Dr Jeffrey B Bindell bindell physics ucf edu www physics ucf edu bindel l 2048 Welcome to 2048 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 1 Class Meets Monday Wednesday Friday 10 30 11 20 AM 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 2 Textbook Physics for Engineers and Scientists Volume I Mechanics Serway Jewitt Thompson Brooks Cole 2004 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 3 General Information Instructor Dr Jeffrey Bindell Schedule M W F 10 30 AM to 11 20 AM Room 359 Phone 407 823 4194 E mail bindell physics ucf edu Website www physics ucf edu bindell OFFICE HOURS M W F 7 30 9 30 AM 11 30 12 30 Pot Luck MAP 417 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 4 This is a Reminder HARD Course 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 5 Grades Item Weight Mid Semester Examinations 45 Final Examination 30 Homework 15 In Class Quizzes 10 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 6 Homework It is important to notice that homework counts for 15 of your grade Homeworks will be based on WebAssign Although extensions will be available valid reasons should be offered at the time or he request There will be one or two assignments per chapter Each assignment will contain between 5 and 12 problems usually You must complete the assignment before the due time or you must request an extension You will 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 need a reason 7 No Curve SCORE 85 100 75 84 60 74 50 59 Less than 50 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 GRADE A B C D F 8 Approximate Exam Schedule EXAM NUMBER 1 2 4 FINAL EXAM 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 DATE 1 27 2 10 3 31 5 1 9 TENTATIVE PHY 2048 WEEK DATE 1 9 Jan 2 16 Jan 3 23 Jan Ch 3 Vectors Ch 3 Vectors 4 30 Jan Ch 4 2D Motion Ch 4 2D Motion Ch 4 2D Motion 5 6 Feb Ch 5 Laws of Motion Ch 5 Laws of Motion Ch 5 Laws of Motion 6 13 Feb Ch 5 Laws of Motion Ch 5 Laws of Motion Ch 5 Laws of Motion 7 20 Feb Ch 6 Circlular Motion Ch 6 Circlular Motion 8 27 Feb Ch 6 Circlular Motion Ch 7 Work Energy Ch 7 Work Energy 9 6 Mar Ch 7 Work Energy Ch 8 Potential Energy Ch 8 Potential Energy 10 13 Mar 11 20 Mar Ch 8 Potential Energy 12 27 Mar Ch 9 Momentum 13 3 Apr Ch 10 Rotation Ch 10 Rotation Ch 11 Angular Mom 14 10 Apr Ch 11 Angular Mom Ch 11 Angular Mom Ch 12 Statics 15 17 Apr Ch 12 Statics Ch 15 Oscillations Ch 15 Oscillations 16 24 Apr Ch 15 Oscillations 17 1 May 01 14 19 MON WED FRI Intro Ch 1 Topics Ch 2 1 D Motion Ch 2 1 D Motion HOLIDAY Ch 2 1 D Motion Ch 3 Vectors EXAM 2 BREAK FINAL EXAM BREAK Ch 9 Momentum EXAM 3 EXAM 1 BREAK Ch 9 Momentum Ch 10 Rotation No Class No Class No Class No Class 2048 Ch 1 2 10 WebAssign You need to purchase a WebAssign login either from the bookstore or from the WebAssign website with credit card For your first contact with WebAssign go to http www webassign net info support access codes html Follow the guides to purchase a registration or to Login The left side of the page has a scroll down menu that should get you where you need to get Be sure to bookmark the final login screen because you will be using it quite a bit I hope Your login ID is your PIN with or possibly without the leading 0 and without any letters from your first name Your password has been set to ihatephysics After a successful login be sure to change your password to something else to protect the privacy of your account 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 11 ratemyprofessors com Completely unforgiving Unhelpful office hours from which you leave more confused and with more questions than you came with Seems to have no time for students will not listen to any excuse reasonable or not Do not be 1 minute late on quiz day Family emergency car trouble unforgivable sin Very difficult Not in a tough way but in an unhelpful way Does not go over problems and his office hours are not helpful at all You leave just as confused Does not go over tests 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 12 ratemyprofessors com Waiting for grades to come in Have no idea if I passes or failed Tests are UNFAIR GRADING IS UNFAIR I didn t miss more than a day of class This class is an experiment and I don t like being the guinea pig when my GPA is on the line Something better give or EVERYONE in the class will fail This was a SCALE UP Course 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 13 ratemyprofessors com this class sucks but bindell makes it doable He answers s speaks clearly and is pretty funny too Fair tests and decent curves for the final grade Do your webassign and make yourself known you will pass this class Very hard class Tests consist of 1 homework problem and 2 unseen problems one easy one hard If you go to office hours if you can get him on a day he s there he will usually give you extra points on tests that TA s graded unfairly He also curves the grades a lot I was looking at a C and made an A 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 14 ratemyprofessors com Tough class Bindell is a funny guy and does a pretty good job teaching Just make sure that you study and don t fall behind Physics II is hard no doubting that But Jeff is by far a VERY reasonable professor Speaks clearly reasonable weekly quizzes very flexible with webassigns and wants the class to do well Here is something I learned the hard way STUDY HARD FOR THE TESTS IF YOU DO NOT YOU WILL FAIL THEM PERIOD It is men like this that keep UCF from being considered an elite public uninversity The man is comepletely and utterly ingorant of how to convey a concept to another human being He wont answer questions His tests are not representative of the material He will show you reviews such as this and refute them Don t listen Get out at all costs 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 15 The Facts Spring 05 F includes people who forgot to withdraw and just stopped attending 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 16 What I learned Students don t like lectures especially PowerPoint Students don t like WebAssign Some problems too hard Some problems are not coded correctly by WA Students easy don t like tests unless they are They re NOT Course is hard why would tests be easy 01 14 19 2048 Ch 1 2 …
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