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Warren G. Harding
1920 republican in office; turns against progressive reforms; gov. out of economy is key to growth
"Ohio Gang"
Harding's friends he gives jobs to in office; pocket money and corrupt the government
Calvin Coolidge
Vice president to Harding; "silent cow" 
Andrew Mellon
Secretary of Treasure; works with president coolidge to reduce taxes, limit federal expenditures and retire part of the national debt
Herbert Hoover
1928 republican president; feared inflation rather than deflation 
"Buy on the margin"
big players pick company and raise their stocks; reg people start to buy on credit from the rich and then the price drops below the margin and people lose all of their investments
Deflationary Spiral
lower production brings down every feature of the economy; to stop this, money needs to be added into the economy
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
1930; many economists disliked this; raised taxes on agricultural and manufactured imports; led to retaliation from Europe
Reconstruction Finance Administration
(RFA) bail out failing institutions (financial) and businesses 
First Hundred Days
FDR focuses on relief to suffering individuals
"Brain Trust"
Many of the advisers who helped Roosevelt during his presidential candidacy continued to aid him after he entered the White House; more influential than the cabinet
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
(AAA)limit agricultural production to limit supply in order to increase prices and help farmers; seems wasteful to public because so many people are hungry
Dust Bowl
turn land that is not suitable for production into crops; soil becomes dry and blows away
Tennessee Valley Authority
(TVA) teaches farmers about technology to increase productivity; brings cost of electricity down; builds dams and creates jobs
National Recovery Administration
(NRA) bring stability to market by making regulations: set prices/wages/quality control; brings closer to planned economy 
Schecter Poultry vs. US
gov. places a regulation on "straight killing" and accused this poultry business of selling sick animals
Court-Packing Scheme
(Judiciary ReorganizationBill of 1937) number of justices on supreme court isn't inscribed; for every justice 70+ years, FDR can appoint another one; expansion of pres. power
Huey Long
radical populist; gov. of Louisiana; builds skyscraper state house during depression; attacks the wealthy and doesnt accept resistance 
Lebensraum ("living space")
believe that real Germans are the best race in the world; more space for Germans to live
Rome Berlin Axis 
1936; close sooperation between Italy and Germany; alliance to take over Europe
Anschluss ("Joining")
March 1938; Germany annexes Austria; violation of Versailles
Douglas MacArthur
A General who commanded a broad offensive against the Japanese that would move north from Australia, through New Guinea, and eventually to the Philippines.
Pearl Harbor
Dec. 6/7, 1941; two waves of japanese planes destroyed Pearl Harbor; 2,500 people dead, 200 planes destroyed, 13 ships destroyed
June 6, 1944; over a million troops stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France
Manhattan Project
trying to make atomic bomb with scientists and they want to test it; Truman finds this out after FDR dies
Rosie the Riveter
symbolizes importance of women rules during the war 
"Double V" Campaign
victory over segregation and in the war
propoganda movie in support of war
War Relocation Camps
1942- 11,000 Japanese moved into camps within the U.S; all U.S. citizens but of Japanese decent
Major General Leslie Groves
allowed army to research the atomic bomb; purchased land in New Mexico for testing
J. Robert Oppenheimer
unknown if he could get along with other people w/i the project; headed bomb project in Los Alamos; later accused of being a comunist sympathizer
name for the testing of the bomb; named after a poem
Enola Gay
Aug, 6, 1945- b29 named after pilots mom; plane used to drop atomic bombs
uranium isotope used to make atomic bomb
Fat Man
atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
Little Boy
atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
what made up the Fat Man atomic bomb
Yalta Conference
Feb. 1945- meeting between the Big 3: FDR, Churchill, Stalin; discuss post war reorganization of Europe
Potsdam Conference
July 1945- Truman, Churchill, Stalin; "What Europe will look like"; 1/2 through Churchill is replaced by new prime minister
Iron Curtain
split Germany into different ideologies (everyone thinks their ideology is superior); now East Germany (communist) and West Germany (Capitalist)
don't let communism spread/ don't want military assult
Truman Doctrine
contain communism by providing financial aid to countries
Marshall Plan
1947- $13 billion to European nations trying to rebuild their economy because they don't these countries to turn to communism
Raisin Bombers
German children call the planes dropping candy into East Germany this
Korean War
North Korea invades South Korea 
38th Parallel
devides North and South Korea (south: capitalist, north: communist)
House Un-American Activities Committee
1945- investigate suspected communists acting as spies in the U.S; turn towards Hollywood to investigate people related to soviet movies
Pumpkin Papers
documents proving Alger Hiss was a spy
Hollywood Ten
When Hollywood producers and writers were called to testify, this group of people refused to answer questions about their own political beliefs and those of their colleagues, they were sent to jail for contempt.
Alger Hiss
employee of state department accused for being Soviet spy by Chambers who was another spy
accusation of being communist without evidence; tells people that soviet spys are within the government and they arent acting on it
Liberal Consensus
life is prospering because of liberal ideals
Managerial Liberalism
both parties believe in the welfare state
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Republican in 1952 election; no one wants him in office so he chose a VP people liked--Nixon
"I Like Ike"
Eisenhower's campaign slogan
Interstate Highway System
1956-government achievement on infrostructure and essential for national security 
Peacy and Prosperity
1956- Eisenhower's election campaign slogan; America is a powerhouse and the economy is on the rise
22nd Amendment
limits presidents to two terms
John F. Kennedy
1960 Democratic president; bay of pigs; "New Frontier" ; looked young and changed the face of president on t.v; assasinated nov.22,1963--Johnson takes over
Lyndon B. Johnson
took over presidency for Kennedy; ran against Kennedy but lost democratic spot so he became VP; helped get votes in south; constructed Great Society; important part in ending segregation 
Richard Nixon
VP for Eisenhower; ran against Kenndey in '63 but lost; pres. after Johnson; war hero/ pumpkin papers; good at debating 
Helen Gahagan Douglas
ran for senate in 1950 and Nixon called her a communist; called Nixon "tricky dick" because of his dirty politics
Tricky Dick
nickname for Nixon because of dirty politics
The Kitchen Debate
(friendly) Khruschev vs. Nixon in 1959 about capitalism can provide a "well stocked kitchen" for everyone and communism can not
Televised Presidential Debate
1960- people watching thought JFK won and listeners thought Nixon won; importance of looking presentable 
Election of 1960
JFK vs. Nixon; JFK wins 
Fidel Castro
1959- overthrew Cuban regime and made it revolutionary socialist regime-- Soviets now had allies close to the United States
Bay of Pigs Invasion
April 6, 1941- exciles were trained to invade Cuba to pick up support to overthrow the regime; failed and had to negotiate with Castro to release the prisoners
Cuban Missle Crisis
JFK and Khruschev in standoff because Soviet were building missles in Cuba; JFk wanted construction to stop but reached agreement if US never invaded Cuba again and took our missles from Turkey
New Frontier 
JFK domestic agenda; wanted to expand medical care and use fed. money to kickstart the economy; budget was 100 billion but little was accomplished 
JFK's life portrayed Camelot because of his family, hope and ambition 
Affluent Society
1950s- happy time and the bad things happening were overlooked
The Other America
1962- the part of America that no one was paying attention to; 40-50 million people living in poverty
The Great Society
Johnson's domestic plan; two goals were to fixing poverty to where they dont need government help and to end racial discrimination
War on Poverty
1964- calls on Congress to pass Economic Opportunity Act in order to eliminate poverty
Economic Opportunity Act
programs from welfare to educate spending, preschool programs under poverty line, legal services for poverty, disadvantaged youth job opportunities, etc.
Social Security Act
1965- medicare and medicade were created
Elementary Education Act
provided funding for schools
Higher Education Act
provides for low interest loans
Plessy v. Ferguson
seperate is constitutional only if it is equal
Smith v. Allwright
all white primaries are unconstitutional
Brown v. Board
seperate but equal in schools does not work and is unconstitutional; takes a long time to take effect
Little Rock Nine
9 black students that try to attend a white high school are stopped by mobs and finally soldiers have to let them in
Bull Connor
set off fire hoses and attack dogs on peaceful protesters; face of racial discrimination
Montgomery Bus Boycott
blacks refused to ride the busses until they are equal and it hurts the bus companies profit; supreme court sats that blacks can ride bus and it ends
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
MLK is first president; African American civil rights group
Sit Ins
Blacks wanted to be treated like patrons; most famous in NC 
Sit Ins
Blacks wanted to be treated like patrons; most famous in NC 
Freedom Rides
protestors in Birmingham; got very violent 
Call for Unity
8 Clergy men release this; MLK is outsider demolishing Birmingham and it should be resolved by locals
Civil Rights Act of 1964
bans segregation in public places, employment; Strom Thurmond opposes and switches to Republican (start of switching parties); didnt work well
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Federal protection of minorities to vote; literacy tests were no longer allowed; completed what Reconstruction started

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