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l/EhiTbA's tA|/|/S ,+ Fon NFircl hu | 4,4ol fla pt<olp"y' ^oru, al| ,wf^"/ d,o'/tp ,o,/ *on-/w6o'$- ury*r- rf uo otl 7*z acf n i(.seco"o( /^or,N-t-2'+-tnll*ere ; < l' = tr, ,lF, +F3 +i= to | / J 'I ' I/+^n^b"r Aou fu a/4 (ttw ).\/ /| ) rA. ( tlw/o ueq lJ ;/*') A,^ oli*l d/ ,qrt k) /i"4 ^la l, *+"' nr/'7*r, *ih', /<i)orr"/*"'/;n 745Av&/ /2 tu rcrr-)--'+ Qv*r/'nrC4rt:_--t.r fr, {...+l'lGt 1,=hg")t-.-tgt-----zfj',, ' ".o.rrb^/i,...--dF = €,+*i *U,*i *{r* it,r,UT !d.\e ua| ,* ,n &,+ t|.by ilt Pr ,leuutfg :o^=+ ,otwl?2,4::F({qtn.t -tF,+Fz{&<-)a:'r 4F=n^i.;;\ frr,rufi.J/>--'ll^ir/ 1".ir/ la"' I W "n, /nr, /L^l o"fs fl, n^ ," *fi'^ y*re %1^t ,, nV^/ ,h t'-Sa'l,oQ,u /^ltcd'el .FRrliqFCLL-BdDV DWArlt{ar u.'<-^L**u/ ^o**^ , o( fk /orot orlg ^ -,.il1rrt ^u l, f"Leu lo arf s,n 4 p,hl .Th,Y /r,uf,ryrol/7 o^7*L /" {k oo"/- "/ *rt e/ t{< o{1'o./tE:nlrief , Flurc o,ul euln *^/ eryri trL*f yrr.^h? * "?,'Llr.f ,fal.,y ,qt ooo,qf ,1.""a{o,1a^A (k4fllt-fuALuT"r rr71L',7r2rt oo/t 7 ,, *t< o{7"/oQv"ffl,+,r<-,\n,l uytt/<L/t'r3l< /,,rct at<,^ffryrf-le(k o-Atu/" n,,^r&u/r VrLLlctlii;\ r'l;rl rl.+l--|ol fQ.(0,4 {''Leurn tLe, ilnL- ou{^Xet (x,?\x-axis, (p*t-oo\, (rttL1 rca(/,uf ntl /r", v,n ,^.L1-r tKN+E-, -$J.hof,t -WhW-: {-K . Fr (oS E-Fn = +fi s,h&A*, {yL = F,x//n"[ '{$ =1*u -.,o '*A/^vl\t{\- hrcy^/rlf , f" eTal'*<t ,/ ^il'^ a,z ;x: {o -f Vr, { + }a_tt \t,i"nV,trt +l".6t. \Aul, 1,,, fk "L"fr 't'x . Vr* *^"{ 1Vtr'(,( .ott l*A y'a*/{, (W a,*/ Ne*lvo,r /-,,) ,,(=?.+V,6{*fi{16t'x: (o + v.*{ * h1r.1.'K=vox-*{vt'rt -$+4.<: 136 /11{tr4x: l/:j-/t\sA?rlrc411^1J DtqAc-(^rT.>^/,S r-rhruSAA6t A7r|> u/"(GHf'fl*NPr,/ueI hf Elf*\ l*.trr: tttlt^^^1u-'/,J* 4 fL\ /arcc '.tI: lh46-** oLie,{ , o,,*rLa ( fk ,. t"J. ) td y''rrce ^'n?') '''t'\ n' l'P,,t'Ly lk 'V,;#-lin,-*( n'lt^o{u,- kf . *\YL< wr;,.Lt ,> ft'c/4"4,l^*.t\^- /ucc ; o/,rn"*1t /.,vt"f"J *n$"*'ily'?ue5hl /it) ,.e gf,*,t *.!H /fr^\fu, n::!r,,,',: /ru flol np#r /n^ fuo"lto '/ )," 'LNEt&qr N> A?p*nrxr qrq-u.t{Tdr ouf U"",9e ',rq6-wl^*./. / , Ifl< rr,;fu *,clero,lir^/q$'rT'+-1I.*lo+toAff..",-{ wc,f,t / ul^\ ,t6Jo ' m {a.ilt"a.$t,\ q^ slsvc,{n,*lur, i, zue *rLr}r- excrfco(tr h W /h. ,/ ft' ebrqlw -f1"^f :/,*tt<- occtfeaf'nn o/ yr^-.'(tr '11 6" "4,(4. fs o7pr,/t f. 1't ^-.vn/1*o,; Zw--n+o, ff,rr. 6-tNctlt+.*(X-q,\< ut "1(aN a, irlft\ft qL:Wq'41+I,Iv(,t-'IIo7h un ^( f.rce )t 14, *d;n /vrce ctcue.4/"J h ^./*iu,f , t'. lf4 4{* rvu^ o7 ^t( r/,,rru'f7"o/;.^lJ />*l<oLie"f , <- /- ,\IJD8.X/IL -foa.eesF,tolI-- - -l^f n,{ ='{F.,. = - (v,rnb * F.co3o 'ul)-fi roJ ?-1hlrplthrtc f?tcrpN frNo crkl?c ?UcTtN-> -+F^'l^ N1xa,,^yh,(,:Fs /"N -/*il8rc,1V z,F* =/*N =l*Wrx&J?lrrtc FprcTrsNo4 Fs ( Fr,*^lo9T"JNGtWe aly tarl/or, sl"hy wifln Ya=o" (Q- f^t'^ ,'lh. pr,, o/^S yra. wl,L st"y",f mrhr.. =o 4 l, "lz_\l 0it lro lox it nu/ nui,V ,4*,{l,t;t ,r,'ura /*;tW-Ia . oT=\, 'Tz4r.=T-1Q,F =a+$:zllt,tl^l_..r? (avrccfud |b1b'ar 5 '4,=42t4, =4t(flre s.rstt'ms sh(^rn in Figure p:)_!iJ rrc il eqrrilibt.iunr.I1 tlrr 'prirrq .i.rl,. ,rr,. ,:rlilrr,rr.,l i,r ,,_ur,,,,.. ut,,,r ,t,,the\'rcadi Ignotc the masscs ot. lh,. r,rr .r.s rrrrr rr e pr rer: ,,,, , _ ,l ,liif i,l',;:]i :::':l;I r tcri,,n Ic\\-:r,fl:ffill;.oo ks I I ,-,.00 rg(c),a- - --7, ,c-* irf:"r lr-6l id dt5.00 kg !).00 kg 5.00 kg(a) {b),) il/"fc *&ttd .Or,-ur^ @ l',6" r_ ^tInaa):cL(c.:OT, tt^kEar= sbl^g-qT- "t: r\\ :oJ/,-,4 ft,a ,TF<-FoTa*or,^t -)og) ,r1*4tr:.s'l ',@ t, -t^i - rota.r@ Tr-ut = *o,/@ f,=T2 \/@ 4.:(t Il,It^(,-t-5,ttKln*tof: -?T= stT:Zu^FT-2*tIta-^ro\rLA)*) T-*Ithh= b > f:rlsrhF..Sth 3o' , 2(.9 NT= 5h1.tr !.Trlo objccts at-e cotnected bv a lieht str.iug that passe,jover e fiictionless plrller as shoiln in Figrrrc p5.2g. Dlawfree-bodv diagrams of both objects. AssumiDg the incliueis liictionless, nr, : 2.00 kg. nr., = ti.00 kg. and 0 : ii.0.,lind (a) the acceleralions of rhe objects, (b) the tensionin the st ng, and (c) thc speecl of each object 2.00 s afterthel arc released fiom rest,lotrltrh$\ ant ,X *"{L(,\-t^.t =,n,q,? trr, ldnt - T. ' r.lzsr?nhgtr^r1nh$-TI F-fu\ -LT,t?v,t^,1a(+),o, ^.-fa'l4rT- l|",t .rurl s,hSJio"ts ,:4r:l= ,.^, ^ 1.^*st fE ,f"t;ll{r1 z oT* =Tz_ T'tl& atkt4\ <'1.i) Tic) v(t.zr) r.,rr? )o,T - U, rUr X = 0r, t'tl 1trl4$ - u^' It3r) ^>T-u, I= 3't).7t)') v (+,2 )= {-"* = !.r)lz.29 = ).rVAYorrr 3.i10 Lq phvsics book is next to vou on the horizontalseat of knl. car I'he coeflicicnt ol static fricti()n betr{ecnthc book and tlle sca( is 0.ti50. and rhc cocflicienr ol kiDrri(Iricli(n is 1).550. Suppose volr are rmleliDg ar 72.0 km,rh :20.0 m/s:lnd b:ake ro a stop ovcr a distancc of 45.0 rn.(a) \\'ill rhc book sra to slide over lhe sca(? (b) \{half<rrc does the scaf excrl rtl thc book in this process?Nfn: l.fo f6,/s t o,6f/e: o,ffa\ *;((L\ rowtlo ' ]Z k-/\X1= 4Sr^" ToftXr=orl;dc 1.*ft- l-k.tye nuol l', ku^* fl" orrrl*"-/'tt,'-'Vo' l2 4i,/cIta4 xAA?trR = M,a_z\(xt-x.) --+Itfa onoeq, =e F.a =^hN=h?=3).ZNTs { I'N.00 ktiftffhlec objccrs or" .,,,,r...t".1 .,ilhc table as sliown irrFiHur{ P.] 14. llrr r.rhlr r. r,,uBlr .1ld has I r oe l( icut r,lKllltrlr lrrtl,rlr Irl {r.Ji0. fltc uh;er.rr lrave Dt.r\\c\ oll.',t l*..' ,,,, kg.^a'r(l 2.t,U kg. as rlr,,rrr. arrd rhe prr crrdl( lrr( ,'ltle\s Drar li.,.c Lodr ili.rqrarrr.,,l r.arh ol rhc()Dlccts. (a) Deter.rrrirrt. tlre acceler.atiolt of each objectxnd thcil dir.crtirxrs. (b) Detcnnine the tcnsions in then'r'() cor-ds,qI2.(X) kghS,2%uzT :+o7"N=/,,o,tf -ll,l1.(X) kgN^)t" (nzt I P'vTz)0,A,tqu r 4,(,4k; t^tooi;-l"-I'it" ,,k,kf*'0,9s^rhT,-u,? t*,q,-l; -T,-T M't- 4anrl-T2 = elQlz.tlLt'r\tw\lt^, /q *?). ^>/l-a\.1.rt\JLT, -tn,1 :u.aTr-T,-Fo : u,t1t,,., tr -\ = tr.rg tf -u,\ r/ / ,. *r^r1, -/.= (^, nw.rtr) q3o nJz4.zNttO A bl,rl ul nrass 3.UU lq i. pu.hrrl .rqairrtr e Iall hr .rforcc i that makes a g : 50.0' angle \{ith thc horizontalas shovn in Figrrrc P5.44. The coc{ficicnt of s(atic frictionbeti{een the block and the wall is 0.250. (a) Deterlnincrhr pr^sihle \nlue\ i.'r thc magnitrrdc ot F rh.rr allor rhcblock to renrain stationarv. (b) t)escfibe what happcns ilF has a larger valuc and what happcns il it is smallcr(c) Repeat parts (a) and (b) asstrming the fb.cc makes anangle of0 = 13.0" nith the horizontal.rrrt,.\ rPIl,r'*1*t ;N) lLav,W'rw ltrct :UF*. ftN 7s P^?e,vtts - ,^tft *fI rorgP.-s 6'-ls ? (orD-rPcosD- : o(A+9,\$ -45 cor$,\,) fth\^^.{/-- ;/orct- i'/lFt'ltPesb-I rrttt +/r Pc'r Er - t,t(6 : o4^b - = 3f.)NPII 1-/ -I't^til.r;fl =I trnhJrkf +ls raiftf .or E-l64ltL2tt(r'tlriJ a,tLL7'.'Lt+o,1rtc *trQ /th; rccr Thrr' ,5n i/ .h[* /,rQ w U4OLI

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UCF PHY 2048 - Newton's Law of Motion

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