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Spanish civil wars
Where Almagro was killed 1530's-1540's 1538: Battle of Salinas where Pizarro kills Almagro
Francisco Pizarro
Governor of Peru, big player in conquest of Inca Empire 1502 - went on a voyage to colonies starting out as a grunt on a ship 1523-1524 - first trip to Peru 1530's - returns to Peru with 2 backers, Almagro and Priest Luque
White legend
Spanish conquered by bringing religion and enlightenment to savages
Black legend
Spanish conquered through brute force and the steamroller model of conquest
3 Goals of Spanish Conquest
Wealth, souls, social status
Simon Bolivar
creole born in Caracas - in 1810 he proclaimed their independence from Spain  1813: Fought for independence with a narrow platform and didn't want to include Indians or slaves Went into exile in Jamaica, wanted to rethink independence platform Negotiates support from Petion in exchange…
Diego de Landa
Franciscan priest who wanted to create heaven on Earth Arrived in 1545. Made progress on the Mayans, extirpation of idolatries campaign.  1562: Began torturing campaign when he found Indians were still secretly worshipping their own gods 1571: Returns to Spain and is promoted Bishop Me…
Toledo Reforms
1570's: Spain fights back against Era of Resistance  Sent Viceroy Toledo Encomienda system dies out Aimed to repress all rebellions Created mita labor rotation draft and judge court system Sent Priest Cristobal de Albornoz to continue extirpation of idolatries Corregidores replaced …
Largest quilombo  1600-1694 Lived by agriculture and traded with colonists Leader was called Ganga Zumba
fugitive slave communities of 20 to 11,000 people Significance: these were a form of escape, an expression of protest against the slave society
Ganga Zumba
A runaway slave who was the first of the leaders of Quilombo dos Palmares (A major runaway slave city). He became very powerful and respected, and even had a treaty with the Portuguese in Brazil, but ended up being killed by a family member who was upset he allied with the Portuguese.
martial art and dance that developed in Brazil from African origins
Pinheads of Opportunity
Reduced idea of resistant adaptation on plantation 1. Lighter skinned blacks could work in a mill instead of plantation 2. Had Sundays off 3. Got garden plots
Invaded Spain in 1808 and put brother on throne
Constitution of 1812
After Napoleon invaded Spain, this was created - if King Ferdinand returned to throne he would be a constitutional monarch with no absolute rule Indians and mestizos could be representatives but Africans couldn't
Replaced corregidores
Cristobal de Albornoz
* Priest commissioned by Francisco de Toledo to stomp out Taki Onkoy (which was the"dancing sickness," a wave of traditional practice by natives in the 1570s) *Guaman Poma de Ayala served as his translator  * He is seen in a drawing by Guaman Poma capturing a Taki Onqoy priest * extirp…
President of Haiti
San Martin
creole, independence leader Fought in Buenos Aires and moved north Argued with Bolivar in Peru and quit
bodies of governance sanctioned by Spain to rule in the name of Spain until Ferdinand could return to the throne Usually made up of creoles who enjoyed the protected space they offered to try out self governance
Cortes de Cadiz
governing body formed in a corner of Spain after Napoleon invaded and removed Spanish crown in 1808
Qhipu record keepers, lived in Andes mountains.  1490-1530 was height of their empire Had kurakas, were in Peru Significance: Challenges steamroller model because of the kurakas structure and footholds
mita labor draft
Part of Toledo Reforms Broke up resistance and standardized community populations
Era of Uneasy Alliances (Huanca)
1530's to 1559 Part of the Early Colonial Era Spanish gained footholds by inserting themselves into existing social structure
Place where Incas went during the Neo Inca Movement (HQ)
flight from communities
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution
Bourbon Reforms
1760's - sought to reverse Spain's decline in both Europe and colonies Created position of intendant to replace corregidores Creoles were removed from court positions and replaced by Spaniards
political leaders of the Incas, negotiated with Spanish
Part of the Era of Resistance, dancing sickness. Was an attempt to unify against Spaniards as "Indians"
Neo Inca Movement
1530 to 1570 Some Incas resisted and went to Vilcabamba
slave rebellion; Haitian revolutionary leader. One of the leaders of a rebellion that emancipated the island's slaves in 1791, he was appointed governor general in 1797 by the revolutionary government of France. In 1802, Napoleon, wishing to restore slavery, took over the island and this …
smuggling minerals in the mines
Jose Gabriel Condorconqui
Tupac Amaru II
extirpation of idolatries
Campaign started by de Landa Tried to eradicate native gods Part of larger set of Toledo Reforms (1570s)
System of chords and knots to keep track of numbers and information for the state.
resistant adaptation
You cannot throw off a system of oppression but you make small inroads within the system that lead to small gains and do affect the overall colonial project Examples:  flight from communities (forasteros) kajcheo  paid people to serve in labor draft for them had priests declare the…
tragedy of success
changed Incas cultural ID, Spanish ways were superior kurakas gained more prestige by splitting allegiance between Spaniards and Indians To be successful you had to assimilate and turn your back on Indian people and culture
Spaniards who replaced kurakas during the Toledo Reforms
Decree of 1811
Tried to turn llaneros land into private land and require llaneros to carry ID cards (Bolivar)
Sent to Haiti from France in 1793, offered freedom to slaves who joined his army, abolished slavery.
magic commodities
sugar, silver, gold
Haitian Revolution
A major influence of the Latin American revolutions because of its successfulness; the only successful slave revolt in history; it is led by Toussaint L'Ouverture.
King Ferdinand
King of Spain removed from the throne by Napoleon in 1808
cowboys of the plains, led by Boves
Jose Tomas Boves
Head llanero
Jose Antonio Paez
When Bolivar goes to live with llaneros, he made an agreement with this new llanero leader to give the llaneros rank in the army and fight with Bolivar in exchange for their freedom over the plains
Congress of Angostura
1819: Place where Bolivar issued a speech that indicated how his views on independence had changed from the beginning of the wars until 1819
Pedro de Candia
Greek explorer who served on Pizarro's expeditions. Went on a mini expedition to Cuzco - Pizarro was pissed and he joined Almagro in protest but was later killed by Pizarro's men 1526
Guaman Poma de Ayala
Illustrated drawings we saw in class Quechua speaker who learned Spanish as a child  Wrote a letter to King of Spain between 1600 to 1615 called Nueva Cronica... Proposed a new direction for governance of Peru  Remained loyal to Spanish king but asked that he place Indian rulers in po…
leader of Incas killed by the Spanish
A grant of land made by Spain to a settler in the Americas, including the right to use Native Americans as laborers on it
Pedro Alvares Cabral
1500: He claimed Brazil for the Portuguese crown
Popul Vuh
a Maya creation myth, taught that the gods had created humans out of maize and water, the ingredients that became human flesh and blood
NE of Brazil
produced sugar
SE of Brazil
produced coffee
Diego de Almagro
Spanish explorer who was partners with Pizarro, backer for voyage to Peru and killed by Pizarro's followers in Spanish Civil Wars 1532 Significance: Shows the greed of conquistadors; Spain had a hard time controlling actions of Spaniards in colonies; Spanish weren't unified which dispro…
Fray Vincente Valverde
Came to Peru with Pizarro. He did well in the colonies and became Bishop of Cuzco. He was killed by the native peoples.  ~1540
Bartolome de las Casas
1502: arrives in Hispanola and granted an encomienda. He was disturbed by the Spanish's bad treatment of the natives.  1515: Gave up encomienda and joined Dominicans becoming the Bishop of Chiapas Wrote a Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies saying that God would punish Spain …
Era of Resistance
1560's: resistance movements dominated Taki Onqoy, Huanca Revolt, Neo Inca Movement are 3 uprisings within this Era
Late Colonial Era
1700's: rise of capitalism and the industrial revolution French Revolution in 1789, Haitian Revolution in 1791 Bourbon Reforms, expulsion of Jesuits, military reforms
Expulsion of the Jesuits
part of the Bourbon Reforms 1767 Colonial officials saw them as a rival source of power and wealth
Military reforms
1778: Creation of pardo or black militias Gracias al Sacar in 1795 - wealthy people of color could purchase limited number of white rights
Tupac Amaru II
Great Rebellion 1780-1782 Takes place in Andes (Cuzco) Original name: Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui Colonial muleteer (trader), Indian noble, Jesuit educated Wanted to restructure colonial system into a unified colonial population under an Inca king
2 Factors that made creole population wary of allying with Indians
Haitian Revolution, Great Rebellion led by Tupac II
Treaty of Tordesillas
1494: Divided Spanish America from Portugal America
Tupi Guarani
the native civilization in Brazil Semi nomadic people living in groups of 400-800 No centralized government to negotiate with or form alliances with No kurakas
Age of Indian Labor
1540 - 1600
Jesuit run villages (circa 1549) Part of Age of Indian Labor Jesuits were sent over by Portuguese to strengthen churches presence in Brazil Within these structures, all native customs were prohibited in exchange for protection from slavery
Era of African Slavery
1600 - 1888 Survivors of voyages adapted better than some Indian slaves More valuable than Indian slaves
Tupac Amaru
last full blooded Indian ruler of the Neo Inca Resistance Movement killed by the Spanish During Toledo Reforms he is captured and put to death
Abolition of the Slave Trade (External Factors)
1.England left slave trade in 1808 and ended slavery in 1838 2. Portugal signed treaty with England to end slave trade in 1810 but broke it in Brazil 1822: Brazil became independent  September 4th 1850 - England shuts down Brazil's slave trade but slave trade continued internally until…
Abolition of the Slave Trade (Internal Factors)
Rebellions in Brazil between 1807 and 1835 b/c of awareness of England leaving slave trade and Haiti's freedom
Males Revolt
1835: 600 slaves and freedmen dressed in Muslim clothing fought in Salvador (Brazil) for 3 hours, communicated secretly in Arabic
Luis Gonzaga Pinto de Gama
1830 - 1882: sold into slavery as a child but grew up on trader's estate and learned to read, became free at 18 and became a policeman, eventually became a lawyer and worked to help slaves obtain their freedom papers (1,000 slaves gained freedom because of him)
Free Womb Law
1871: Gradual emancipation, freed children of slave women and kids born after this date could be free at age 8 and owner would get $$ or they could wait to free them until 21
Eugenics Movement
Late 1800s, early 1900s Science claimed it could prove that one race was superior to all others "Well born" an alternative way to reinforce racial hierarchy once slavery abolished
August Weismann
1834 - 1914: German eugenics scientist who created the germ plasm theory that heredity is fixed and traits are inherited from generation to generation
Francis Galton
1822 - 1914: English eugenics scientists who agreed w/Weismann, developed the idea of the germ plasm theory
Jean Baptiste LaMarck
1744 - 1829: French eugenics scientist who suggested that environment matters, that later generations can improve themselves
Neo-LaMarckian eugenics
Strain of eugenics practiced in Latin America
When was the Cuban Revolution?
Cuban Independence Wars
1868 - 1898: War commences with grito de yara; reflected close connection between abolition and independence  Fought by multiracial army that was integrated at all levels
Carlos Manuel de Cespedes
Creole landowner who set his slaves free and asked them to join him in freeing Cuba
Discourse of Racelessness
Insurgents claimed that with the birth of the new Cuba, inhabitants would emerge equal brothers from the struggle Cubans were a raceless people
Discourse of Nation
People could use this to make demands on the state  Deflected Spain's accusations of a race war
Jesus Perez
Planters in Cuba hired him to keep slaves from leaving the plantation and joining the independence army; insurgents converted him and he left to join the movement
Jose Magin
Slave turned soldier, took a message to rebel camp on a horse, got in trouble for not asking to take the horse, responded that he was a rebel chief and no one could interrupt his journey
Peace Treaty of Zanjon
1878 - peace treaty favoring Spain that ended fighting for a time (Spain had succeeded in branding war as a race war)
Antonio Maceo
Afro Cuban free black muleteer who became a general in the independence army, used discourse of racelessness to show how it would be impossible for him to lead to a race war
Protest of Barragua
Maceo rejected the Treaty of Zanjon and issued this instead, saying he would only accept the peace treaty if Spain granted freedom to all slaves
La Guerra Chiquita
1879 - 1880; Part of Cuban Independence Wars
La Esperanza
Sugar plantation in eastern Cuba; slaved demanded dismissal of overseer, challenged overseers and owner's authority during Guerra Chiquita
Colonel Aguilera
Unable to subdue slaves of La Esperanza Shows that landowner's authority was in question now
1880-1885; Part of Cuban Independence Wars; many migrations of Spaniards to Cuba at this time, whitening the work force
Juan Gualberto Gomez
Afro Cuban intellectual and supporter of racelessness; promoted idea of raceless society; tried to start Afro Cuban Civil Rights Movement
Jose Marti
Creole intellectual and supporter of racelessness during Cuban Independence Wars
Final War for Independence
1895 - 1898: Part of Cuban Independence Wars; Eastern and Western Cuba rose up to fight; USS Maine exploded
Platt Amendment
1902 - 1934: gave US government the right to intervene in Cuba whenever
1901 Constitution
Gave Cuban war vets the right to vote
Does Raimundo represent Neo-LaMarckian eugenics?
Yes: He gets invited to parties, daughter falls in love with him; he does get an education despite the fact that he's mixed race; treated weirdly - illustrates the ceiling of Neo-LaMarckian eugenics, floor represents the possibilities, between the two is the space in which he must live …
Porfirio Diaz
In power in Mexico from 1876 - 1910, attempted to modernize Mexico, adhered to strategy of whitening
Advisors that helped Diaz run Mexico
Accomplishments of Diaz
-Built RR -Tech improvements in mining -Courted foreign capital (80% of RR support - US)
3 Social Sectors that were unhappy with Diaz
1. Middle class - wanted elections and a more open political system 2. Social/agrarian sector (largest) - labor and land demands 3. Opportunists - knew change was coming and wanted to be on the winning side Consensus was Diaz had to go
Francisco Madero
Argued that Mexico was ready for open elections
Plan de San Luis Potosi
Issued in 1910 - a call to take up arms and fight Diaz; begun the Mexican Revolution
Pancho Villa
Ex cattle rustler from the North of MX who mobilized an army made up of small ranchers, unemployed workers, and cowboys Wanted jobs and labor rights
Emiliano Zapata
From the south of MX; fought for land that was being taken away to make RR; army called Zapatistas
Plan de Ayala
Issued in November 1911 by Zapata: said if Madero made land reform a priority, would fight with him
Victoriano Huerta
Madero's military chief who killed him
Venustiano Carranza
President in 1914 following Huerta
MX Constitution of 1917
Written by Carranza; Article 27 championed land reform, 123 - labor rights  Goals of the revolution were now part of the constitution
Lazaro Cardenas
1930s; obscure army officer who was a child fighter in the MX revolution; populist figure
- government protected national industry - state led industrialization  - social programs
Race mixing = national ideal
Institutionalized revolutionary party that Cardenas belonged to
Nationalized oil industry
Ejido system
Communal lands
El Dedazo
Created by the PRI, leaders would select the next candidate
Tlateloco Massacre
1968 in MX; student protested MX's outward turn to bid for Olympics Bankruptcy of the PRI that had to rely on force indicated that govt no longer responded to its constituency
Imposed in part due to Mexican Debt Crisis (1982) and 1985 EQ; caused no more populist programs, reduced restriction on foreign trade, slashed social spending, shock policies to stabilize economy
Cuauhtemoc Cardenas
Led a breakaway faction from the PRI, the FDN Symbolic that there is a Cardenas running but not with the PRI
NAFTA Signing
1994: uprising led by Zapatistas protesting the undemocratic nature of MX politics, neoliberalism
Squatter towns in Brazil that began to characterize urban centers; basic infrastructure had to be demanded and built up: sewer systems, electricity, and land titles are all gained through struggle and pressure on govt
Social disorganization and breakdown
Common view in 1950's characterized by high unemployment, poverty rates, lack of hope; world was cold, anonymous, uncaring
Urban mobilization
Out of great need the urban poor answer with great creativity, creating informal credit groups, soup kitchens; first generation would work hard but later generations would do better; popular view 1960's - 1970's
Audalio Dantas
Journalist who discovered Carolina and published her diary in the newspaper
Reform or Revolution
1940's to 1970's Latin America characterized by the need for change, this was the phrase
Getulio Vargas
Head of Brazil from 1930 - 1945, 1950 - 1954; conservative populist from geographical periphery; believed Brazil could modernize rapidly through industrialization and social engineering
First Republic
Created by Vargas, broke with elite style of politics (1889 - 1930)
Estado Novo
Vargas's political project 1930 - 1945 that transformed Brazil and opened it to the outside world; created a new road system; moved away from the white ideal, extended vote to women, introduced idea of racial hierarchy; diversified Brazil's economy, progressive labor code
Liberal Alliance Coalition
Vargas's political party that focused on industrial workers and the need to extend gov'ts presence in the interior
Volta Redonda
Industrial city created by Vargas to produce steel
Good Neighbor Policy
US adopts this policy and intervenes less directly in Latin America
Cold War
1946 - 1991
US Containment Policy
1946: Spread of communism will not be allowed
Sandinista Revolution
1979 in Nicaragua
Los catorce
Land owning oligarchy who took majority of land for coffee in El Salvador
Pio Romero Bosque
1927 - moderate president who tried to open political system in El Salvador, refused to designate successor Oligarchs had him removed and set up structures to protect their economic fortunes even more from any elected official
Arturo Araujo
1931: President of El Salvador who was overthrown by his VP
Farabundo Marti
Member of socialist party who worked in NYC against US involvement in Latin Am; brutally repressed the people in La Matanza
La Matanza
Massacre led by Farabundo Marti that killed 30,000 El Salvadorans
Jose Napoleon Duarte
Won 1972 election in El Salvador but fraud so bad his opponent Molina was declared victor
El Salvadoran army established this death squad
Liberation Army Farabundo Marti - wanted to see change
Roberto D'Aubuisson
Major in Salvadoran military who founded ARENA and led the party from 1980 - 1985; leader of the death squads who killed Romero
Salvadoran Civil War
1980 - 1992

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