JOURN 3000: EXAM 1
118 Cards in this Set
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Prior restraint
Henry VIII on Christmas Day 2534 required printers to have royal permission before setting up shop
Star Chamber
i. Symbol of repression
ii. Barrier to free expression
iii. Edicts of it in 1586 had severe penalties for printers who defied authorities
iv. Abolished in 1641 by Long Parliament
Benjamin Harris
i. Last victim under King Charles for violating the king’s laws
ii. Spent two years in prison
iii. Office was raided in 1686 and went to America
iv. Publishers of one of the first papers in America
vii. wrote a spelling book that was …
Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick
i. published by Harris after fall of Andros
ii. 9/25/1690: 4-pages with blank 4th side (6x10.25)
iii. first American newspaper (banned after first issue)
iv. got into trouble because he printed the truth as he saw it and violated licensing restrictions imposed in 1662
v. licensing end…
James Franklin, Ben Franklin, The New England Courant, Pennsylvania Gazette
- started in 1721
- J. was former printer of Gazette
- lasteed 5 years
- first N. American paper to supply readers with what they liked and needed, rather than info controlled by self-interested officials
- J. was first to use crusde type of journalism
- introduced public to Addison …
John Peter Zenger, his trial
- 1734-5
- William Bradford printed NY Gazette (1st paper in colony) on 11-8-1725
- favored the administration
- JPZ was his apprentice
- Sir William Cosby was to be new governor
- Rip Van Dam was acting governor (Cosby wanted 1/2 fees collected)
- Chief Justice Lewis Morris sided w…
James Rivington
- voice of the Tories (retain the basic structure of colonial society)
- came to colonies in 1762
- family was official publishers of religious books for the Church of England
- proprietor of 1st chain of bookstores in US (Boston, Ny, Philly)
- 1773, Rivington's New York Gazetter or t…
John Dickinson
- Whig philosopher (Penman of the Revolution" of Penn.
- "Letter from a Farmer in Penn." (Pennsylania Chronicle in 1767)
- empahsis on property
- wrote Declaration of Rights of the Stamp Act Congres and two Petitions to the King and co-aouthor of Articles of Confed
-"no taxation witho…
Samuel Adams
- only ones eriously interested in social change
- five main objectives:
(1) justify course they advocated
(2) advertise advantages of victory
(3) arouse the masses ("shock troops" by instilling hatred of enemies
(4) neutralize any logical and reaasonable arguments proposed by the o…
Isaiah Thomas
- Patriot editor
- first president of Antiquarian Society
- historian of colonial press
- owner of one of the finest private libraries
- learned to spell by setting type
- Zechariah Fowle was his master
- founded massachusetts Spy together in 1770
- eyewitness to first battle of Wa…
Tom Paine
- met Ben Franklin in Europe
- went to Philadelpihia
- first conributions were to Robert Aitken's Penn MAg
- Common Sense (1776) and sold more than 120k copies in 1st 3 months
- Cisis papers--> look on next card
Crisis Papers
- Paine saw defeated Americans in Fort Lee preparing to withdraw to Delaware River line
- biblical resonance and rhythm
- dedication to a cause
-written 12-19-1776
- printed first in John Dunlap's Penn PAcket on 12-27
-won in Trenton afterwards
-caught significance of US Rev
Sarah and Mary Katherine Goddard
- mother and sister of printer William Goddard
- lived in Providence
- 1762, together founded print shop and Providence Gazette
- offered Providence a print shop, bookstore and post office and were Whig
- carried Farmer letters
- helped with Penn Chronicle in Philly (late 1768)
- Ma…
Bill of Rights, First Amendment
- first 10 amendments
- price paid by Anti-feds for constitution
- protect p=minority rights
- first amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of relgion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the pres; or the right…
Federalist Series
- Jay, Madison, Hamilton
- published in NY Indpendent Journal from 10/1787 to 4-1788
- 85 articles
- Hamilton was Publiu
- wanted republican form of government, offering protection to the masses, without direct control by them, as under a truly democratic system
Sedition Act of 1798 and prosecutions under it
- passed summer of 1798
- aimed at troublesome foreigners lving in the ocuntry and muzzling irritating editors
- laws stand for two years
- control journalistic spokespeople of the Anti-Federalists
- however, law didn't forbid criticism of the government (just curb malicious and flase…
Alexander Hamilton
- leader of the federalists
- want resuced from democracy
- let those with special intersts control it since had most to lose
- liked military efficieny
- founded NY Evening Post in 1801 (city's oldest newspaper) (William Coleman was first editor)
Elias Boudinot, Cherokee Phoenix
- first Native American Newspaper in 1828
-founded in Georgia
-four pages:L part in English and part in Cherokee
-used 86 character alphabet devised by Sequoyah
- was a Cherokee shoolteacher, published Cherokee laws, spelling lessons, news, own observations
- resigned as editor in 18…
Niles’ Weekly Register
- edited by Hezekaih Niles
- published in Baltimore and read in every state
- early 19th century equivalent of modern news magazine
- started in 1911 and had minimum of opinion
- weekly roundup of speeches, important documents, and statements of leaders everywhere on current problems
Benjamin Day, New York Sun
- started 9/3/1833
- apprenticed at Springfield Republican (MAss.) in 1831
- wanted to start penny paper sold and fnanced on per-issue basis
- ropsed this with Arunah S. Abell and Wiliam M. Swain but they didn't agree
- 4 pages and 2/3s side of modern tabloid page
- front page was 3 …
Penny press
- appearance of penny pressand rise of common people in Jacksonian democracy were integrated
- democratic market society: growth of mass democracy, marketplace ideology, urban society
- public more interested in news than in views
- penny papers lowered standards--? sacrifice truth for…
James Gordon Bennett, New York Herald
- was a reporter and editor
- engineered merger of Courier and Enquirer in 1829 for Col. james Watson Webb
- produced paper on 5/6/1835
- built it in cellar of basement on box desk
- used sensational material like Sun but was best at criminal reporting
- had extra feautre in news voe…
Horace Greeley, New York Tribune
- one of the most influential editors in US journalism
- Whig but also fair and try help common people
- felt henry Clay was hero
- want opporutnity, work, and edu available to all
- "first and oly great vehicle this coutnry has known for the ideas and experiements of constructive dem…
Henry Raymond, New York Times
- Rayomond contributed to New Yorker and worked at Tribune but not get along with Greeley
- worked for Col. James Watson Webb on Courier and Enquirer
- became orator and politician as State Assembly in 1849 and speaker in 1851
- editor of Harer's New Monthly Magazine
- 9/18/1851, publ…
Anne Royall
- Washington's first important woman journalist
- at 61, in 1831, founded 4 page paper, Paul Pry
- 1836-1854: printed The Huntress (stood for Jacksonian principles, free public edu, free speech, justice for immigarants and NAtive Americans)
Jane Grey Swisshelm
- first woman sit in congressional press gallery
- editor of antislavery Saturday Visitor in Pissburgh
- sent columns to Greeley's Tribue for $5 a week
- 4/17/1850: sat in Senate press gallery but not return
- crusade and feminist
- editor in Minnesota in 1857
- made St. Cloud Democ…
Margaret Fuller
- NY tribune staff member in Wash from 1844-1846
- editor of The Dial sponsered by REmrerson
- wrote literary reviews and profiles
- 1846, first US woman foreign correspondent--> UK Fr, ITL
- married an Italian revloutionary
- died in shipwreck of eastern coast
Associated Press
- /5/1848: publishers of leading NY papers met in Sun offices and reached agreement
- procure foreign news by telegraph from Boston in common
- contract of Assoicate Press
- Herald, Courier and Enquirer, Sun, Express, Journal of Commerce
- modern AP was 1/11/1849
- Harbor News Associ…
Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
- born 1815 in Missouri (Hannibal)
- wrote for New Orleans Daily Crescent
- published stuff in San Fran's first daily Alta California (1850)
- Nevada's Territorial Enterprise (1858) was city editor in early 1860s
- wrote Life on the Miss (1883) and Huckleberry Finn (1885)
- contribut…
William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator
- 1/1/1831: issued first copy of Liberator in Boston
- voice of abolisttionist
- peopl resent his self-righteousness
- cased most violent public reaction since Ton Paine
- MAss ready rforbid export of nespaper and pretty much no distribution allowed
Elijah Lovejoy
- abolitionist who died for the cause
- editor of St. Louis Observer (weekly founded in 1835)
- moved press to Alton,IL
- killed by mob because citizens wanted paper gone
Frederick Douglass
- Narrative of the Lfe of Frederick Doublass
- editor of The Ram's Horn (started in 1/1847 by Willis A. Hodges)
- North STar: 11/1/1847: also by Douglass
- articles on slavery and blacks and cross-section of national and world news
- later renaimed Frederick Douglass Paper in 1851
- …
Matthew Brady, Alexander Gardner, Timothy H. O’Sullivan
- Brady was best war photograper: couldn't be used in papers b/c no method transfer light and shade in printing process but artist did
- everywhere during the war
- worked for AT Stewart (NY dept. store owner)
- took him to Samueul Morse and went to Prof Draper at NYU (made first insta…
Summary lead
- put main feature of the story in the first paragraph
- developed during civil war by reporters in the field who feared that their complete dispatches might not get through
Thomas Nast
- political caroonist who used against Tweed in Harper's Weekly (edited by George Wiliam Curits) during 1871
- made fun of Horace Greeley
- gilded age of journalism (era of convergence)
- liked Grant
Penny press
- appearance of penny pressand rise of common people in Jacksonian democracy were integrated
- democratic market society: growth of mass democracy, marketplace ideology, urban society
- public more interested in news than in views
- penny papers lowered standards--? sacrifice truth for…
James Gordon Bennett, New York Herald
- was a reporter and editor
- engineered merger of Courier and Enquirer in 1829 for Col. james Watson Webb
- produced paper on 5/6/1835
- built it in cellar of basement on box desk
- used sensational material like Sun but was best at criminal reporting
- had extra feautre in news voe…
Horace Greeley, New York Tribune
- one of the most influential editors in US journalism
- Whig but also fair and try help common people
- felt henry Clay was hero
- want opporutnity, work, and edu available to all
- "first and oly great vehicle this coutnry has known for the ideas and experiements of constructive dem…
Henry Raymond, New York Times
- Rayomond contributed to New Yorker and worked at Tribune but not get along with Greeley
- worked for Col. James Watson Webb on Courier and Enquirer
- became orator and politician as State Assembly in 1849 and speaker in 1851
- editor of Harer's New Monthly Magazine
- 9/18/1851, publ…
Anne Royall
- Washington's first important woman journalist
- at 61, in 1831, founded 4 page paper, Paul Pry
- 1836-1854: printed The Huntress (stood for Jacksonian principles, free public edu, free speech, justice for immigarants and NAtive Americans)
Jane Grey Swisshelm
- first woman sit in congressional press gallery
- editor of antislavery Saturday Visitor in Pissburgh
- sent columns to Greeley's Tribue for $5 a week
- 4/17/1850: sat in Senate press gallery but not return
- crusade and feminist
- editor in Minnesota in 1857
- made St. Cloud Democ…
Margaret Fuller
- NY tribune staff member in Wash from 1844-1846
- editor of The Dial sponsered by REmrerson
- wrote literary reviews and profiles
- 1846, first US woman foreign correspondent--> UK Fr, ITL
- married an Italian revloutionary
- died in shipwreck of eastern coast
Associated Press
- /5/1848: publishers of leading NY papers met in Sun offices and reached agreement
- procure foreign news by telegraph from Boston in common
- contract of Assoicate Press
- Herald, Courier and Enquirer, Sun, Express, Journal of Commerce
- modern AP was 1/11/1849
- Harbor News Associ…
Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
- published stuff in San Fran's first daily Alta California (1850)
- Nevada's Territorial Enterprise (858) was city editor in early 1860s
- wrote Life on the Miss (1883) and Huckleberry Finn (1885)
- contributor ot San Fran's The Golden Era (leading lit magazine)
-was an anti-imperial…
William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator
- 1/1/1831: issued first copy of Liberator in Boston
- voice of abolisttionist
- peopl resent his self-righteousness
- cased most violent public reaction since Ton Paine
- MAss ready rforbid export of nespaper and pretty much no distribution allowed
Elijah Lovejoy
- abolitionist who died for the cause
- editor of St. Louis Observer (weekly founded in 1835)
- moved press to Alton,IL
- killed by mob because citizens wanted paper gone
Frederick Douglass
- Narrative of the Lfe of Frederick Doublass
- editor of The Ram's Horn (started in 1/1847 by Willis A. Hodges)
- North STar: 11/1/1847: also by Douglass
- articles on slavery and blacks and cross-section of national and world news
- later renaimed Frederick Douglass Paper in 1851
- …
Matthew Brady, Alexander Gardner, Timothy H. O’Sullivan
- Brady was best war photograper: couldn't be used in papers b/c no method transfer light and shade in printing process but artist did
- everywhere during the war
- worked for AT Stewart (NY dept. store owner)
- took him to Samueul Morse and went to Prof Draper at NYU (made first insta…
Summary lead
- put main feature of the story in the first paragraph
- developed during civil war by reporters in the field who feared that their complete dispatches might not get through
Thomas Nast
- political caroonist who used against Tweed in Harper's Weekly (edited by George Wiliam Curits) during 1871
E. W. Scripps
- MidW papers of 1870s-80s
- Edward Wyllis Scripps
- James E. Scripps founded Detroid Evening NEws in 1873
- had papers in Cleveland, Cincinnati, St. louis, and Buffalo
- new journalism: low-priced evenign publicationsl small in size but well writeen and tighetly edited; hard-hitting …
Joseph Pulitzer
- leading American editor of modern times
- fortune of nearly $20 mill (most ever)
- achieved leadership by being receptive to others' ideas
- high-minded conception of naewspper's role (editorial leadership and make conception life in paper)
- 1867, US citizen (fought in Civil War)
New York World
- founded in 1860 as morning Dem paper (edited by Manton Marble and sold by Jay Gould)
- first edition out 5/1//1883
- sensational stories (storm cause million dollar damage in NJ) and aggressive promotion of paper (the ears--> pluged paper's circultion and exclusives)
- concise 10-poi…
Elizabeth Cochrane/Nellie Bly
- went around world in 72 days in 1889 for the World
- moral crusader also
Ida Tarbell
- one of the original muckrakers for McClures in 1893
- speacialty was biographies and research work
- 1902, exposed business practices of Rockefeller and Std Oil Co. ("History of the Standard Oil Co."
- eventually went to American Magazine with John S. Phillips in 1906
Winifred Black/Annie Laurie
active woman writer, one of Hearst's early stars
Jacob Riis
- reporter for NY Sun
- wrote about misery and vice of NY slums
- How the Other Half Lives (1890)
- pioneer in documentary photography with photos of slums ("Flashes from the Slums"
William Randolph Hearst
- 64 year publishing career
- Californian who's dad George bought San Fran Examiner in 1880
- worked as a cub reporter for NY World
- 1887, editor of Examiner
- Sam S. Chamberlain was his managing editor
- called his paper "The Monarch of the Dailies"
-bought NY Journal (Pulitzer's …
“Yellow journalism”
- sensational journalism practiced
- Hearst was big timer
- Outcault's "Yellow Kid"
Richard Harding Davis
- great reproter at NewYork Sun but later left for hearst but achieved greatest fame with Herald
- sent by Hearst to Cuba
- covered Russ-Jap War and frustrated by Jap censorship
- covered Boer wAr for NY Hearld
- also covered entry of German army into Brussels (WWI) for NY Tribune
Jimmy Hare(p. 205)
- photographer of Russo-Japanese War in 1904 who was frustrated by Jap censorship
- can't get pics until take risks
- one of the first to use hand-held camera
- worked for Collier's
- Spanish Aerican and Russo-Jap war
- took 1st pic of flight (Orville Wright)
- also covered Mxn Rev …
William Allen White
- small-town Kansas editor
- born 1868-1944
- sokesman for small towns
- editor of Emporia Gazete
- was editorial writer for William Rockhill Nelsoon's Kansas City Star
- bought EMporia Gazette in 1895 for $3000
- "What's te matter with Kansas" (8/15/1896) made him nat'lly famous fo…
Lincoln Steffens
- former reproter for the Evening Post and city editor of the Commercial advertiser in NY--> one of nation's most famous crusading liberals at McClure's
- attacked corruption in city and state governments
- "The Shame of the Cities": recounted situation in St. Louis
- later went to Ame…
Adoph S. Ochs, New York Times
- rescued paper from bankruptcy in 1896
- started the Times in Chattanooga with Col. John E. MacGowan
- got financiers, even JP Morgan, to buy bonds int he new enterprise
- solid news coverage and editorial opinion for readers who didn't like overemphasis on entertainment and features
George Creel’s Committee on Public Information
-committee disseminated facts about Wwi and coordinate govn't propaganda efforts and to serve as the government's liaison with newspapers
- had voluntary censoship code where editors would agree to refrain from printing material that might adi the enemy
- opened government news channels…
The Masses, Victor Berger’s Milwaukee Leader, censorship of German and Socialist papers and the Espionage Act of June 15, 1957
- fell heavily on Socialist and Germ papers or pacifi…
Floyd Gibbons
- International News Service foreign correspondent
- hit by German machine-gun fire and lost eye in WWI as Chi Trib reporter
- dail news roadcast to reach growing national audience in 1930s befoer NBC's Amos 'n' Andy show
- credited with first remote broadcast (shortwave transmitter wh…
“Clear and Present Danger” theory (Schenck v. U.S., Near v. Minnesota)
- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes did this
- involved Phl Socialist party who printed and distirbuted antiwar leaflets urging youing draft inductees to join Socialist party and work for repeal of draft law and dencouned war as ruthless adventure servind Wall Stree interest
- found was cle…
Reginald Fessenden
- first to use continous waves instead of series of bursts by Marconi to carry voice or music
- 1902 patent was first in US for radio-telegraph system using Hertzian waves
- 12/24/1906: first broadcast made (read St. Lukes Gospel, layed Handel's Largo and wished them erry Christmas)
Lee De Forest
- The Fther of Radio
- invented forerunner to the vacuum tube and able to transmit voice in lab room (Audion)
- 1907, experiments made him world celebrity
- broadcast concerts and next year, broadcast music from top of Eiffel tower
0 1910, boradcast voice of Enrico Caruso from Met ope…
Charles David “Doc” Herrold
- opened boradcasting school in 1909 and build antenna on roof of Garden City Bnak Builiding
- began regularly scheduled, weekly half-hour news and music program--> daily in 1910
- his wife Sybil may ahve been first woman to braodcast her own show (muscial program for young ppl)
- firs…
David Sarnoff, RCA (pp. 272-274)
- 3 companies come together in 1919 to form Radio Corporation of America (AT&T, Westinghouse, and GE)
- companies bought up Brit-owned Marconi patents on radio equipment
- at first, RCA was in wireless message service
- Sarnoff wanted to break hodl AT&T had on big-time radio (ex: World…
William Paley, CBS
- 1927, was NBC's first competition
- United independent Broadcasters and Columbia Phonograph Record Company became Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System
--> Columbia Bradcasting Syste
- first network show on 9/18/1927 of music and advertising
- Paley bought control of United and be…
Federal Communications Commission
- forced NBC to sell Blue network (WJZ)--> ABC
- 2/1927, federal regultion of braodcast channels
- Radio act of 1927: established 5-member FRC: regulate all forms of radio communications
- cmmunications Act of 1934: 7-member FCC: regualte radio braodcasting and jurisdiction over al tel…
“Jazz Journalism”
- 1920s: rapid rise in emphasis on the techniques of interpretive reproting in al formats
- taboid format was introduced successfully in NY after 1919
- ex: Dily Graphic and Continent
- first widely circulated tabloid was Daily mirror in London in 1903 by Harmsworth
Captain Joseph Medill Patterson, New York Daily News
- partner of ChiTrib since 1914
- unconventional and protested social inusticie and economic oppression and socialistic
- Illustrated Daily News: 6/26/1919 and was gimicky
- sensationalism, entertainment emphasis, and reliane on photography
- had 250k circulation in 1924 (largest in n…
William Randolph Hearst revisited
- positive contriutions to news:
(1) world's largest publishing empire
(2) methods and innovations in news writing and handling and utilization of newmechanical process were very important (appeal to mass of readers and increased reading habits)
(3) contructive force: believed in progr…
Col. Robert McCormick, Chicago Tribune
- partner of ChiTrib in 1914
- grandons of Joseph Medill
- had combine of Chi Tri-NY Daily News
- ultraconservative and trid to prove taht Trib ws right and most everybody else was wrong
- proclaimed his paper was "World's Greatest NEwspaper"
- head of Daily News in 1946
- started a…
Near v. Minnesota
- 1931: defneded 1st and 14th amendment ights of the press
- apply freedom of press guarantees of st Amendment agsint states through due-process clause of 14th amendment against "gag law" of 1935 (Minn.) which permitted suppression of malicious andscandalous publications and was applied …
Interpretive reporting
- most important development of 1930s and 40s
- proper bging of news events and covering of major areas f human activity by specialists
- why beame importnt along with who did what: coverage of all improved by reporter-specialists
- sticking to a factual account of what had been said o…
Anne O’Hare McCormick
- won Pulitzer for European reporting during the 1930s as part of NY Times News Service
- won for 1921 story that analyzed an unknown Benito Mussolini and predicted he would master italy
- 1937 made Times' columnist on international affairs and a member of its editorial board
Walter Lippmann
- editor of New York World after Cobb in 1920s
- staff member of the new Republic and supported Wilson in wartime and was contributor to The Masses (Max Eastman) though it did not support Wilson
- published documented study " A Test forthe New as supplement to 8/4/1920 issue of the New …
Drew Pearson
- gossipcolmnist at the Baltimore Sun
- left newspapers to coauthor a behind-the-scenes column in 1932
Lowell Thomas
- took over Gibbons job at CBS
- claim to fame was exclusive story of Arabian campaign in WWI (With Laurence in Arabia)
- made first broadcast 9/29/1930--> longest runing in boradcast history (lasted unti 5/14/1976)
- first show had comments about Hitler
- "Good Evening, Everybody."
Hans Von Kaltenborn
- dean of comentators, who quit newspaper and joined CBS as full-time commenttor in 1930
- foreign correspondent, manging editor and associate editor of Brooklyn Eagle in first journalistic assignments and started broadasting news for a locl station in 1922
- 1923, news commentary on WV…
Edward R. Murrow
- detested Htitler, sympathy with UK, feared for JEwish
- unknwon CBS program arranger who was named Euro news chief was in London at first
- did cultural and human interest stories
- 3/12/1938: had first multiple news pickup in history in Vienna with William L. Shirer in London
“Fireside Chats”
- FDR made 28 of them during Great Depression and WWII
- friendly manner
- used to achieve national unity
Margaret Bourke-White
- World War II and the Korean War photographer
- did photographic essays and interpretive picture stories at the close of Great Depression, captured Gandhi's compelling personality in india, took wartime assignments
- did ift for Life mag
Ida B. Wells
- first prominent black woman journalist and editor
- feminist reformer and reace leder
- co-owner and editor of Free Speech in Memphis and was mbed in 1892
- worked for NY Age and weekly Conservator in chicago
-anti-lynching crusader from the South who came to reside in Chicago and w…
Dorothy Thompson
- the first U.S. woman to head a news bureau in Europe
- NY Post, covered Vienna, Berlin, Moscow, Budapeset, and London and was expelled from Germany by Hitler in 1934
- European correspondent for the Phil Public LEdger and the NY Psot during the 1920-30s
- married to Sinclair Lewis an…
Agnes Underwood
- The Los Angeles Herald & Express was the first major metropolitan paper to hire a woman city editor and that wasn’t until 1947
Lois Wille
- The Post World War II Pioneers
- Pulitzer Prize-winning , Medill BSJ 53 and MSJ 54.
- 1956, about the time Lois Wille was hired by the Chicago Daily News as assistant to the fashion writer after being turned down by City News Bureau, which refused to hire women.
- editor of the Dail…
Katherine Fanning
- first woman president of ASNE (American Society of Newspaper Editors), of the Christian Science Monitor
- was not elected until 1987-88; only three other women have been elected ASNE president since then.
Chicago journalism
classroom discussions
- rail and trade center of inland America and passed million mark in 1890 to become nation's second city
- Haymarket Square riot in Chicago
- Melvile E. Stone and Victor LAwson made new journalism in Chicago
- herman Kohlsaat was chief figure in Chicago's newspaper consolidations (boug…
Joseph Medill, Chicago Tribune
- ended editorship with death in 1899
- nationalistic in foreign policy and generally conservative in its outlok
- fought liberal Illinois governor Altgeld and attacked Eugen Debs-led Chicago labor unions and crasuaded against utility and street-railway franchise grabs
- used McCutche…
Robert S. Abbott, Chicago Defender
- founded in 1905
- 1915, circulation of 230k
- largest American black newspaper group
- challenges to KKK, racia rioting, lynchins, etc.
- 1930s, moderated tone and added more personal, social, cultural, and fashion news
- died 1940 and nephew john H. Sengstacke was successor
Day Book
- EW Scripps tried this in 1911 (adless tabloid)- negley D. Cochran was the editor and Carl Sandburg was chief reporter
- reached ciruclation of 25k and was within $500/month of breaking even when the rising newsprint costs of the first year fo WWI, 1917, caused its suspension
Carl Sandburg
- chief reporter of teh Day Book
- contributor to The Masses
Melville E. Stone
- Chicago new journalism instigator
-founder of Dail news
- was managing editor of Republican in 1872 and was city editor of inter Ocea
- 1/1876, started Daily News in Chicago (4 pg)
- first responsibility was to print news, second to guide public opinoin, and third to provide enterta…
Victor Lawson
- also Chicago instigator of new journalism
- took over business managership of DAily News and 2/3 of stock
- Chicago Daily News foreign service grew out of the coverage begun in 1898 by him for daily News and Record-Herald
Chicago News Bureau
- Chicago News Bureau was an early cooperative news agency, founded in the late nineteenth century by the newspapers of Chicago to provide a source of local and breaking news. It was also used as a training ground for news reporters who graduated into the dailies of Chicago and the dailie…
Studs Terkel
- He is the 93-year-old author of 10 books of oral history, including the Pulitzer Prize-winning “The God War.”
- One of his selections from “Division Street: America” was assigned for you to read and Alex Kotlowitz mentioned him as an important Chicago voice
Mike Royko
- Pulitzer Prize winner Mike Royko (born 1931-died 1997) was reportedly the most widely syndicated columnist at the time of his death, carried by 600 dailies nationwide. He certainly was the most widely read columnist in Chicago. He wrote for 35 years, most of those years churning out fiv…
W.E.B. Du Bois, The Crisis
- advocate of Marxism and later lived in Ghana
- executive of NAACP and founded and edited its mag The Crisis (news mag on iterms of concern to blacks, editorial opinion, review of opinion and lit, and lit mag)
Ethnic and Black Press
(pp. 227-231
- peack of ethnic newspapers in 1917 (1323 papers)- Germen were most
- largest foreign-lang daily was New Yorker Staats-Zeitung (1845) started by Herman Ridder
- The Jew: first Jewsih publication in uS as monthly in 1823 by Solomon nHenry jackson (NY's first Jewish printer)- Asmonean (1…
Rev. Samuel E. Cornish and John Brown Russwurm, founders of Freedom’s Journal
- first black published newpspaer in US
- founded in 1827
- Rev. was first editor of Weekly Advocate or Colored American
John H. Johnson
- started Ebony in 1945
- before, published negro Digest
- later published Jet, Tan Confessions, Ebony J., and Black STars
- Ebony had 1.9 million circulation in late 1980s
- 1986, added EM, men's fashion magazine, to his empire
- had Johnson Publishing Company
- Essence was begun i…
Abraham Cahan (p. 213, 421)
editor of Yiddish Socialist paper Vorwarts (jewish Daily forward) that was founded in 1897 in NYC
Alex Kotlowitz
- prof at NU
- wrote There are No Children There
Alex Kotlowitz
- prof at NU
- wrote There are No Children There
March of Time
- dramatic reenactments of the week's news
- started in 1930s
- began with Fred Smith
- impersonations of famous personalities
- Orson Welles freaked eople out b/c of War of the Worlds
- also had film documentary and TV versions
Harold Ross, the New Yorker
started in 1925
- former editor of Stars and STrpes
- cartons, fiction, Profiles, Reporter at Large, commentaries on public affairs
- Letter from Paris was a big deal
DeWitt and Lila Acheson Wallace, Reader’s Digest
- began in 1922
- printed condensed versions of articles of current interest and entertainment value that had appeared in other magazines
- pocket-size style, judgemnt of popular tastes, skillful editing made i a national best seller
- had inspirational tone taht wasn't realistic
Luce, Time magazine
- weekly new-magazine and later had Life, picture magazine
- began in 3/1923
- he was editor of Yale Daily NEws
- organize and departmentalize news of the week
- also started Fortune and Sports illustrated
6 roles of ethnic media in US
1. provide more news of home than is available in the mainstream media
2. teach what it means to be an American (assimilation)
3. Create and sustain a community-- build religious, political, educational, b usiness instittuitons
4. provide forum for literary expression5. fight for justi…
Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur, authors of “The Front Page,” a play about Chicago journalism
- Hecht reporter for the Chicago Daily News
- MacArthur was at City News Bureau of Chicago
E. L. Godkin
- founder of the Nation and sucessor to William Culen Bryant at the NY Evenign Post
- founded in 1865 for high-grade weekly journal of opinion and literary criticism (discuss political and economic questions of the day and try better conditions of blacks)
- forfront of progressive thoug…
Ng Poon Chew
- founder of China Western Daily (1900) the first Chinese daly in San Fran