Logistic Regression Required reading Mitchell draft chapter see course website Recommended reading Bishop Chapter 3 1 3 3 1 4 Ng and Jordan paper see course website Machine Learning 10 701 Tom M Mitchell Center for Automated Learning and Discovery Carnegie Mellon University September 29 2005 Na ve Bayes What you should know Designing classifiers based on Bayes rule Conditional independence What it is Why it s important Na ve Bayes assumption and its consequences Which and how many parameters must be estimated under different generative models different forms for P X Y How to train Na ve Bayes classifiers MLE and MAP estimates with discrete and or continuous inputs Generative vs Discriminative Classifiers Wish to learn f X Y or P Y X Generative classifiers e g Na ve Bayes Assume some functional form for P X Y P Y This is the generative model Estimate parameters of P X Y P Y directly from training data Use Bayes rule to calculate P Y X xi Discriminative classifiers Assume some functional form for P Y X This is the discriminative model Estimate parameters of P Y X directly from training data Consider learning f X Y where X is a vector of real valued features X1 Xn Y is boolean We could use a Gaussian Na ve Bayes classifier assume all Xi are conditionally independent given Y model P Xi Y yk as Gaussian N ik model P Y as Bernoulli What does that imply about the form of P Y X Consider learning f X Y where X is a vector of real valued features X1 Xn Y is boolean assume all Xi are conditionally independent given Y model P Xi Y yk as Gaussian N ik i model P Y as Bernoulli What does that imply about the form of P Y X Very convenient implies implies implies linear classification rule Derive form for P Y X for continuous Xi Very convenient implies implies implies linear classification rule Logistic function Logistic regression more generally Logistic regression in more general case where Y Y1 YR learn R 1 sets of weights for k R for k R Training Logistic Regression MCLE Choose parameters W w0 wn to maximize conditional likelihood of training data where Training data D Data likelihood Data conditional likelihood Expressing Conditional Log Likelihood Maximizing Conditional Log Likelihood Good news l W is concave function of W Bad news no closed form solution to maximize l W Maximize Conditional Log Likelihood Gradient Ascent Gradient ascent algorithm iterate until change For all i repeat That s all M C LE How about MAP One common approach is to define priors on W Normal distribution zero mean identity covariance Helps avoid very large weights and overfitting MAP estimate MLE vs MAP Maximum conditional likelihood estimate Maximum a posteriori estimate Na ve Bayes vs Logistic Regression Ng Jordan 2002 Generative and Discriminative classifiers Asymptotic comparison training examples infinity when model correct when model incorrect Non asymptotic analysis convergence rate of parameter estimates convergence rate of expected error Experimental results Na ve Bayes vs Logistic Regression Consider Y and Xi boolean X X1 Xn Number of parameters NB 2n 1 LR n 1 Estimation method NB parameter estimates are uncoupled LR parameter estimates are coupled What is the difference asymptotically Notation let denote error of hypothesis learned via algorithm A from m examples If assumed na ve Bayes model correct then If assumed model incorrect Note assumed discriminative model can be correct even when generative model incorrect but not vice versa Rate of covergence logistic regression Let hDis m be logistic regression trained on m examples in n dimensions Then with high probability Implication if we want for some constant it suffices to pick Convergences to its classifier in order of n examples result follows from Vapnik s structural risk bound plus fact that VCDim of n dimensional linear separators is n Rate of covergence na ve Bayes Consider first how quickly parameter estimates converge toward their asymptotic values Then we ll ask how this influences rate of convergence toward asymptotic classification error Rate of covergence na ve Bayes parameters Some experiments from UCI data sets What you should know Logistic regression Functional form follows from Na ve Bayes assumptions But training procedure picks parameters without the conditional independence assumption MLE training pick W to maximize P Y X W MAP training pick W to maximize P W X Y regularization Gradient ascent descent General approach when closed form solutions unavailable Generative vs Discriminative classifiers Bias vs variance tradeoff
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