TAMU BIOL 112 - Percent conservation aka percent identity
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BIOL 112 1nd Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Homologous sequences II Use different types of genes for comparing different organisms III Beware of misinterpreting analogy as homology IV Molecular homology vs analogy Outline of Current Lecture V Percent conservation aka percent identity VI Genomes tell evolutionary history VII Origin nucleus golgi ER VIII Paralogs orthologs IX Transcription factors DNA binding protiens bind specific sequence in gene promoters control region help recruit RNA polymerase to gene for transcription Current Lecture Percent conservation aka percent identity o Highly conserved high identity o Low conservation low identity o Highly conserved sequences functionally important sequences o Not altered much over time because changes disrupt function Genomes tell evolutionary history o 1 Origin of mitochondria chloroplast both originate from Endosymbiotic event Evidence Mitochondria have their own genome resemble a prokaryote genus i e circular DNA With highest sequence homology to extent alpha proteobacteria o 2 Chloroplast Similar processes Mitochondrial containing cell engulfed a cyanobacteria ancestor Cyanobacteria photosynthetic bacteria Evidence Chloroplast has its own genome bacterial like circular DNA sequence homology greatest with cyanobacteria Chloroplasts are also membrane enclosed These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Also both mitochondria and chloroplasts divide with oclis by a process that resembles prokaryotic division i e binary fission o For both mitochondria and chloroplasts Organelles are co dependent on cell cell nucleus Some are replaced by nuclear gene Origin nucleus golgi ER o Process by which genetic material is transferred between organism horizontal transfer See Fig 26 22 Paralogs orthologs o Both homologous genes Come from a common ancestor High sequence identity o Ortholog ortho straight o Paralog para beside Duplication of an ortholog within a species Example of this Olfactory receptor genes Hox genes only in animals o Encodes transcription factors that conduct animal development Transcription factors DNA binding protiens bind specific sequence in gene promoters control region help recruit RNA polymerase to gene for transcription o Hox gene make a particular class of TF homeodomain protein

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TAMU BIOL 112 - Percent conservation aka percent identity

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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