TAMU POLS 207 - POLS207 syllabus Fall 2013(1)

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POLS 207 State and Local Government Texas A M University Fall 2013 Section 504 TR 12 45pm 2 00pm BLOC 102 Section 505 TR 2 20pm 3 35pm BLOC 102 Section 511 TR 5 30pm 6 45pm HALB 101 Section 512 TR 7 05pm 8 20pm BLOC 102 Professor Jason M Smith Office Allen 2126 Email jsmith pols tamu edu Office Hours MTR 4 00pm 5 00pm The best way to contact me is through e mail However please note that I am unlikely to check my e mail after 8 00 PM Therefore you should assume that I will not read my e mail until the following morning if you contact me after this time It is also important that you have activated and consistently check your TAMU e mail account This is the best way for me to contact the class concerning course materials Course Description According to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board THECB this course should examine the origin and development of the Texas Constitution structure and powers of state and local government federalism and inter governmental relations political participation the election process public policy and the political culture of Texas Course Objectives According to the THECB upon successful completion of this course students should be able to Explain the origin and development of the Texas constitution Demonstrate an understanding of state and local political systems and their relationship with the federal government Describe separation of powers and checks and balances in both theory and practice in Texas Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative executive and judicial branches of Texas government Evaluate the role of public opinion interest groups and political parties in Texas Analyze the state and local election process Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens Analyze issues policies and political culture of Texas To define understand and use concepts and terms relevant to the study of state and local government in the United States Required Texts The following text is available at local bookstores as well as through online sources Benson Paul David Clinkscale and Anthony Giardino 2013 Lone Star Politics 2nd edition Pearson ISBN 0205971229 with MyPoliSciLab Grades Attendance at lectures is not mandatory and the visual content from lectures will be available online however this does not account for the content of the in class lectures Ideal answers to questions on the examinations will express clear knowledge of both the assigned reading materials and the content of the lectures In addition the lectures will be used to deliver important class information Your grade in this course will be based on four exams each worth 25 of your grade The exams see schedule below will contain multiple choice questions about topics covered in that particular section of the course meaning the exams are not cumulative There will be a review sheet disseminated about a week before the exam These exams will be completed using an 8 12 by 11 gray Scantron form Further instructions and materials concerning these exams will be available on eCampus and announced in class A 89 5 100 B 79 5 89 4 C 69 5 79 4 D 59 5 69 4 F Less Than 59 5 Please note that the grading scale already rounds up your final grade After grades are calculated following the fourth exam your grades are final This grading scale is what you have earned not what you might think you deserve in the course Every semester professors are inundated with e mails asking them to bump or curve students grades I will not change a grade unless there is a miscalculation I respectfully ask that you do not e mail me asking for special consideration to raise your grade Your grades are final Any request to change your grade unless there is a miscalculation is a violation of the Aggie Honor Code and will not be tolerated Make Up Exams Note that you are eligible to take a makeup exam only if the following conditions are met 1 you must have a documented University recognized excused absence and 2 you must make arrangements for the makeup prior to the exam or by the next class period In case of a university excused absence students should arrange a makeup through an electronic e mailed request to me It must be a university excused absence with supporting documentation This includes the University Explanatory Statement for Absence from Class form available at http attendance tamu edu I WILL NOT accept copies of medical excuses you must provide original documentation If you do not have an excused absence you will receive a zero for the exam No Exceptions You have 48 hours to contact the professor concerning the make up Failure to do so will result in a zero for the exam This is NOT a 2 retake of an exam Make up exams will be in essay format Students can take a maximum of two make ups only and they have to be taken on the same day You will be the allocated the same time for class 75 minutes Please drop the course if you miss 3 exams Make up exams will be administered on the following date Thursday December 5th at 3 30pm in Allen 2115 Extra Credit I do NOT offer extra credit Please do not offer to do extra assignments to boost your grade This is a violation of the Aggie Honor Code Students with Disabilities The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA is a federal anti discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities Among other things this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation please contact Disability Services in Cain Hall Room B118 or call 845 1637 Please call the counseling center at 979 845 4427 if you are experiencing coping difficulties or anxieties For additional information visit http disability tamu edu Course Materials Copyright Statement The handouts used in this course are copyrighted By handouts I mean all materials generated for this class which include but are not limited to syllabi quizzes exams lab problems in class materials review sheets and additional problem sets Because these are copyrighted you do not have the right to copy the handouts unless I expressly grant permission Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism Statement As commonly defined plagiarism consists of passing off as one s own the ideas words writings etc which belong to another In accordance with the definition you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person and turn it in as your own even if

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TAMU POLS 207 - POLS207 syllabus Fall 2013(1)

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