66 Cards in this Set
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personality theories
generate hypothesis which must be tested through research.
hypothesis predict relationship among variables, some which will naturally be personality characteristics
assement methods
formal: interviews have to be trained and are structured and greater accuracy
informal: lay persons informal
informal assesment methods
ask peiple to describe their own personalities
collect secondhand personality information
observe and draw your own conclusions about their personalities.
asking for self descriptions acess
some aspects of personality may be unconscious
many people seem unaware of the reason for their own behavior
people vary in their levels of self-consciousness people higher in self consciousness are more connected to personality
asking for self description motive
when people are motivated by honesty they engage in self disclosure
self disclosure is shaped by such factors as the source and target of the disclosure & what is being disclosed
self disclosure is healthy
motives that effect self description
how personal the topic is
but other motives can distort wjat people say leading to impression managememnt
thesemotives inclyde social desirsbiluty uniqueness & consistency.
detecting deception
although we like to believe otherwise few of us are good at detecting lies.
we pay to much attention to trivial cues and ignore cues that really matter
important cues
liars, fidget tend to raise their vioices and speak in a vague disorganized ways
collect second hand information (access)
how well do informants really know the people they are describing?
how extensive (over time & across situations) are their interaction with those persons?
They may also misremember behavior or describe it in misleading ways
Collect Second hand information (motive)
Impression Management can also distort how people describe one another
People may want to share their own impressions of others or they may use descriptions of other to shape impressions about themselves.
Balance Theory
People like thoughts to be balance.
i.e Say your friend is smart so you must be smart
Popular method for personal assessment informal way
Observe people and draw your own conclusions about their personalities.
This method is most popular than the others, but it can suffer from access problems too
How we use someone's behavior to make inferences about his or her personality
A basic issue is whether the persons behavior should be attributed to internal or external causes
Causal Attributions
Researchers show that causal attributions, for the behavior of others are indeed influenced concsensus and distinctiveness and consistency information in the ways that kelly described.
But people are not computers and so attribution errors occurs (misattributions)
Fundamental Attribution
make too many internal attributions
Defensive Attributions:
Fight off anxiety to defend yourself esteem so you put it on external
Developing A personality Test
What is the purpose of the test?
Which type of test is best?
What will be the content of the test?
Is the test Reliable Valid?
What Is the purpose of the test?
Theory Testing
Which types of test is best
Projective Test
TAT Inkblot- associative
Constructive- Build Something from scratch
Story completion
Psychometric tests (Paper and pencil test numerical score)
Naturalistic Observations real world
Situational test (create a situation see how they react)
Does the test always measures the same thing in the same way
types of reliability
Stability over time (same test twice)
Internal consistency <-- single fact
Inter-Rater Agreement (Objective personality test)
raters, correlate scores
human judge 2 different
Reliability coefficient range from 0-100 coefficients about .80
Does the test measure what its suppose to?
A valid test must have some reliability but a reliable test may have no validity
Types of Validity
Listed in Low importance high
Listed in High verifiability to low ( How hard is it to prove)
face Validity
Do people realize what the test measures?
Face validity is helpful in some ways but harmful in others
most psychologist prefer low face validity
Content Validity
Does the content of the test resemble what it measures?
The Contents of the test should match the components of whatever it measures
Factor analysis is often used to check the content validity of personality tests
Criterion Validity
Do test scores correlate well with relevant qualities and outcomes
Criterion Keying
Locate the groups of people one high the other low on the key construct
ask everyone to respond to a large number of potential items
keep only those items that seem to discriminate between the 2 groups…
Is the test focused?
Does it measure just what it should and nothing else
Construct Validity
Is the test focused
Does it measure just what it should and nothing else?
Multiple criterion validity studies (correlation studies)
Convergent and discriminant validation studies
Scaffolding which requires strong theory and other test that have construct validty themselves
Convergent validity
Are scores on the new scale correlated with scores on the other scales that measure the same trait.
Unknown no other SM scales exists.
Discriminant Validation
Are scores on the new scale uncorrelated with scores on other scales that measure different traits
Psychoanyltic Assessment Methods:
Not very good at measuring personalty
Psychoanalytic Interviews
Free association
Dream Analysis
Free Association
The person should relax and follow the fundamental rule. Relaxation can be achieved through trust in the therapist, physical comfort, hypnosis & even drugs.
allow the person to speak what on their mind.
Dream Analysis
Dreams can predict the future. Hidden Truths.
The content of a dream can reflect sensory stimulation current concerns & impulses from the ID.
What is the ID doing while dreaming
Impulses from the ID must be expressed directly enough to release tension but indirectly enough to guard sleep. Ego wakes up and & erase dreams. The manifest content and latent content of a dream may differ.
Latent Content->dream Work-> Manifest content.
Dream work is done on latent con…
Interpreting Dreams
It is difficult. even if reported accurately. And many people forget (repress) their dreams or indulge in secondary elaboration ( dreams are illogical so they rewrite dreams)
Symbols tend to be personal not common.
What kinds of jokes does a person especially like or dislike.
When something is funny search for a hidden truth
ID is doing the Laughing. Ego controls how much we remember
What kinds of jokes does a person especially like or dislike (Sexual toilet cruel humor)
Does the person display unusual memory lapse behavioral errors (email errors) Part of your mind knows your doing wrong but after the fact you realize the errors.
What topics or setting make the person especially Anxious?
Does the person try to avoid those topics or settings? How?
Projective Test
Some validity Poor reliability
The Rorschach Ink Bot Test
The Rorschach Ink Blot Test
A standard set of 10 inkblots was selected through criterion Keying
Most of the inkblots are Black & White some are colored
The Rorschach Ink Blot Test
people usually asked to look through twice
1.What do you see.
2. What are those objects and how did you find them
Responses can be scored in several ways one popular scheme emphasizes such factors as content, location determinants originality and form level.
Interator agreement
Phenomenological Assessment methods
Rely on subjective personality test (interviews Psychometric test)
Phenomological Interviews
Evaluation: Passing Judgment
Interpretation: you don't know yourself very well and some else does. This gets you upset
Therapist are thought to do the following
probing: Asking for more details
Reassurance: make sense feel better about yourself
reflection; Repeat back what the person…
Phenomenological Test
The Q sort
People are asked to read through 100 cards, each containing a potential self descriptive statement
I.e I am impulsive.
Each card must be placed into one of eleven stacks each with a specified size
The q sort
Cards are sorted for how well they describe the real self and the ideal self
Each card thus earns two scores indicating the stacks. Where it is placed during the real and ideal self sorts.
The 2 sets of (100) scores can then be correlated with one another
these correlations are usually…
Dispositional Assessment methods
Most reliablie and valid
Psychometric test- Biological test
Dispositional Assesments
The earliest Psychometric tests were personality inventories meant to access many dispositions at once. these test we used primarily for selection. Consider for example the Woodsworth Personal data sheet (used for the army)
Response sets
Social desirability
Solving the problem of response sets
1. Measure the impact of response sets then adjust test scores accordingly.
2.Make response sets irrelevant by disguising a tests true purpose
3.Study response sets as interesting dispositions in their own right. (why do they respond this way)
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
From an initial pool of more than 1000 items criterion keying was used to select 567 that evoked different responses from normal people and various groups of mental patients. Responses yield many clinical scale scores reflecting a persons similarity to different psychiatric groups. The pa…
Responses also yield validity scale scores that reflect various response sets. If these scores are troubling then scores on the clinical scales may be adjusted or discarded
2.Make response sets irrelevant by disguising a tests true purpose
An ambiguous title lots of filler items and a misleading cover story can be used. Secrecy can also be helpful.
TAT (Murray)
20 cards ambiguous pictures. different sets of cards are used for different types of people.
TAT has somewhat better interrater reliability than other projective test. some construct validity
Study response sets as interesting dispositions in their own right
What causes some people to become so concerned about social desirability and how does that concern affect their lives?
Edward Social desirability scale
Behavioral Assessment methods Second most useful
Subject especially objective test focusing on a specific behaviors (memories of What you have done )
Behavioral Interviews
makes careful observations of the persons behavior in various situations
Functional Analysis of Behavior
Select target behavior ( Studying)
Identify situational pressures (where do you study) (Analyze settings where you study pick the one thats the best)
Analyze potential change (Will it be plausible to change)
Try to access the persons ongoing thoughts a=or feelings during the interview.…
States of Mind & Psychopathology
Positive monolog
positive dialog
internal dialog
Negative dialog
negative monolog
Objective Test
Naturalistic: Watch how someone behaves in natural everyday situations
Situational Test: Watch how someone behaves in artificial laboratory situations
Naturalistic Observations
Does their behavior happen in different situations
How much control do I have over what Whats going on. Good for situational test
Coping with Response Sets (Objective test)
Watch a person with his/her permission, but at random intervals or in subtle ways. Consifer for example the growing use of electronic surveillance techniques & the great potential for archival research in an increasingly computerized world