Privacy and Piracy 4 15 Privacy technological and social contexts Today we live in an increasingly complex networked information We contribute more of our personal information to the public domain Technology platfroms and business models are increasingly oriented towards collecting evaluating and using this information in many ways unknown to us Privacy bargain Facebook skype etc Most free services use personal information of its subscribers in some form or the other for making money Tension between technology changes and social practices Facebook o Over time facebook users exhibited increasingly privacyseeking behavior Progressively decreasing the amount of personal data shared publicly with unconnected profiles in the same network 2009 2010 significant increase in the public sharing of various types of personal information due to changes in design of FB interface users ended up increasing their personal disclosures to other entities on the network as well Tension between technology change and privacy laws Daniel david rigmaiden 3 types or privacy pew survey 2000 o we want our privacy to be protected o we feel unable to do this informational privacy accessibility privacy expressive privacy youth concerns with privacy youth care as much as older Americans about informational privacy o emotional expressive privacy o three perspectives in the research young people lack awareness of consequences young people reject traditional norms young people and other marginalized groups find power in negotiating privacy on their terms informational privacy loss of privacy through monitoring o Netflix and amazon selling information o myspace and Toyota o cookies data trackers spam o invasion of privacy through unwanted and unsolicited information and messages o email spam is 80 of global email traffic o 25 sells per 100000 spam sent o it costs 14 billion to combat spam globally identity theft o fake auction sites or romance scams o 1 10 hijacking infecting 04 15 2013 What is the role of sports in society Historically It teaches us who we are o What values skills we should have o Where we are from and what groups we belong to It is fun sports entertain us Today Still teaches us values skills and who we belong to But today sports are also global corporate media The The Good Teamwork Integrity Loyalty nationality Bad Violence or how to go to war Racism Sexism The sports media do not cover women s sports unless Theyre attractive The Economics of Sports Media Sports as big business 410 billion Money cycle in sports Players owners Tv networks Advertisers Public Players Salaries make a LOT of Has increased drastically in recent years o In part due to mobility of players o Again reflects cultural shift away from localism Some have tried to cap Do you think these salaries are warranted fair Owners Leagues are profitable o Yankees Stadiums League v owner negotiated Tv contracts College sports is where it s at o No salaries for players alumni gifts TV Networks Big competition among networks Cant increase of games of wins to increase viewership o Entertainment model instead Players stories Funny entertaining announcers Groom stars Network needs change the rules of sports to increase drama and maximize viewership o Football 2 pointer basketball shot clock Advertisers Super bowl 3 mil For 30 sec o The force o Office linebacker o Your cheatin heart Throws ads on everything Public and commitment of fans must grow the most popular televised sport is the NFL In the US World cup Olympics By 1932 the host city lost on games Until TV networks started paying fees to broadcast games o 1960s 6 million o 2008 894 million Now networks loose money Why do they do it o Cross marketing Because of media we experience sports LIVE Fantasy sports statistics 27 million users in the US or 6 of the population 22 American males 18 49 with internet access participate in the activity o 58 of fantasy users reported watching more sports on tv since they stated participating in fantasy sports o Heightens experience Watching sports is now a TWO SCREEN EXPERIENCE We are learning from athletes through inter personal connection via Twitter Facebook Big Take Aways from T205 04 15 2013 1 advertising is an essential component of free media 2 advertising is pervasive 3 there have been broad cultural shifts from local to national audiences over last century shift again Globalism 4 media affects our attitudes emotions and behaviors 5 the best way to mitigate unwanted media effects is be aware and critical 04 15 2013 impressions interview conficker was unleashed in 2008 o resulted in 10 12 million infections motives for bots bots botnet can be leased o buy from the makers pay to use information why did they think it originated in the Ukraine o Ukrainian code Role of sports in society Fantasy sports statistics Lots and lots of more people are now watching sports than before because of fantasy sports economic win
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