TAMU POLS 207 - POLS EXAM#2 polsci lab

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CHAPTER 3 POLSCI LAB 1 Texas get around the band on poll taxes and federal elections Texas instituted the dual ballot system in which poll taxes were collected for state elections 2 Arnold a political science student argues that the white primary that was introduced in the early 20th century was not unconstitutional because it only affected the primary elections of the Democratic Party Which of the following statements if true disproves Arnold s argument The state of Texas was effectively a one party state for a major part of the 20th century 3 Patrick a political scientist argues that the scarcely funded candidates of the Republican Party have an equally good chance of winning the general elections His argument is based on the observation that Texas elections are dominated by the Republican Party Which of the following statements weakens Patrick s argument Political parties in Texas nominate candidates to the general election by means of party primaries and runoff elections if required 4 Mandy an interest group member argues that although the Internet is a viable option to attract potential voters political candidates cannot abandon traditional campaigning means yet Which of the following statements validates Mandy s argument Many low to moderate income voters do not have access to computers 5 In 2010 which of the following groups accounted for the largest voter turnout in the Texas Non Hispanic whites 6 What is the irony of elections in the United States Despite fighting for voting rights relatively few people turn out to vote 7 How did the white primary system differ from the caucus system in Texas The white primary system shifted nomination power to some but not all Texas citizens 8 One reason George W Bush was able to defeat Ann Richards in 1994 was because of his positive campaign style 9 The motor voter law allows citizens who apply for driver s licenses to register to vote 10 Raul observes that if the Supreme Court had carefully reviewed the election system in Texas then it would have overturned the white primary system in 1925 Raul s observation is based on the fact that the Supreme Court ignored the domination of the Texas government by the Democratic Party 11 Abigail an intern assisting at an election campaign argues that all candidates in Texas irrespective of the office are eligible to receive any amount of contributions from sponsors Which of the following statements proves that Abigail is incorrect Candidates contesting judicial races have a limit on the contributions that they can receive 12 Why does the Voting Rights Act require all states and municipalities to submit redistricting plans to the U S Justice Department or a federal court for approval prevent racial gerrymandering 13 In order to cut down on election expenses the Texas government 14 Why are Hispanic Texans less likely to vote than other white Texans in the United States Hispanic Texans are influenced by their past of being discriminated against 15 Which of the following was a major factor in overturning the white primary in 1944 Supreme court became more liberal overtime 16 When people cannot vote or believe that their votes don t count they feel disenfranchised 17 The reason top of the ticket races use television ads and down ballot races do not is that top of the ticket candidates have more money in their campaign chests 18 Clay argues that the effectiveness of the current government impacts voter turnout during elections Theresa argues that voter turnout is only a function of state regulations governing voter registrations Who in the argument is correct and why Clay is correct because people tend to vote in more numbers when they are dissatisfied with the government 19 Benjamin a political science student argues that the effect of the white primary was limited to the primary elections of the Democratic party Which of the following statements weakens Benjamin s argument In Texas from the end of Reconstruction until the early 1960s Democratic nomination was tantamount to election 20 Which of the following is a cause for lower voter turnout among minority populations Have general distrust for government 21 Percy a Texan farmer dreads long ballots He does not know all the candidates up for election Although an avid supporter of the Democratic Party he wants to avoid picking the wrong candidates even if they are from the Democratic Party Which of the following options should Percy exercise 22 In Texas an instance of voter fraud would occur when a staff member at a nursing home fills out an absentee ballot for a sick patient CHAPTER 4 1 Terrence has been elected as the state chair at his party s state convention Which of the following is true about his position There is no limit to the number of terms Terrence can serve 2 What is the implication of the fact that every chair of every Senate committee is a Democrat The Democrats control the Senate 3 Shyanne has been trying to join the government of her state for two years She belongs to an urban county in Texas She has been attending precinct conventions each year and has finally been selected as a delegate this year What type of convention will Shyanne attend next District convention 4 In a democracy the easiest way for citizens to get involved in the political system and share their views is by voting 5 Felicia has just been selected as a delegate at her state senatorial district convention Where will she be sent next State convention 6 The statement of principles passed by a political party s convention is known as a platform 7 Joan is chosen as a delegate at her party s county convention She wants to encourage the state to make more funds available for freeway improvements so she introduces a resolution 8 Divisions within a political party are known as factions 9 Differentiate between county conventions and district conventions in Texas County conventions are held by rural counties district conventions are held by urban counties 10 Political scientists believe that third parties in a perfect storm scenario may someday capture a seat in the state legislature in Texas In what circumstances can a perfect storm scenario occur If a third party candidate raised a reasonable amount of contributions or self funds 11 What are the implications of the fact that the state weathered a decade of split leadership with little ill effect State executive positions were shared between the two parties 12 Delegates selected at a precinct convention in Texas go on to

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TAMU POLS 207 - POLS EXAM#2 polsci lab

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