TAMU BIOL 112 - III. Limitations of biological definition of species
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BIOL 112 1nd Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Microevolution II What is a species Outline of Current Lecture III Limitations of biological definition of species IV Other species concepts V Speciation models Current Lecture o Limitations of biological definition of species Allopatric species geographically separated Asexual species Fossils o Other species concepts Ecological have some ecological roles in niche Paleontological morphology of fossil Phylogenetic organisms that form 1 branch of a tree Share many characteristics ex Genome other molecular data Morphology etc Speciation models o Allopatric speciation geographical isolation geographical barrier No gene flow independent microevolution Allo other patric country No gene flow genetic divergence due to independent micro evolutionary events Fig 24 7 o Sympatric speciation sym same patric country no geographical barrier Habitat differentiation subpopulations in an area prefer different habitats subpopulation mix less Breed among themselves Sexual selection ex Of non random mating Preference in mate of choice by subpopulation non random mating genetic divergence sub speciation speculation Ex Fig 24 12 cichlid color morphs color causes mating preferences These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Change in chromosome number Common mechanism of plant speciation Change in chromosome aka ploidy o Polyploidy cell accident extra chromosome set fig 24 10 Autopolyploidy auto self Allopolyploidy allo other X between 2 species hybrid o Hybrid has different chromosome form either parent btu can selffertilize to progenate

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TAMU BIOL 112 - III. Limitations of biological definition of species

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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