UT Arlington EE 5359 - Project Proposal

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EE 5359 Multimedia Signal Processing Project Proposal Title H 264 to VP6 Transcoder Abstract VP6 is a video coding standard developed by On2 Technologies Inc It is the preferred codec for Macromedia Flash 8 video VP6 assumes importance with Macromedia Flash emerging as a widely adopted video streaming technology over the internet H 264 is currently one of the most widely accepted video coding standards in the industry It enables high quality video at very low bitrates So there is increasing importance of techniques which can convert video from H 264 to VP6 and thereby enable high quality video transmission over the internet using Flash The current research shows H 263 video which is a previous generation standard of H 264 can be transcoded in VP6 and complexity can be reduced upto 50 The similarities and dissimilarities between the two encoders are used to reduce the complexity using Dynamic Search Range and Dynamic Search Window The success in reducing complexity in the H 263 to VP6 transcoder and available reference material related to transcoding algorithms between various video compression standards enables us to propose a new study to find an algorithm of transcoding H 264 coding standard to VP6 coding standard It is proposed to explore the similarities and dissimilarities between the two standards to find out the right transcoding technique Student Jay R Padia Student Id 1000 60 5145 E mail jaypadia uta edu Date June 12 2008 1 Importance of H 264 Coding Standard H 264 was proposed by the Joint Video Team JVT of the ITU T Video Coding Experts Group VCEG and ISO IEC Moving Process Experts Group MPEG in 2003 It is currently one of the most widely accepted industry standards It can provide good quality video at substantially lower bitrates compared to the previous standards It also shows more error robustness 1 2 Emerging Importance of VP6 Coding Standard Flash Video is rapidly changing the landscape of video on the Web It is emerging as the preferred solution for providing video services online over Windows Media Player Apple Quicktime and Real Networks Real Player 3 The advantages of Flash Player over its rivals are its small size and its completeness a website development package Its ability to support multiple platforms is has made it popular 3 Macromedia adopted the VP6 coding standard from On2 Technologies Inc as the video coding standard for its Flash player in 2005 It listed quality portability stability low memory usage and performance as the main criteria for selecting VP6 4 It can be observed that significant quality improvement can be obtained with VP6 in Flash 8 over the Sorenson Spark codec based on H 263 which was the basis of Flash MX video It provides better performance with low contrast video images removes color oversaturation and also provides a smoother picture true to the original by removing blockiness in the old format 5 Since then VP6 is gaining importance as a coding standard This creates the need to find a transcoding technique to convert video from H 264 video coding standard to VP6 video standard Current Research A transcoding technique to convert from the previous generation H 263 standard to VP6 standard has been proposed 6 The transcoder has been designed on the basis of the similarities and dissimilarities between the two standards A table of comparison can be found below On the basis of this a pixel domain transcoding technique has been determined The challenges were the large number of coding modes in VP6 over H 263 resolutions motion vectors MV and allowing multiple reference frames 2 The presence of 1 MV and 4 MV support in both H 263 and VP6 allowed the use of MVs to some extent However they cannot be used directly due to large number of MB modes in VP6 The complexity was reduced by restricting the evaluated MB modes on the basis of their simplicity and complexity Also the use of Dynamic Search Range and Dynamic Search Window methods to find the MVs and the MB modes reduced complexity The complexity of the proposed transcoder could be reduced by more than 50 without a significant loss in PSNR 6 Proposed Research The current research as described and other available resources such as H 263 to H 264 transcoder 7 H 264 to MPEG2 transcoder 8 which was referred in the current research 6 and other video transcoders help us propose a new H 264 coding standard to VP6 standard transcoder The similarities and dissimalarities in the two techniques will be studied On the basis of the observations and from the available resources a new technique can be proposed REFERENCES 1 Soon kak Kwon A Tamhankar and K R Rao Overview of H 264 MPEG 4 Part 10 J VCIR vol 17 pp 186 216 April 2006 2 I Richardson V Codex White Paper An overview of H 264 Advanced Video Coding 2007 3 J Emigh New Flash Player rises in the Web Video Market IEEE Computer 39 14 16 2006 4 T Uro The quest for a new video codec in Flash 8 http www kaourantin net 2005 08 quest fornew videocodec in flash 8 html August 13 2005 5 On2 Technologies Inc White Paper On2 VP6 for Flash 8 Video http www On2 com September 12 2005 6 C Holder and H Kalva H 263 to VP6 Video Transcoder SPIE vol 6822 VCIP San Jose CA Jan 2008 7 J Bialkowski A Kaup and K Illgner Overview of Low Complexity Video Transcoding from H 263 to H 264 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo ICME pp 49 52 2006 8 P Kunzelmann and H Kalva Reduced Complexity H 264 to MPEG 2 Transcoder Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Las Vegas USA January 10 14 2007 9 A Vetro C Christopulos and H Sun Video transcoding architectures and techniques An overview IEEE Signal Process Mag vol 20 no 2 pp 18 29 Mar 2003 10 ITU T Recommendation H 264 Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audio Visual services 3

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UT Arlington EE 5359 - Project Proposal

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