WSU HBM 131 - Red Lion

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HBM 131 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I II Holland America Cruise Lines Micro Beers and Food Pairing Outline of Current Lecture I Red Lion Presentation Current Lecture I Red Lion Presentation A Hospitality 1 What are you trying to succeed at what experience are you trying to gain B Brands 1 How you brand yourself to other people 2 Brand every brand is a promise promises something Nike example comfy and look good 3 If brands break their promises they must fulfill it 4 If something in the society changes they must go with it and make changes 5 Brands take a position in our minds It is hard to not like something once you already do C Brands and Promises 1 People that write reviews for products or services are either very happy or very angry 2 Detractor someone disloyal to a product or company D Employees 1 Must deliver brand promise as well face of the company to customers 2 Success in training employees ASK Attitude Skills Knowledge Attitude is the hardest thing to train why people are hired 3 Create memories to create revenue Define what success is for your employees attitude skills and knowledge Define the standards of success Train the standards Inspect the standards Response to the inspection

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WSU HBM 131 - Red Lion

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