WSU HBM 131 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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HBM 131 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 11 Lecture 1 January 15 Hospitality any organization that provides food shelter and other services to people away from home Service is providing for the needs of a customer Hospitality is providing the entertainment and the feeling The Umbrella of Tourism lodging foodservice transportation and attractions Primary Sectors Meetings and conventions managed park environments resorts senior living managed services consulting services The Managers Role critical in creating the environment make guest feel welcome making things work for the guest maintaining a profitable operation Outlook for Hospitality very positive but several trends and factors are affecting the industry Effects of 9 11 and other recent events resulted in travel restrictions safety and security issues cost of operations government regulations destinations effected Lecture 2 January 17 Accelerating Competition and Types of Tourism Culinary Adventure Medical Tourism etc Service is key to making the business successful Concept of Competitive advantage having the advantage of best customer service over competitors that is not easily duplicated Service is more and more what brings customers back or prevents them from returning Companies that provide excellent service inevitably lead their segments Value Consciousness Good value expectations are exceeded having a better experience than what you expected Technology Hospitality industry has been slow in terms of adapting to new technologies but the industry has made some inroads New technologies are being introduced every year online ordering Urbanspoon Yelp Four Square etc Empowerment is the act of providing additional levels of responsibility to both employees and managers result of cost cutting efforts but also as a result of trying to improve customer satisfaction new breed of employees as well as improved technology and communication Diversity Hospitality organizations are becoming more diverse in response to changes in society as well as demographic shifts and becoming more aware of the importance of a diverse organization Concern with Security resulted in destinations organizations and society in general attempting to provide a greater level of safety for travelers airline marshals hotel security forces cameras and increased education Concern with Sanitation Increases in food borne illness has resulted in a raised concern on the part of consumers Sustainability Going green is not new but it reflects industry wide focus on corporate responsibility hotels encourage guests to reuse towels and many have embraced low cost changes such as lighting Guests prefer to support businesses that are concerned about the industry Globalization one of the greatest factors affecting the industry as it impacts every facet of operations including Competition Work force Travel patterns Company alliances etc Lecture 3 January 22 Defining Service Webster s definition Work done for somebody else as a job duty punishment or favor Helpful action an action done to help somebody or as a favor to somebody Work for customers work done for the customers of a store restaurant hotel or similar establishment often with regard to whether it pleases them or not Companies are known for service Nordstrom s return policy Les Schwab we come running Ritz Carlton budget for service recoveries Service meeting and exceeding guest expectations serving the needs of others Customer is mostly right servers should give in when customer can pass on a negative view on the company Fire a guest when they disrespect your employees or are continuously taking advantage of the company Consider complaints to be valuable feedback on how you re doing and how you can improve Lecture 1 from Online Book Tourism Overview The tourism industry impactsEconomic Multiplier Effect This measure gauges how much money comes into the economy from visitors and then how that money is disbursed through the local economy Leakage A percentage of the new money brought into a local economy through tourism may eventually leave the area for a variety of reasons i e company headquaters Cultural Preservation tourists visit areas to experience native traditions and customs When demand for such tourist activity exists there is pressure on the locals to maintain the attractions heritage and other cultural aspects to keep the visitors coming Change While tourism can help preserve an area s culture it can also speed up its process of change Travelers from developed countries while wanting to see culture and tradition want the comforts of home running water modern transportation etc Social negatives can increase crime rates resentment among locals norms of local area challenged Positives help raise awareness to the plight of those less fortunate efforts to improve water quality the building of schools adoption of fair trade practices and the treatment of health issues diseases Environmental The preservation of pristine natural areas through government private sector support and use regulation the deterioration of areas due to increased traffic and carelessness Tourism Promoters Convention and Visitors Bureaus CVBs Governments Tour Operators Agencies Tour operators generally provide ground transportation Travel agents an intermediary who works between the provider and the client Tour wholesalers organize promote and conduct tours Third party providers distribution channels for travel and tourism products Expedia Priceline Travelocity Industry Issues and Trends aging of baby boomers increased social responsibility awareness the greening of the industry increased longevity global economic struggles greater disposable income two income families smaller families pets instead of children shift is spending habits live for today attitude emerging tourism segments Lecture 2 from online Book Service Culture and Competitive Advantage Service is another component of the product or products that it sells meant to be effective and efficient and to get people their food the way they want it and in a timely manner Empowerment is when you allow employees to operate autonomously front line employees are able to make decisions and resolve issues or be proactive so that issues do not arise Company s values and customs the values customs and traditions of a particular company usually a large corporation Atmosphere in large companies the professional atmosphere that prevails in large corporations generally reflected in people s

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