1 CHAPTER 3 and 4 1 many legal barriers make it hard to third parties to get on ballot 2 American political parties perform important function such as running the government providing opposition they finished second unification of various groups 3 The major characteristics of American political parties are to party is decentralization pragmatism a Pragmatism Pragmatists contend that most philosophical topics such as the nature of knowledge language concepts meaning belief and science are all best viewed in terms of their practical uses and successes rather than in terms of representative accuracy 4 American political parties demonstrate pragmatism by compromising their ideals in order to appeal to the largest number of voters 5 6 7 8 What is the cause method party leaders selected democratic nominees for elective office choosing officeholders not merely nominees The progressives wanted to shift nomination power to some but not all Texas citizens becase they did not like ratial equality so what type of system did they want They wanted a white primary system Smith v Allwright Us supreme court case that over turned the white primary What ended the Poll Tax The 24th amendment was added to the US constitution to ban poll taxes in federal elections ie the president VP and senate and Reps 9 In Texas there has historically been one party dominance 10 Special elections in Texas are held to fill vacancies in congressional offices 11 The 19th amendment provided women s suffrage 12 To be nominated by the direct primary method in Texas candidate must win an absolute majority of those voting in that parties primary 13 More education seems to be highly correlated with voting Republicans 14 A PAC is an organization established by interest groups to collect contributions to political candidates 15 A major function of the national convention is to nominate the presidential and vice presidential candidates 16 A precinct is the smallest local voting district 17 Those who favor registration requirements are you such requirements prevent fraudulent voting practices 18 There has been a tradition in United States for Catholics and Jesus to the Democratic 19 Selection of election judges an alternate judges is the responsibility of the County commissioners court 20 The supreme legal authority of the national party is the national convention 21 The length of residence and the state as a requirement for baby is now 30 days 22 White Protestants are least likely to vote Democratic recent elections 23 A major cause for the persistence of the two party system in United States today is the election districts are single member so that only one candidate can win 2 24 Texas statutes prohibit direct political contributions from corporations 25 Political patronage is concerned with government employment for loyal election workers 26 The campaign reform law of 1974 was chiefly concerned with campaignfinance 27 Most delegates to the national nominating conventions are chosen by primary elections 28 The vice presidential nominee is supposed to be selected by the party national convention 29 voter registration and election turnout and Texas is regularly below the national average 30 Proportional representation allows for legislative seats to the allotted in proportion to the total number of votes a party gets 31 The Democratic Party came into existence with the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson 32 The modern Republican Party in marriage before the Civil War 33 It is important for people in a democracy to vote because it enables citizens to have some influence on the politics that govern them 34 1300 democracy is important because it bestows legitimate see on the political system links individuals to be political system in ways that promote obedience to laws and political stability And enables citizens to have some influence on the politicies that govern them 35 In order to be a registered voter in Texas today one must be 18 years of age he is said to send of United States and be a resident of Texas 36 And Texas people who are denied privilege of suffrage are those declared mentally incompetent informal court proceedings persons convicted of felony unless their civil rights have been restored by a pardon 37 Hey problem of a close primary system is that independent voters are excluded from process 38 The white primary was the name given to the Texas practice of keeping blacks from participating and political parties nomination processes 39 Texas chief election officer since 1967 has been the Secretary of State 40 Party column is the type of ballot used in Texas 41 Party primaries in Texas are closed in theory But open practice 42 And Texas primary elections are administered entirely by political party officials 43 Historically the major national conflict in Texas has developed within the one party system Democrats mostly between conservatives and liberals 44 Decentralize an undisciplined best describes the organization of political parties in the United States 45 The state executive committee in addition to a chair and vice chair includes a man and a woman from peach State Senatorial district 46 Party rating is when the members of one party building and the opposition parties primary in order to nominate a candidate easy to defeat a crossover voting refers to a behavior in which voters who normally participate in the primary of one party instead vote in the primary of 3 another party The behavior typically happens when the nominee of the one party is a foregone conclusion or when a candidate in one party s primary has an appeal to the voters in another party 47 It s a political party received 20 or more of the boats in the preceding election for governor the party must nominate candidates by a direct primary 48 Most of the primary election expenses and taxes are paid by state funds 49 The Texas State election law specifies that he is a close primary 50 The Constitution does not mention political parties certain provisions of the Constitution such as the First Amendment freedoms gave movement to the organization of parties 51 The American electoral system is based on a winner take all system 52 The major responsibility of a national chairperson is the management of national election campaigns 53 Voting and registration requirements are set by each state 54 A party column ballot is a form of general election ballot in which the candidates are arranged in one column under their respective party 55 Parties are devisive and
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