POLS Exam 2 CH 5 1 1 The political party and politically oriented interest group a are really the same thing b differ because political parties try to win elections while interest groups main goals are to influence government decisions c are different only in their constituency d are similar in that they both put candidates up for election 2 Which of the following groups could not be classified as a special interest group in Texas a Texas State Chamber of Commerce b La Raza Unida Party c Texas Farm Bureau d American Association of University Professors 3 The ultimate goal of any political interest group is to a elect candidates who share their views b elect candidates who are at least sympathetic to their views c attract attention to their group and its purpose d influence public policy for the benefit of its members 4 Which is not a professional interest group a the National Education Association b the Moral Majority c the American Medical Association d the American Bar Association 5 Agricultural interest groups include all but a the Sunbelt Buyers b the American Farm Bureau Federation c the Farmers Union d the National Grange 6 The existence of lobbying is protected by the a First Amendment b Third Amendment c Fifth Amendment d Fourteenth Amendment 7 Your interest group favors lower taxes deregulation and minimum safety standards Which of the following groups are you likely to be a member of POLS Exam 2 CH 5 a The AFL CIO b League of United Latin American Citizens c National Association for the Advancement of Colored People d Texas Association of Businesses e Institute for conservative studies by Rush Limbaugh 8 Three of the most influential types of interest groups in the United States are a ideological philosophical and governmental b liberal pro abortion and isolationist foreign policy c business agriculture and labor d teachers state government and home owners 9 Public interest groups a claim to represent the general good rather than special interests b have made a notable impact on Texas politics c are stronger and more effective in Texas than they are at the national level d have effectively challenged the powerful interests in Texas 10 Which of the following would be most likely to be hired as a lobbyist for a major economic concern a a trained public relations person b a Ph D in political science c a former member of the legislature d a highly skilled salesperson 11 Two politically important groups organized by Spanish speaking Texans are a NAACP and PASO b PASO and LULAC c LULAC and NCATE d NCATE and NAACP 12 Which of the following statements is NOT accurate with regard to the general rules of interest group formation A Those in the working class are more likely to join groups than those in the upper class B Economic producing groups are more likely to be organized than are consuming groups 2 POLS Exam 2 CH 5 C People with more education are more likely to join grops than those with less education D Passionate believers are more influential than citizens who are less emotionally involved E All of the statements above are accurate 13 In which of the following arenas do interest groups attempt to affect public policy A B C D E Electoral politics The legislature Administrative agencies The courts All of the above 14 What is formed by an organization industry or individual for the purpose of collecting money and contributing to selected political candidates or causes A B C D E Political parties Political action committees Election committees Campaign committees None of the above 15 The efforts of interest group representatives to influence policy makers face toface are called A B C D E electioneering campaigning co opting lobbying none of the above 16 In attempting to influence the legislature one of the most important resources lobbyists have available is A B C D information connections time legal expertise 17 In 1932 representatives of industries interested in expanding highway construction in Texas formed the A Texas Department of Highways and Transportation B Texas Highways Association 3 POLS Exam 2 CH 5 C Texas Good Roads Association D American Automobile Association E American Transportation Association 18 The Texas Good Roads and Transportation Association is made up of A B C D E individuals corporations local Chambers of Commerce cities and counties all of the above 19 The best known and probably the largest of the organizations that currently comprise the Christian Right is A B C D E the Christian Coalition the Moral Majority Focus on the Family the Family Research Council the American Family Organization 20 Which interest groups have had little influence on public policy in Texas A B C D E Oil and gas companies Banking and financial organizations Insurance companies Organized labor Trucking companies 21 Labor unions are handicapped in Texas by state laws prohibiting A B C D E closed shops secondary boycotts checkoff systems for union dues mass picketing all of the above 22 The oldest of the Hispanic organizations in Texas formed to combat discrimination against Mexican Americans is A B C D E Mexican American Democrats the League of United Latin American Citizens La Raza Unida El Partido de Amistad none of the above 4 POLS Exam 2 CH 5 23 The largest organization representing teachers in Texas is A B C D E the Texas State Teachers Association the Association of Professional Educators the Texas Classroom Teachers Association the Texas Federation of Teachers none of the above 24 Efforts to organize teachers in Texas are handicapped by A B C D E a legal prohibition against bargaining collectively with school districts a shortage of organizations capable of representing teacher s interests a state law banning partisan political activity by teachers the absence of important issues around which teachers could unite all of the above 25 In order to win support for their causes lobbyists must A B C D remain indifferent and aloof to legislators simply offer money for support supply powerful arguments and good information belong to an association 26 Some critics claim that interest groups are especially powerful in Texas because A former legislators are immediately hired by interest groups to advance their causes B former legislators maintain good relationships with interest groups so that they can later get much better pay jobs C Texas has no restrictions on campaign contributions D all of the above 5
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