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Occurs when cancer cells enter the bloodstream of surrounding body fluids
Metastatic tumor
can migrate to other parts of the body
invasice tumor
can invade healthy tissue
malignant tumor
loss of normal growth regulation: can cause death if untreated
agents that increase the likelihood of developing cancer
Causes of cancer
Mutagens, Viruses
How Viruses cause cancer
1) modifying the genes in the host cell
2) carrying oconogenes in the viral genome
Tumor-repressor gene
Normally codes for a gene that prevents cancer, but when mutated, it eliminates this function and can cause cancer
When a mutation causes this gene to be overactive, uncontrolled cell growth occurs
Cause of nondisjunction
One set of homologs fails to seperate, causing all gametes to have an abnormal number of chromosomes
Chromosomes fail to seperate in meiosis I or II
Nucleotide excision repair
the segment with nucleotides in the damaged strand is removed from the DNA. The undamaged strand is used as a template. Occurs in all eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Reciprocal translocation
An even exchange between segments of 2 chromosomes
Simple translocation
One segment of a chromosome becomes attatched to another chromosome
Chromosomal inversions
chromosomal change in direction
Chromosomal duplication
Chromosomal selection occurs 2 or more times in a row
Chromosomal deficiencies
A segment of the chromosome is missing (deletion)
A heritable change in the genetic material: causes genetic variation
Function: central female organ of the flower. It's generally bowling pin shaped and in the center of the flower
Function: Receives pollen, typically flattened and sticky
Function: Connective tissues between the stigma and ovary
Function: Contains ovules or embryo sacs
Function: Unfertilized, immature seeds
Function: Male flower organ
Function: pollen producing organs
Function: supports the anther
Function: Usually colorful, may contain perfume and nectar glands
Function: Protective leaf-like enclosures forthe flower buds; usually green
The base of the flower
Simple Fruit
1 flower, 1 ovary
Agregate fruit
many ovaries of one flower
multiple fruit
many ovaries of very clustered flowers
example of agregate fruit
example of multiple fruit
carpels and stamen in one plant. Ex) Corn: female = silk, male = tassel
Carpels and stamen in seperate plants
example of dioecious plant
example of simple fruit
Where mitosis/meiosis occurs
Where fertilization occurs in plants
Multicellular structures
Megaspores, microspores, embryo sac, pollen grain
Female: develop into female gametophytes which produce egg cells
Male: develop into male gametophytes which produce sperm cells
Embryo Sac
Female gametophyte
Pollen grain
male gametophyte
Double fertilization
When one sperm fertilizes the egg and one sperm fertilizes the polar nuclei
Pollen germination
Changes that occur in the pollen grain; starting with hydration and ending with the formation of the pollen tube (from the tube cell)
Antipodal cells
3 haploid cells in the mature embryo sac of flowering plants
nourish the egg of plants
First structures that emerge in embryo development
Suspensor Cells
Attatch the embryo to the parental tissue in plants
different tissues of the developing embryo: protoderm, meristem, procambium
Becomes integumentary tissue in plants (epithelial)
All other tissues in plants
Becomes vascular tissue which then becomes xyolem and phloem in plants
surrounds the embryo and provides nourishment for it
Seeds must be dispersed far away from the mother plant so that they can find a favorable and less competitive environment to germinate and grow
Why is fruit important?
Single seeded with one cotyledon. Embryonic shoot tip and root protected by tissue.
Structure of monocot
Tissue sheath that protects the embryonic shoot tip in plants
Tissue sheath that protects the embryonic root
Embryo with large cotyledons
Structure of dicot
The embryonic shoot above the cotyledons: in monocots it will develop into the plant
In dicots, what appears to be the base of the stem: under the withered cotyldeons
The portion of the embryo that gives rise to the root system of a plant
Fire, rainfall, harsh winters, light
Environmental cues for germination to occur
DNA replication
When puberty occurs for males
Meiosis I
When puberty occurs for females
Lydig cells
produce testosterone in the presence of LH
Sertoli cells
Type of spermatic cell around which spermatids develop in the tubules of the testes
Polar bodies
Also found in the embryo sac of plants, unknown function, released after meiosis in oogenesis and degenerate
Basic unit of female reproduction: each contains a single oocyte
Graffian follicle
A fluid filled structure in the ovary where an ovum develops before ovulation
Corpus luteum
hormone secreting structure that develops in the ovary after an ovum has been discharged: degenerates after a few days unless pregnancy has begun
Primary oocyte
Cell whose primary function is to divide by meiosis
Secondary oocyte
Oocyte in which the first meiotic division is completed: usually stops short of completion unless pregnancy occurs
Vitelline envelope
formed from extracellular components in oviparous animals
Zona pellucida
formed from extracullular components in mammals
Jelly layer
Fromed in some species outside the vitelline envelope
Cortical granules
Vesicles filled with enzymes
acrosomal reaction, cortical reaction, activation of the egg
Three steps of fertilization
sprem cell contacts egg and releases hydrolytic enzymes to dissolve the jelly layer, sperm binding proteins are exposed: they bind to the sperm, sperm and egg plasma membranes fuse: the sperm's nucleus enters the egg
Acrosomal reaction process
IP3 is released from the plasma membrane near fusion site, stimulating the release of Ca2+ from the ER, stimulating the exocytosis of the corticle granules, the contents of the ganules cause the vitelline layer and plasma membrane to seperate: destroying sperm binding proteins: the vitell…
Cortical reaction process
sperm and egg nuclei fuse to form a zygote (completion of meiosis II)
Egg activation process
2 months
When an embryo becomes a fetus
clevage, gastrulation, organogenesis
3 phases of early development
Animal pole
The portion of the egg where the yolk is least concentrated
Vegetal pole
The portion of the egg where the yolk is most concentrated: where it's plump
Complete cleavage (Holoblastic)
The complete division of an egg into blastomeres
Incomplete cleavage (meroblastic)
The partial cleavage of eggs in certain animals
Gives rise to nervous system, cornea and lens, epidermis of skin, lining of mouth and rectum, tooth enamel
Gives rise to notochord, skeletal system, circular system, muscular system, lining of body cavity
Gives rise to epitheleal ling of tracts, liver, pancreas, thyroid, thymus
Becomes the anus in deuterosomes and the mouth in protosomes
Forms the primitive gut
3 embryonic tissues are arranged in layers, the gut has formed, the major body axes are visible
3 main results from gastrulation
cleavage and gastrulation: the process in which the embryo forms and develops
Rod shaped support organ which causes the neural plate to form
Neural plate
Sends signals to the ectoderm- forms the neural tube
Neural tube
gives rise to the brain and spinal cord; development of the central nervous system
Repeating blocks of tissue on either side of the notochord; unique to vertebrates
FSH and LH
male reproductive hormones
initiates spermatogenisis in males, stimulates the ovaries to create estrogen and progesterone in females
Signals the release of testosterone in males
Conversion of girls to women, prepares for the monthly possibility of pregnancy, aides in pregnancy
Stimulates the uterus to prepare for pregnancy
Pituitary gland
secretes FSH and LH
Secretes GnRH: sending signals to the pituitary gland
Secondary sexual characteristics
characteristics that occur after puberty
Follicle grows in response to FSH, LH and FSH levels increase, stimulating ovulation
Follicular phase of ovarian cycle
CL forms on the ovary secretes progesterone, making the uterus ready for an embryo
Luteal phase of ovarian cycle
The egg is grabbed by the fallopian tubes and waits there for the sperm cell
What happens if fertilization occurs
24 hours
How long after fertilization does cell division begin?
Ball of cells (embryo one week after fertilization)
Where implantation occurs
Finger like projections that eventually turn into endometrial tissue
promotes the maintenance of CL during the beginning of pregnancy. Allows the CL to secrete progesterone during the first trimester.
what secretes HCG and what the HCG maintains
What takes over the role of HCG at the beginning of the second trimester?