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Which subject would have the HIGHEST basal metabolic rate?
25 year old male 
Why do men have a higher basal metabolic rate than women?
Men tend to have more muscle mass than women 
In which fitness level would you find a recreationally active 25-year old woman who performs moderate exercise for up to an hour 4-5 days per week and maintains a healthy diet?
Good 
Calorimetry is a measure of
heat loss 
What is defined as the rate of energy expenditure lying supine immediately after rising and following a 12-18hr fast?
Basal Metabolic Rate 
What percentage of your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is attributable to exercise?
15-30% 
An example of a measure of indirect calorimetry is
blood lactate concentration 
Accelerometers are an example of indirect calorimetry.
False;Calculated calorimetry 
A VO2 peak test is a type of indirect calorimetry that measures anaerobic fitness level.
False 
Heat loss can be used to assess energy expenditure because:
the rate of heat loss and ATP production are proportional 
This value accounts for the majority of one's daily energy expenditure:
basal metabolic rate 
This lifestyle choice influences basal metabolic rate:
physical inactivity 
What anatomical structure explains gender differences in BMR?
skeletal muscle mass 
This method of measuring energy expenditure requires place the subjects in a sealed room.
direct calorimetry 
Oxygen consumption is correlated to
energy expenditure 
A method of determining energy expenditure without actually measuring anything is called
calculated calorimetry 
Total daily energy expenditure is composed of what?
basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of feeding, daily physical activity 
Direct calorimetry relies on
measurement of body heat production 
Indirect calorimetry relies on
measurement of oxygen consumption using a metabolic cart 
What percent of your daily EE is accounted for by BMR?
60-75% 
What percent of your daily EE is accounted for by exercise?
15-30% 
What percent of your daily EE is accounted for by thermic effect of feeding?
10% 
Where is the free energy stored in the ATP molecule?
in the phosphate bonds (oxygen bonds) 
An oxidation reaction results in
a molecule losing electrons 
Feed-forward control of enzyme reactions is
Reactants modifying the activity of enzyme catalysts 
When you begin exercise, your body's ATP stores are quickly depleted. This reduction in available ATP activates the enzymes involved in some of the body's energy systems. This is an example of a negative feedback loop.
True 
Bioenergetics is the study of energy flow in a biological system.
True 
Once you begin exercising, about how long does it take your body to reach steady state?
3-5 min 
What term is defined as the maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment at rest?
Homeostasis 
The difference between homeostasis and steady state is
homeostasis occurs at rest, while steady state occurs during exercise 
Which of the following statements best describes the first law of theromdynamics?
Food broken down into macronutrients and converted to ATP 
The most important high-energy molecule in the human body
adenosine triphosphate 
This is the unit of energy measurement in humans
kilocalorie 
Most biological systems are controlled by this mechanism
negative feedback loop 
Which law describes the transfer of energy in carbohydrates in ATP and entropy
First 
Which law explains that the human body is only about 25% efficient at forming ATP?
Second 
Exergonic reactions are considered to be favorable because of this
result in ATP formation 
This variable determines how easily a reaction can occur
activation energy 
An increase in production during exercise can be attributed to this principle
Q10 effect 
Oxidation and Reduction reactions are used in these metabolic pathways
TCA cycle and Electon Transport Chain 
A molecular that carries a hormone in the blood
carrier 
Insulin mediated muscle glucose uptake is an example of this hormone action
alter cell membrane transport 
The most common mechanism by which hormones exert their action is...
negative feedback loop 
One classic endocrine we will discuss is...
renal gland 
Which anterior pituitary hormones play a role in exercise?
The general action of T3 and T4 is to...
mediate metabolic rate 
Which of the following hormones is NOT altered in response to exercise?
Oxytocin 
Which factors effect plasma concentration of hormones?
the secretion rate from the endocrine gland,the utilization rate of the hormone, the total plasma volume 
Some hormones, such as thyroid hormones, cannot circulate freely, so they require a carrier molecule.
True 
Most of the body's physiological functions are mediated by:
Negative feedback loops 
Which of the following is not typically considered an endocrine gland or organ?
heart 
Which of the following is NOT a primary action of hormones?
Inhibit energy production 
Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose by the cell via glucose transport proteins. This is an example of which of the primary hormone actions?
Altering cell membrane transport 
The anterior pituitary gland releases "releasing hormones" that stimulate secretion of hormones from the hypothalamus.
False 
According to the ADH negative feedback loop presented in the notes, what happens when plasma volume drops due to sweating?
Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus are stimulated and lead to the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland 
Which of the following would be a negative feedback loop?
High blood glucose concentration leads to pancreatic insulin secretion which stimulates the uptake of glucose by peripheral tissues, returning the blood glucose concentration to normal 
Smooth Muscle
"Involuntary muscle" - not under direct conscious control. Found in: walls of most bloody vessels, internal organs. Allows for constriction, dilating, and relaxation 
Cardiac Muscle
Only in the heart, composing of most of structure involuntary muscle controls itself with help of nervous and endocrine 
Skeletal Muscle
Under conscious control, most attach to and move the skeleton 
outer connective tissue, surrounds and holds it together 
bundles of fibers (fascili for one) 
connective sheath surrounds each fasciculus 
muscle fiber
muscle cell, multinucleated, divide into compartments or more transverse fibrous bands 10-120 micrometers (invisible to naked eye) 
sheath of connective tissue covers each muscle fiber 
longest human muscle fiber
12 cm (4.7 in) 500,000 sarcomeres (functional unit of myofibril) number of fibers range from several hundred to more than a million 
plasma membrane that surrounds the individual microfiber, fuses with tendon the folding allows stretching of muscle fiber junctional folds in innervation zone at motor end plate, assist in transmission of the action potential from the motor neuron to muscle fiber help maintain acid-b…
plamalemma and basement membrane 
fibrous cords of connective tissue that transmit force generated by muscle fibers to the bones, creating motion 
satellite cells
located between plasmalemma and basement membrane - growth and development of skeletal muscle and in adaptation to injury, immbolization, and training 
fluid part of muscle fiber (cytoplasm) between myofibrils stores large quantity of stored glycogen as well as oxygen-binding myoglobin (similar to hemoglobin) 
Transverse tubulus
(T-Tubules) extensive network of the plasmalemma that pass laterally through muscle fibers. allow nerve impulses received by the plasmalemma to be transmitted rapidly
Sacroplasmic reticulum (SR)
longitudinal network of tubulus within muscle fiber - parallel the mmyogibrils and loop around them. storage site for calcium, muscle contraction 
fibers that make up muscle fiber. 
small fibers that make up the basic contractile elements of skeletal muscle, join end to end at Z disks. 
Z disk sequence
An I band (light) - region of the sacromere An A band (Dark) - both thick and thin filaments An H-zone (in the middle of the A band) - absence of thin filaments An M-line middle of H zone - composed of proteins that serve as attachment site for thick filaments, stabilizer the rest of …
thinner filaments, 3 different proteins actin, tropomyosin, and troponin anchored to Z disk 
thicker filaments - 200 myosin molecules each filament 2 protein strand folded into gobular head called myosin head(myosin crossbridges), has active sites along cross bridges titin stabilizes them 
titin and nebulin
provide points of attachment and stability for thin filaments  
array of fine filaments, stabilizes the myosin filaments along their longitudinal axis - extend from the Z disk to M line 
tube shaped protein that twists around the actin strands. 
more complex protein, attached at regular intervals to both the actin strands and the tropomyosin. 
anchoring protein for actin, regulator of myosin and actin 
tropomyosin and troponin
work together in an intricate manner along with Ca+ ions to maintain relaxation or initiate contraction of the myofibril 
Alpha-Motor Neuron
nerve cell that connects with and innervates many muscle fiber. 
motor unit
single alpha-more neuron and all the muscle fibers it directly singles are this 
neuromuscular junction
gap between alpha neuron and a muscle fiber 
excitation-contraction coupling
excitation of a motor nerve and results in contraction of the muscle fibers. initiated by action potential from brain/spinal cord to alpha motor neuron. travels down axon to terminals which are close to plasmalemma 
action potential
impulse Na channels open, Na enters cell. K+ channels open slowly Rapid Na+ depolarizes cell Na+ close, slower K+ channels open K+ move to extracellular fluid K+ channel remain open, hyperpolarizing cell K+ close, less K+ leak out. Cell returns to rest 
Acetylcholine (ACh)
signaling molecule/neurotransmitter which crosses synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the plasmalemma 
when enough Ach binds to receptors and Action Potential wil travel the full length of muscle fiber as ion gates open and allow Na to enter. adjacent SR release large quantities of stored Ca2+ ions into the sarcoplasm 
Calcium's role
they bind to the troponin on the actin molecules. troponin then initiates the contraction process by moving the tropomyosin molecules off the myosin-binding sites on the actin molecules. tropomyosin is then lifted off the binding sites by troponin and Ca, and myosin heads can attach to th…
sliding filament theory
when myosin cross bridges are activated, they bind with actin, result in a conformational change in the cross bridge, which cause power stroke. breaks away from active site, rotates back into original positions and attaches to a new active site farther along the actin filament. slides pas…
power stroke
the myosin head to tilt and to drag thin filament toward the center of sacromete 
myosin head contains a binding site for ATP, must bind for muscle contraction to occur 
adenosine triposphataste (ATPase)
located on myosin head and splits the ATP into ADP and P. 
Muscle Relaxation
happens when Ca is returned to SR by active Ca-pumping system that uses ATP/ myosin cross bridges are blocked by tropomyosin, stops use of ATP 
2/3 of all skeletal muscle protein is
myosin 
Type I fibers
slow/slow twitch 110 ms to reach peak tension when stimulated 
Type II fibers
reach peak tension in about 50 ms type IIa - fast-twitch type type IIx - fast twitch type x - equivalent to type IIb in animals 
muscle spindle
monitors rate of change in muscle length responsible for stretch reflex 
golgi tendon organ
monitors muscle tension responsible for relaxation reflex 
type I fibers
oxidative - high, glycolytic - low, contractile -slow, fatigue resistance - high, motor unit strength -low 
Type II A
moderately high oxidative, high glycolytic, fast contactile speed, moderate fatigue resistance, high motor unit strength 
Type IIx
low oxidative, highest glycolytic, fast contractil speed, low fatigue resistance, high motor unit strength 
type I fibers are used for
low intensity endurance events, daily activities for which muscle force requirements are low 
type II used for
anaerobic pathways, without oxygen shorter, high intensity endurance events - mile run - 400 M swim infrequently in normal, low intensity, b ut used in high explosive events 
Type I chracteristics
<300 fibers per motor neuron, small motor neuron size, slow conduction velocity, 110 contraction speed, slow myosin ATPase, low SR development 
Type II
>300 fiber per motor neurons, large motor neuron size, fast conduction velocity, 50 contraction speed, fast myosin ATPase, high SR development 
determinationof Fiber Type
from our parents training 10% small change older - lose type II motor units, increase type I 
alignment of thick and thin filament gives off lines 
phases of Muscle Contraction
action potential/calcium release calcium-troponin binding, tropomyosin shift actin-myosin binding myosin power stroke/ATP binding 
principle of orderly recruitment
motor units within a given muscle appear to be ranked. usually fixed. 
resting membrane potential
RMP = -70mV caused by uneven separation of charged ions inside (K+) and outside (Na+) the cell more ions outside than inside membrane more permeable to K+ Na-K pumps maintian 3 NA+ out, 2 K in 
size principle
the order of recruitment of motor units is directly related to the size of their motor neuron Type I, Type IIa, then Type IIx 
muscle relaxation
Ca pumps return to the SR, stored for future use ATP required for Ca pumps Troponin and Tropomyosin return to original position thick and thin filaments return to original position 
Power Athletes
Springs Mostly fast (70-75%) twitch (Type II) 
Type 1 - slow (70-80%) twitch distance runners, triathletes, cyclists 
non-athletes equal amount of fast and slow twitch 
concentric contraction
muscle's principal action, shortening. thin filaments are pulled toward the center of the carcomere. joint movement is produced - dynamic contractions 
other factors influence muscle force
# of motor units activated, type of motor units activated (FT/ST), muscle size, initial muscle length, joint angle, speed of muscle action (short/length) 
static/isometric contraction
muscle generates force but length is unchanged, join angle does not change. when one tries to life an object that is heavier than the force generated by object 
eccentric contraction
exert force while lengthening - dynamic contraction because join movement occurs 
three stimuli in rapid sequence elicit greater increase in force or tension 
peak force or tension of the muscle fiber or motor unit 
rate coding
process by which the tension of a given motor unit can vary from that of a twitch to that of tetanus by increasing the freq of stimulation of that motor unit 
smallest contractile response of a muscle fiber 
intermediate fibers
shift in intermediate fibers may explain endurance and resistance adaptions while slow and fast increase with training, their increase is small compared to change in intermediate several factors influence muscle force production 
The study of energy flow in a biological system 
The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment at rest. 
Steady state
The relatively constant internal environment that is achieved during exercise at a faced intensity. 
Negative feedback loops
Negative change in a variable that initiates a response 
Calorie (cal)
Amount of heat energy needed to raise one gram of water one degrees Celsius from 14.5 to 15.5 
1 k-cal = 1,000 calories 
Most important high-energy storage molecule in the body. 
Adenosine backbone (1st part of ATP)
Serves to bind phosphate groups and store free energy 
3 phosphate groups
Bound to adenosine and each other. 1st bond = most important for exercise. 2nd bond = not used, store less free energy 
1st law of thermodynamics
Energy is neither created nor destroyed 
2nd law of thermodynamics
All physical processes lead to increase in entropy (disorder) 
Endergonic reactions
Products have more energy than reactants; considered unfavorable because they require adding energy to reaction. Example: Use of ATP demonstrates endergonic reaction. 
Exergonic reactions
Products have less energy than reactants. Considered favorable because they release free energy and don't require outside source of energy. 
Coupled reaction
Linking of endergonic and exergonic reactions to facilitate goal of a particular metabolic pathway. Unfavorable endergonic reactions are possible. 
Activation energy
The difference in energy between the reactants and the peak potential energy. Greater the activation, the more difficult it is for a reaction to occur. 
Q-10 Affect
Psychological principal relating to how enzymatic reactions work in the human body. For every 10 degrees Celsius increase, relative doubling of rate of enzymatic reactions occur. 
Oxidation reaction
Molecule loses a pair of electrons (loss of electrons = oxidation) 
Molecule gains pair of electrons 
Basal Metabolic Rate
Rate of energy expenditure under standardized condition (lying on your back immediately after rising in the morning). BRM always lower in women than men and lower in older than younger. Individuals who are aerobically trained have a higher rate at rest. Can be influenced by dieting patter…

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