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Define the literal meaning of "geography"
earth description 
List three misconceptions about geography
place trivia the study of rocks 
systematic geography
1. GI Science 2. Landforms 3. Weather and Climate 4. Population 5. Cultural Geography 6. Economic Geography 7. Urban Geography 
regional geography
1. Anglo America -Climate -Landforms -Populations -Economy 2.Latin America -Climate -Landforms -Population -Economy 3. Europe -Climate -Population -Economy 
List and describe the three broad disciplinary divisions within systematic geography, as well as disciplines that they overlap
1. Geographic Techniques 2. Physical Geography 3. Human Geography 
List and describe the 5 fundamental themes as defined by the NCGE
1.Location -Absolute: surface of the earth w/ accuracy -Relative: directions 2. Place -Natural Landscape -Cultural Landscape: Rio Christ Sculpture 3. Human-Environment Relationships -Tsunami, ozone 4.Movement -Spatial interaction -spatial diffusion -spatial interaction 5.Regi…
Contrast two types of location
absolute: lat & long relative: giving someone directions 
List and explain three types of regions
Formal:coastal plain Functional:center point in region Vernacular: where you think something is 
List three reasons why to study geography
-only discipline concerned w/ locational aspects of both physical and cultural phenomena -many national and international issues have geographical dimensions
List and describe 8 career fields in geography
-teacher/educator -cartographer/GIS specialist -remote sensing analysis -business geographer -medical geographer -intelligence analyst -environment analysts/planner -urban and regional planner -atmospheric scientist 
Define the term "Map" and discuss why maps must be carefully interpreted
symbolic representation of the Earth's surface. normally presented to scale on flat medium. 
Discuss how geographers and others use maps
-research tools: home values. --spatial correlation two different maps are similar. -communication tools -navigation -locational index 
Describe six essential components of maps
1. map view 2. title: theme & geography 3. legend: guide to symbology 4. scale: bar, verbal 5. North arrow or compass view 6. Data source 
Explain the difference between large scale maps and small scale maps
convert to a fraction, larger fraction = larger map 
thematic maps
focus on one topic or theme 
general maps
USGS Topographic Map -show a wide variety of features 
Give an example of a commonly used general map
USGS Topographic Map 
Be able to recognize and interpret commonly used thematic maps
1. point symbol map -dot density maps show distribution -proportional symbol maps show large cities 2. Line symbol map -flow line, isoline (temps), continuous date 3.area symbol maps -choropeleth (color) -area qualitative shows categories (written language) -cartogram show distort…
Define the term Map Projection.
taking the round earth and marking a map with it flat. 
List four properties that map projections preserve and the types of projections that best preserve these properties.
1. Area- equal area 2. Shape - conformal 3. Distance - equidistant 4. Direction - azimuthal 
Describe three developable surfaces for map projections, and name the one that tends to distort size in higher latitudes.
1. planar- circle (along a point) 2. conic - slanted (along two lines) 3. cylindrical- rectangle (along one line) -distortion increases further away from point you go 
Describe the geographic coordinate system.
Longitude & Latitude 
List the characteristics of parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude.
1.Latitute -E-W -Distance from the EQUATOR -1 degree = 69 miles -N or S 2.Longitude -How far E or W you are from the PRIME MERIDIAN (Greenwich, England) -Time 
Describe planar coordinate systems and give one example.
Finding places on a flat map feet or meters 
List the disciplines that comprise Geographic Information Science.
1. Cartography 2. Geographic Information Science 3. Remote Sensing 4. GPS 5. Geodesy 6.Photogrammertry 7. Surveying 
Define Cartography
science and art of making maps 
Explain what GIS is and list its component functions.
computer system for map date 
Name the leading GIS software company and its flagship product.
Geodatabase 
Give three examples of GIS analysis functions
1. Suitable Analysis -finding the most suitable locations for any activity ex: stores 2. Network Analysis -finding the shortest path through network ex: 911, UPS 3. 3-D Analysis 
Explain the purpose of GPS and name its components.
1. data manipulation -network analysis -suitable analysis -3d analysis 2.application areas 
List three other GPS-like systems
Define remote sensing.
collecting information about the surface of the earth without coming into contact with it 
Discuss the difference between an active sensor and a passive sensor.
1. active 2. passive 
List some types of photographic and non-photographic remote sensing imagery.
1.photographic -aerial photograph film -pigeons in WWI 2. Non-photographic -digital -pixels 
Contrast true color vs. false color imagery.
true color-what you see false color- inferred, give it a color. 
Define "geomorphology".
the study of landforms and the processes that produced them 
Cite the age of the Earth
4.5 billion years 
Explain how the earth was formed.
accretion- process whereby planetessimals aggregated to form the earth 
List some important earth measurements.
-93 million miles from the sun -diameter 7926 miles* -circumference 24,901 miles 
Describe the internal structure of the earth.
-inner core -outer core -mantle -asthenosphere -lithosphere 
List natural phenomena that give us clues to this structure.
List three classes of rock and explain how they form.
1. igneous 2. sedimentary 3. metamorphic 
Discuss who Alfred Wegener was.
theory of continental drift 
Describe the evidence for continental drift / plate tectonics.
pangea 
Define the following terms: Pangea, Laurasia, Gondwana, Aesthenosphere, Lithosphere, Subduction, Convection Cell, convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries
-pangea- earth's eupercontinent -laurasia -gondwana -asthenosphere: part of the mantel -lithosphere: rigid, between mantel and oceanic crust -subduction -convection cell -convergent boundaries -divergent boundaries 
List and describe important plate boundary landscapes and phenomena
1. mid-ocean ridges 2. continental rifts 3. deep ocean trenches 4.mountain ranges 5. volcanoes 6. earthquakes 
List the two broad categories of tectonic forces.
1. faulting 2. folding 
List and describe 3 diastrophic forces.
earthquakes volcanoes tsunamis 
Describe the Richter and Moment Magnitude scales.
Richter- amplitude of shock waves Moment Magnitude- more accurate than richter 
Describe the nature of tsunamis and the forces that create them.
earthquakes at sea 
Contrast intrusive and extrusive volcanism.
intrusive-magma doesnt reach surface extrusive- volcanic peaks, lava flows. 
Describe hot spot volcanism and give examples.
Hawaiian volcanoes 
Describe the following intrusive volcanic landforms: batholith, laccolith, dike.
batholith: laccolith: dike: 
Describe the following extrusive volcanic landforms: shield volcanoes, stratocone volcanoes, cinder volcanoes, fissure volcanoes, caldera.
shield volcanoes: layers of lava. oozing lava. stratocone: ash&lava layers, explosive cinder: small, clumps, all of ash fissure: crack in the earths structure caldera: crater 
Discuss the relationship between volcanic eruptions and climate change.
1816- The year without summer (Tambora) Blocked out radiation from the sun crops failed, famine volcanoes can affect climate 1991- Mt. Pinatubo ash went around the world lowered temperatures 
Define mechanical weathering and give some examples.
frost wedging biological: tree roots, goats. 
Define chemical weathering.
Limestone --> Carbonation 
List characteristics of Karst Topography.
sinkholes caverns disappearing streams springs natural bridges 
Define and give examples of mass wasting.
soil creep: very slow debris flow: very rapid, dangerous 
Describe the following landforms produced by erosion/deposition of running water: delta, alluvial plain, oxbow lake, natural levee, alluvial fan, mesa, butte
delta- triangle shaped mouth of a stream alluvial fan- oxbow lake- natural levee- alluvial fan- mesa & buttes- plateau 
Distinguish between alpine and continental glaciation.
continental: greenland & antartica alpine: mountain tops. Alps, rockies, andes 
Name the last great ice age epoch.
Pielistein 
Describe the following features produced by glacial erosion: cirque, tarn, arête, glacial trough, fjord, col.
cirque: bowl depressions tarn: small lake * arete: knife like ridge glacial trough: U shape valley fjord: embayment, oceans invading glacier throughs col: dip between peaks 
Describe the following landforms produced by glacial deposition: moraine, outwash plain, drumlin, esker.
moraine- glacier retreats & shows earth -long island and cape cod -mounds of earth materials outwash plain- glacier sediments settle drumlin- teaspoon shaped ills form under glacier esker- snake like ridge, stream flows under glacier 
Name landforms produced by Aeolian (wind) erosion and deposition: dunes, loess, and yardangs
sand dunes loess yardangs 
Describe atolls and reefs and the processes that produce them.
fringing reef, volcano sinks, critters on reef, built reef up. Ring shaped island

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