual or virtual that accrue to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition o people and connecting to people bridging social capital v bonding social capital o meet new people vs reinforce old relationships o facebook is god for both bridging capital is most improved for people that have low selfesteem impression management one study found that when you look at number of friends and how cool they are number of friends increases awesomeness increases but when they get too many friends awesomeness goes down understanding human behavior people express more positive words at different times of the day and weekdays and weekends Saturday at 12 was most positive words Is social networking addictive Psychosocial problems low social competence Preference for internet interaction less threatening more efficacious o Excessive compulsive use of internet Summary Socializing is good for mental and physical health The internet allows for unique forms of socializing Social networking sites are largely public Socializing online can be addictive 02 27 2013 Topics 1 provide an in depth description of the life cycle of a media industry 2 how are stereotypes used in the media What are the consequences of those stereotypes Use examples to illustrate your points 3 give examples of advertising campaigns that use deceptive or manipulative techniques discussed in class write one paper pick one topic use concepts not facts discussed in class 5 pages max double spaced arguments should be support with references from your literature review 3 5 citations in addition to potter o
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