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which disorder can be categorized by: poor sleep, nightmares, flashbacks?
dyfuntion, danger, deviance, distress, (discomfort)
4 D's of disorder
specific phobias
fears of snakes, thunderstorms, darkness, water are classified as _____?
name associated with psychodynamic?
acute stress disorder -become PTSD after 4 weeks -GAD doesn't have nightmares
3 weeks ago, I was involved in a hurricane. I am experiencing: anxiety, nightmares, and flashbacks. What disorder?
How many axes does DSM have?
Delusions (false belief even with disproving evidence) -disorder would be schizophrenia
I have a false belief that I am being followed by the President of the USA. What symptoms do I have?
anxiety disorder
Symptoms: fearfulness, worrying, heart racing. What disorder do I have?
behavioral theory
Which model/theory uses principles of learning?
Antisocial personality disorder
given symptoms: -without feeling guilt, charismatic, oppositional, behavioral issues, greed. What disorder?
Borderline personality Disorder
symptoms: -associated with emotional deregulation, cutting, attachment issues, poor self-image, instability in relationships. What Disorder?
____ are intruding thoughts that recur.
sleep changes weight loss/gain poor appetite anhedonia lack of motivation
2 characteristics of major depressive disorder:
loss of pleasure in activities that used to find pleasure in
what is anhedonia?
dissociative disorders
In this disorder, there is a break in conscious awareness, conscious identity, memory. What type of disorder?
bipolar disorder
There is a manic episode and a depressed episode. What specific type of disorder?
Catatonic Schizophrenia
What type of disorder is characterized by: stiffness, rigid, body movements, mutism.
Panic disorder
What disorder is associated with: acute anxiety and heightened physiological symptoms.
dissociative amnesia
partial loss of memory due to really stressful event
I am dealing with panic disorder, and I am so scared of leaving house that I just stay in. I probably developed another type of disorder. What is the additional disorder?
Because of repetitive thoughts, I engage in behaviors to alleviate these anxiety thoughts. What are these behaviors called?
biological therapy (biomedical)
Medicine is considered what type of therapy?
psychodynamic therapy
what therapy focuses on the ego?
being able to understand the clients' feelings
who is the person associated with empathy?
psychodynamic therapy
what type of therapy interprets dreams?
What kind of therapist triggers something that reminds me of my brothers?
Phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder
What kind of disorders are ideal for cognitive behavior?
Gestalt Gestalt
out of the 3 humanistic therapies, which one is directive? out of the 3 humanistic therapies, which one is directive?
behavioral therapy
what therapy uses systematic desensitization?
what medicine might be prescribed for anxiety?
Prozac, Zollof
What medicine might be prescribed for depression?
what medicine might be prescribed for bipolar disorder?
authenticity is hallmark of what type of therapy?
if your therapists had you talk to empty chair, what kind would he be?
need to look up
who would be ideal candidate for psychoanalysis?
what kind of therapists get clients to be more aware of their own feelings?
person associated with Gestalt therapy?
Cost efficient, social support
Advantages of group psychotherapy?
free association is associated with what type of therapy?

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