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Sinus Venosus
(fish) receives blood from tissues; site of pacemaker cells
spongy heart muscle
Bulbus Arteriosus
(typical fish) major outflow track; dampens pressure of each beat
rigid sac of fluid that surrounds elasmobranch hearts that aids in the pumping of the heart
Conus Arteriosus
(air breathing fish) contains wall or septum that diverts blood in different directions
Spiral Valve
the septum within the conus arteriosus
shunt that diverts blood either to the lungs or to the tissues dependent upon the oxygen content of the lungs
Parallel System
blood has more than one pathway it can take; blood flows the path of least resistance
Series System
blood has only one pathway to flow; advantage - allows for high and low pressure system
Ductus Arteriosus
shunts blood away from lungs in fetal heart; R-L shunt
Foramen Ovale
shunt connecting atria in fetal heart; R-L shunt
Lymphatic System
system of tubes that end in capillary beds that aid in immune response and recovery of fluid & water at tissues
Aerobic Diving Limit (ADL)
change from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration; lactic acid accumulation
amount of packed red blood cells in a total volume of blood; increased hematocrit increases viscosity
Increase partial pressure increases nitrogen in the blood when diving. A decrease in partial pressure when surfacing causes bubbles in cardiovascular system.
Cardiovascular Adjustment
Vasoconstriction to make sure brain, heart, and lungs get blood. Decreased heart rate and amount of blood to GI, muscles, and kidneys
Metabolism decrease. Gliding reduces energy, which helps to decrease metabolism.
Balances gains and loses of water and ions
net movement of water across semi-permeable membrane
Osmotic Pressure
Force on semi-permeable membrane to displace X amount of water (units:Pascals)
Having a low osmotic pressure
Hyperosmotic pressure
Having a higher osmotic pressure
Higher concentration of ions in solution compared to cell
lower concentration of ions in solution compared to cell
animals let their blood osmotic pressure vary with environment
regulate blood osmotic pressure independent of environment
maintenance of a constant concentration of inorganic ions in the blood plasma regardless of the conc. of that ion in the external environment
concentration of an inorganic ion in the blood plasma matches/varies with the conc. of that ion in the external environment
Mitochondrial Rich Cells
modified epithelial cell that has an abundance of mitochondria to facilitate ion transport
osmoconformers but ionoregulators
Rectal Gland
site of mitochondrial rich cells in chondrithyans; apart of ion regulation
Salt Glands
site of mitochondrial rich cells in birds and reptiles that secrete salt
excrete wastes fluid regulation pH regulation ion regulation
Tubular Excretory Organs
filters blood, reabsorbs ions, glucose, and water secretes wastes concentration of urine (not amphibians)
Urinary Plasma Ratio
shows relationship between urine formed and plasma
functional unit of kidney
Bowman's Capsule
first line of filtration
capillary bed; site of filtration
Fenstrated Capillaries
have holes (windows) that allow filtration of blood
fluid that moves from glomerulus through the fenstrated capillaries into the nephron; contains water and small things like ions
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
site of reabsorption of Na, Cl, glucose and water.
Intermediate Segment
ciliated wall ensures flow by beating
Distal Convoluted Tubule
fine tuning salt balance and controls amount of water by controlling permeability of tubule - controlled by ADH
Cortex of Kidney
outer region of the kidney; site of cortical nephrons
Medulla of Kidney
inside of kidney; site of juxtamedullary nephron
Cortical Nephron
works similarly to amphibian nephron; contributes ultrafiltrate to juxtamedullary nephron
Juxtamedullary Nephron
contains loop of henle that extends deep into the medulla that is responsible for concentration of urine
Loop of Henle
responsible for creating concentration gradient to excrete concentrated urine
Ascending Limb
side of loop of henle returning to the distal convoluted tubule; pumps out Na+ makes filtrate more dilute
Descending Limb
part of loop of Henle leaving the proximal convoluted tubule; permeable to water and makes it more concentrated
Single Effect
counter current multiplier increases ultrafiltrate concentration in descending limb while setting up an osmotic gradient for water

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