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Formally defined, psychology is the study of
scientific study of human thought and behavior
characteristics such as hair color, risk taking, metabolism are caused by interaction of many genes and are said to be products of
polygenic transmission
a developmental psychologist would most likely study which of the following
verbal ability from childhood to adolescence
trephination is a practice involving
drilling small hole in someone's skull to release demons thought to possess the person
Escher's famous face case figure is a classic example of Gestalt principle of
figure ground
Cal believes that larger percentage of city's population will engage in public displays of affection in highly populated cities due to feelings of anonymity when among a lot of other people. he rides bus in densely populated NYC for 5 hours straight and watches bus riders interactions wit…
naturalistic observation
one of differences between psychiatrist and clinical psychologist is that psychiatrist
can prescribe drugs
when researchers lesioned the ___of a cat, cat went into deep coma and never regained alert state
reticular formation
Dr Hennessey believes that psychologists should analyze only human behavior that can be observed. he is most likely a strict
Jessica wants to conduct study about differences in jealousy between men and women. she asks 400 college men and women series of questions. what is her sample?
400 college men and women
Dr Bischer conducting study to determine if men who wear new type of soccer uniform will perform better. she randomnly assigns half to old and half to new. they do not which old (red) or new (blue). new uniforms did not make difference in number goals scored. what is dependent variable?
number of goals scored
little boy running around store yelling and kicking. his parents cannot control him. strict nature nurture theorist might say
parents fault
representative sample
subset of population that truly reflects characteristics of that population
one important attribute that scientists must have is to be
in process of ____ enzymes bind to specific neurotransmitter to destroy excess
enzymatic degradation
which of following describes Weber's Law?
size of just noticeable difference in stimuli perception is constant fraction of intensity of stimulus
Dr Butcher calculated a 87 correlation coefficient between number of days student attended class for semester and final scores. what can he interpret from his finding?
there is strong relationship between coming to class and performing well on final
luke is in woods at night yet still can see path below and trees around due to action of
group that receives pills that do not contain active ingredient is the
placebo group
research by Barr and colleagues showed that people with ADHD tend to have low levels of
difference between clinical and counseling psychologist
clinical focus on treatment for medical disorders while counseling focus on treating relatively healthy people with everyday problems
in US, first practitioner of humane treatment of mentally ill
Dorothea Dix
the following from in depth paper Dr wrote about client: "Miss experienced loss of parents at early age. now 36, divorced, and has two kids. she has difficulty maintaining steady employment. 8 months ago she met criteria of diagnoses for major depressive disorder. now responding to experi…
case study
interviews and questionnaires are what type of research measure
self report/ survey
psychologists use correlational study design would most likely be addressing which of following research questions
is there a relationship between parent income and children intelligence test scores
which of following is theory of color vision that can explain color afterimages as well as some instances of color blindness
opponent process
melinda sees a bear in woods and gets scared. decides to run away as fast as can. when home calms down. the ____ prepared her body to deal with emergency and ____ relaxed her body after
sympathetic nervous system/ parasympathetic
why would researchers design study in which neither participants nor investigators know whether participants been assigned control or experiment group?
experiment expectancies might influence participant behavior
axons that become ____ are insulated and can transmit faster
if researchers lesion amyglia of lab animal what would result
no fear
psychs in US use standardized reference for diagnosing mental disorders called
which of following key factor in true experimental design
random assignment
___ communicate only with other neurons
independent variable is to ____ as dependent variable is to ___-
cause/ effect
cocaine blocks reuptake of neurotransmitter ___ thereby increasing its availability in synaptic cleft and stimulating feelings of euphoria
the ___ which is implicated in learning also controls balance, coordination, and fine motor skills
sam sees sign that says CLUB_PENFRO_8PM TO 4AM. she knows what says. perception most likely interest to
different forms of same gene
security guards at concert have to search bags for cameras but barely neone has some. they committed many
false alarms
what happened to phineas gage when sustained injury to frontal lobes when bar went through head in railroad accident
personality changed
Nateis farsighted. what happens to visual images focused on retina
images focus behind retina
repetition of scientific study to determine reliability of findings
a trait characteristic or value that changes between or within people places objects or conditions is
which lobe plays important role in sensation and perception to touch
Lillian sees sign that says CL_SED due to gestalt law of ____ she knows store is closed
the function of neurons in brain is to ___ messages
generate/ receive/ intergrate
____ happens when brain interprets and comprehends info that is received from sensory organs
what is difference threshold (just noticeable difference)
smallest amount of change between two stimuli that an individual can detect 50% of time
which of following accurately portrays general pathway for process of vision
retina> optic nerve> thalamus> visual cortex
autonomic nervous system regulates
cardiac muscle/ kidney function/ adrenal glands
if time spent in REM sleep during typical 90 minute segment of sleep is measured early in a nights sleep, which would likely contain most REM
towards end
out of sight out of mind is a stage Piaget might have used for children who
lack object permanence
a higher scale on glasgow coma scale indicates
higher likelihood of recovery
prenatal exposure to flu viruses increases risk of child developing ___ later in life
which of the following is true of brain development
continues after birth
with respect to intelligence and creativity research has shown which of the following to be true. IQ scores are
only weakly correlated with creativity
research on driving and attention demonstrates that
driving while talking on cell phone even if hands free is like driving drunk
person credited with developing first intelligence test is
alfred binet
judy is trying to figure out how to set up receiver tv and dvd to function together. after some trial and error she gets everything working. this has demonstrated
convergent thinking
Kohlberg at what level of moral development is one who believes okay to disobey social rules if leads to reward
embryonic stage begins
two weeks after implantation when major organ development begins
student in late 20s prefers early classes and does quite well. she tends to be less alert later in day. this difference in energy level at different time of day is reflected of students'
circadian rhythm
who adopted binets original intelligence test for US students naming it stanford binet
lewis ternman
which of following is order of prenatal development from early to late
when asked where sun goes at night Tegan tells dad goes to sleep. later gets upset because thinks sister has more juice when actually her glass is just taller and thinner. what stage of piagets cognitive development is he in?
most widely used psychoactive drug is
those who demonstrate avoidant attachment style as children will most likely show which kind of behavior in adult intimate relationships
fear of commitment
one of kinseys contributions to scientific study of sex was method of
considering homosexuality on falling continuum
rose is smitten with sid. she is speaking with him and fully aware of what he is saying how he smells look in his eyes how makes her fell. her state of consciousness is high in
charles spearmens concept of g factor states that intelligence is
general or overarching ability
tabitha is driving in heavy traffic and does not see bumper sticker that reads honk if flunked college. she is experiencing
inattentional blindness
jenny dreamed trying to swim in maple syrup and started to drown. her roomie using freuds theory of dreams said that syrup represented relationship with canadian bf and that although sweet to her, felt as if she suffocated and unable to breath or move on. the latent content of dream is
boyfriend and feelings about relationship
in which stage of piagets theory of cognitive development does object permanence develop
women consistently score better than men do in measures of
reading comprehension
sleep spindles present in which of following stages
A) stage B) one C)3 and rem....NONE OF THESE ACTUALLY IN STAGE 2
complete dissapearances of k complexes from indivuals sleep cycle
deepest sleep
will extremely relaxed and somewhat drowsy. he knows feeling likely facilitated by increase in hormone ___ in bloodstream
in harlows classic experiment monkeys showed greatest attachment to source of
contact comfort
elizabeth engrossed in video game. her brain activity characterized by following waves
which of the following is true with respect to hypnosis
most people are not highly hypnotizable
which sense least developed in fetus
envt agens that can damage developing child
linda drinks wine often and requires more and more to feel effect she is experiencing
A) withdrawal B) psychological dependence C)delirium tremens NONE OF THESE
according to ____ our sense of self is shaped by psych crises or challenging tasks that occur at certain points in our lives
of three intelligence noted in sternbergs theory, which not measured well by traditional IQ test
in which stage of piagets theory of cognitive dvlpmt is conservation of shape number liquid first possible
concrete operations
corbin who is ten years old took test thatshows he has mental age of 15. according to intelligence measurement theorists what can be concluded
corbin more intelligence than most 15 year olds
dylan highly decorated fighter pilot in air force. according to gardners thoery dylan has
spatial intelligence
currently intelligence test for children most widely take is
research by gregory showed that WAIS significantly correlatedwith academic class ranks in hs. this exam has
predictive validity
megan took intelligence test twice and received same scores. this test has
tony has IQ of 68 and would meet criteria for
mild retard
elise is german and took english test and complained too many big words in english. her argument is that test lacked
according to cattecks theory which of following categorized as fluid intelligence
karwen has come up with new thoery of vision
which of following correct order of stages of piagets theory of cognitive dvlptmt from early to late
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
blaise involved in putting together science project and did not realize three hours based by. this state of consciousness is
according to feist which of following 5 personality traits shared most often by creative people
openness to experience
student in afternoon math class who not good with computers took computer based math test. although class usually performs well did not on this test. because poor computer skills likely interfered with performance, test lacks
construct validity
scientists note that IQ test that shows test bias does not
predict outcomes equally well for different groups
donna relaxing on beach and drowsy but not asleep her brain activity is most likely
alpha waves
research shows that big five personality traits are
prevalent across cultures
Albert Banduras bobo study demonstrated which of the following with respect to aggression
children can learn aggression with exposure to aggressive models
which of the following is true about depression
episodic disorder
schizo involves
profound changes in thought and emotion
one common factor shared by those with antisocial PD is that
they lack a conscience
the main idea of client centered therapy is the person will not become well if he or she experiences
gaps between his or her ideal self and actual self
Janet has 3 distinct personalities each of whom have own behaviors emotions and memories. janet often has blocks of time when cannot remember anything-often days- and it at times other personalities emerge. janet is experiencing
dissociative identity disorder (DID) formerly called mult personality disorder
Aiden has noticed that when going for run in park he runs faster when others than when running on path alone. this best illustrates phenomenon of
social facilitation
prozac zoloft paxil and celexa all treat depression by
increasing availability of seratonin in brain
what is comorbity
simultaneous occurence of two or more disorders in same person
milgrams classic study on obedience when participant showed resistance to idea of harming someone how make him continue
experimenter told required to continue
about ____ percent of US adults suffer psych disorders in lifetime
alfred adler disagreed with freud suggesting that ___ is major motivator for all behavior
strive for superiorty
carl rogers considered someone psychologically well adjusted if he or she
had congruence between ideal selves and real selves
benzodiapines and barbiturates are prescribed to relieve
johanna watches bob slip on stairs and concludes these steps steep and dangerous. she is making a ____ attribution
don knows has feelings for someone else but tells friends thinks partner is cheating on him. according to psychoanalytic theory dons behavior is example of
in research, consistency of ratings betwen two or more raters is
inter rater reliability
those with ___ PD have out of control emotions, are afraid of being abandoned and vacillitate between extremes of loving and hating people closest to them
___ which is chem unrelated to SSRIs trcyclics and MAO inhibitors is widely used to treat depression and help people stop smoking
bupropione (wellbutrin)
positive symptoms of schizo
hallucinations and delusions
dr budd presenting client an ambigous image and asking her to report what sees hope being that thoughts and wishes from unconscious will reveal in form of answer. this is the ____ test
dionne from france thinks all people from asia yet aware everyone in france is different. she is experiencing illusion of
out group homogenity
for deviant behavioor to be considered disorder must also be
distressing and dysfunctional
in radical procedure called prefrontol lobotomy, which of following performed?
connections between prefrontal lobes and lower portion of brain severed
lucy about to take math test when someone next to her makes jokes about how women bad at math. she performs poorly on test even though usually does well. her performance could be caused by
stereotype threat
dr hall in therapy session with client who is violent criminal. although dr doesnt approve of actions still shows genuine liking of her, regardless of actions. he is expressing
unconditional positve regard
jennings doesnt want close relaionships and never gets emotional with anyone or anything. reclusive andwants to be left alone. he likely has
schizoid PD
according to freud, id operates according to
pleasure principle
chad who diagnosed with schizo said to therapist "i came to lamp to get pastry changed..." his speech ex of
word salad
newly errogenous zone in 2nd stage of psychosexual dvlpmt is
implicit associations test (IAT) designed to measure
implicit bias
which of following constitutes slip of tongue known as freudian slip
marcy accidentally calls tom her bf her ex's name
psychodynamic approach contends that ___ are source of neurosis and therefore should be focus when treating anxiety
repressed thoughts and memories
___ disorders generally start in childhood and more stable over time and difficult to treat than clinical disorders
personality disoders
jon must knock 7 times before entering room and stir coffee 7 times. he is exhibiting
which of following is likely best approach to treating psychological disorder
combo of drug treatment and psychotherapy
in famous murder kitty genovese, psychologists speculate that no one came to her aid because of
diffusion of responsibility
which of following is biologically based treatment for psych disorders
karen horney theorized person would develop anxiety traits if he or she
turns childhood anxiety towards parents inward to self
statistically speaking trait such as anxiety is
normally distributed in pop.
blanche wants to be center of attention flamboyant dramatic seductive. she likely has
histrionic PD
garret is taking phenothiazine. which of following cluster of symptoms is psychiatrist trying to treat
hallucinations, confusion, paranoia
which of type of psychotherapy approach is most validated by emprical research and evidence
cognitive behavioral therapy
psychologists would most likely used which of following to assess thought disorder (TAT)
rorschack ink blot test
elliot has extreme phobia of heights his therapist is going to help him with flooding which of following is therapist most likely to do?
going to take him to 40 story buildingand make him look down
kelly comes home from work and throws clothes on floor and doesnt clean because no time except goes out later. psychoanalytic theory would say she has a strong
solomon aches classic study of conformity pressure shows that
majority of people went along with group answers even though clearly wrong
about __ percent of US adults afflcited with schizo
luzhas chronic pervasive anxiety. she worries about everything and cannot pinpoint exact source of why. she has common anxiety disorder known as
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

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