JAMS 214 1st Edition Lecture 11 Race and stereotypes Rae is not real but it is real in its consequences STEREOTYPING assume that all people with a particular characteristic are the same o Dangerous when applied to people especially those with little social power or considered marginal o Harmful when used to depict positive attributes Ex Native Americans stoic or aligned with nature but the problem becomes when we cannot understand who these people are outside of their stereotype Ex The casting by students of a sitcom that must include a native American every single group cast the native American in 1 of 2 ways nature lover or worked in a casino Ex Asians as model minority Overt and inferential racism Over racism open about being racist or openly advancing a racist point of view Inferential racism depictions of race that rely on naturalized and normalized racist assumptions o More widespread o Largely invisible Race and stereotypes Vicious stereotypes o Use types of people as symbols of undesirable characteristics EX Poverty Ex Old ad where an angelic looking white little girl is asking the black girl why her mother didn t wash her with the better soap Current ad for the angels and devils little black and white girl for unites colors of Benton Stuart hall grammar of race GRAMMAR OF RACE common stereotypical tropes used to depict people of color Examples of the GRAMMAR OF RACE o 1 slave figure mammy figure These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o 2 primitive or stoic native o 3 Clown or entertainer o 4 urban cool for whites o 5 Multiculturalist 1 slave figure mammy figure servants are happy and gracious MISSING realities of slavery and representations of African American family home Ex Jello and aunt jemima Stories reinforce one another Mammies downhome cooking l Slavery l l l v v Pre civil war south simpler times 2 primitive or stoic native ex Keep America beautiful ad ex Land o lakes products ex Honda s use original parts ad 3 clown or entertainer exaggerated features exaggerated personality 4 Urban cool ignores lived realities of neighborhood segregation commodity driven empowerment 5 multiculturalist ex Old spice campaign post racial politics and considering and thinking racism is over 6 tokenism inclusion of minorities as an afterthought o superficial effect to appear multicultural by simply adding a token minority tokenism test reverse portrayals o scenario family road trip white family taking a trip African American friend or adopted child included o Alternative options African American family on a road trip African American family with a white child brought along 2008 study of cartoon network whites and African Americans are overrepresented almost no children of other races shown only one child appeared on screen alone in 381 commercials o most children of color in girls ads o girls from minority groups most often shown doing domestic chores Self esteem and social learning of stereotypes Beauty standards Beyonce lightened skin tone in ads Eurocentric Presumes white perspective on beauty o Skin tone o Hair texture o Facial features Race ethnicity and humor o Accents and dialects o Ex the happy commercial and rasta dialect with a white man from Minnesota Following the logic o Jamaica relaxed like taking it easy Aka lazy People of color o Office workers uptight too focused on work Aka hard working Euro descent Inclusion roles and control o Three dimensions of minority group portrayals 1 inclusion do media producers include images views and the cultural frameworks of minority groups 2 media roles in minority groups are included what roles are they given and how ar they portrayed 3 Control of production do minority groups have control over how they are portrayed Social inequality and media representation o There is great significance in how the media portrays the world because these portrayals influence our perceptions of the real world Social cultural construction of race gender class sexuality are not real but they are real in their consequences
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