UGA CHEM 1211 - Atomic Properties
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Chem 1211 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Electron Configuration II Atomic Size III Ionization Energy IV Ion Size Outline of Current Lecture I Atomic Properties Continued II Chapter 8 Introduction Current Lecture I Atomic Properties continued a ConcepTest If the first ionization energy for Ca is 600 kJ mol what are the predicted second and third ionization energies in kJ mol i 600 600 ii 600 1200 iii 1200 5000 iv 5000 1200 1 ANSWER iii 1200 5000 The order of magnitude becomes bigger b ConcepTest For which pair of ions and or atoms does the first one listed in the pair have the LARGER radius i Li Li ii Li Na iii O O2iv Cl F1 ANSWER IV follow trends in the periodic table c ConcepTest For which pair of ions and or atoms does the first one listed in the pair have the SMALLER radius These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i ii iii iv II Na Na Li Na O2 O Cl F1 ANSWER ii Li Na d Trends for ions are the same as atoms e Cations shrink anions expand Chapter Eight Introduction a Isoelectronic has the same number of electrons b ConcepTest With what atoms are K and Br isoelectronic i He Ne ii Ne Ar iii Ar Kr iv Kr Xe 1 ANSWER Ar Kr a REASOING Because K is it has one less electron than normal and because Br is it has one more electron than normal c ConcepTest What generic formula would you expect for the ionic compound that resulted from the reaction of the appropriate number of IA M and VA x electrons i MX ii M3X iii MX3 iv M5X 1 ANSWER M3X 2 REASOING cation charges have to equal anion charges IA forms 1 charges while VA form 3 charges d Valence electrons not in a closed shell e ConcepTest Which pair of elements have 1 and 3 valence electrons respectively i He N ii Ne B iii N Be iv Na B 1 ANSWER Na B Group 1 has 1 valence electron Group 2 has 2 valence electrons etc f Valence electrons outer shell electrons that are transferred or shared in chemical bonding g Octet rule element seeks to be surrounded by 8 electrons i Hydrogen can only have 2 electons it is 1s ii Fluorine 7 electrons will bond with hydrogen 1 electron h ConcepTest How many electrons appear in the correct Lewis dot structure for molecular nitrogen i 5 ii 6 iii 8 iv 10 1 ANSWER 10 2 REASONING Nitrogen is in Group 5A so it has 5 but molecular nitrogen is N2 so there will be 10 i Lewis Electron Dot Structures i Molecules 1 Diatomic with the same atoms 2 Diatomic with different atoms 3 Polyatomic water H20 a Ammonia NH3 ii Pair electrons a line a bond

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UGA CHEM 1211 - Atomic Properties

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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