HBM 131 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I II III Your Food Dollar Social Media Current Events Outline of Current Lecture I II III Segments Other Classifications How they get to those Classifications Current Lecture I Segments A QSR quick service restaurants 1 Fast food B Fast Casual 1 Sella Penara Bear 2 Fast food but not full service C Full Service 1 Majority of restaurants full service D Fine Dining 1 High end expensive restaurants Also Cafeteria and can be apart of Managed Services II Other Classifications A Ethnic Chinese Italian Mexican B Specialty seafood BBQ pizza C Family play areas activities kid menus D Themed rock n roll movies sports E Style drive in drive thru only delivery carryout only III How they get to those Classifications A Types of Service B Types of food offerings C Price points and average checks IV People A Who runs the industry B Who works in this industry 1 Young diverse people C Management is key What makes a good manager 1 Helpful happy caring manager 2 Sit down with employees and give feedback V Product A Quality B Consistency C Variety VI Profits A 1 2 3 4 Key Percentages Food cost 30 Labor Cost 30 Prime Cost 60 70 The cost percentage to just put food on the plate Last 30 insurance rent taxes operating expenses etc VII P L A Sales 1 Costs of Goods COGS Beverages food products 2 LABOR Cost of labor minimum wage and cost of food 3 Operations 4 Occupancy Product VII Types of Cost A Fixed Cost 1 Occupancy Rent Cams 2 Bank Loan 3 Utilities B Variable Cost 1 Direct labor Hourly labor 3 Food Cost
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