Computational Learning Theory Part 2 Reading Mitchell chapter 7 Suggested exercises 7 1 7 2 7 5 7 7 Machine Learning 10 701 Tom M Mitchell Machine Learning Department Carnegie Mellon University November 3 2010 What it means Haussler 1988 probability that the version space is not exhausted after m training examples is at most Suppose we want this probability to be at most 1 How many training examples suffice 2 If then with probability at least 1 Sufficient condition Holds if L requires only a polynomial number of training examples and processing per example is polynomial Question If H h h X Y is infinite what measure of complexity should we use in place of H Question If H h h X Y is infinite what measure of complexity should we use in place of H Answer The largest subset of X for which H can guarantee zero training error regardless of the target function c Question If H h h X Y is infinite what measure of complexity should we use in place of H Answer The largest subset of X for which H can guarantee zero training error regardless of the target function c VC dimension of H is the size of this subset Question If H h h X Y is infinite what measure of complexity should we use in place of H Answer The largest subset of X for which H can guarantee zero training error regardless of the target function c Informal intuition a labeling of each member of S as positive or negative VC H 3 Sample Complexity based on VC dimension How many randomly drawn examples suffice to exhaust VSH D with probability at least 1 ie to guarantee that any hypothesis that perfectly fits the training data is probably 1 approximately correct Compare to our earlier results based on H VC dimension examples Consider X want to learn c X 0 1 What is VC dimension of Open intervals Closed intervals x VC dimension examples Consider X want to learn c X 0 1 What is VC dimension of Open intervals x VC H1 1 VC H2 2 Closed intervals VC H3 2 VC H4 3 VC dimension examples What is VC dimension of lines in a plane H2 w0 w1x1 w2x2 0 y 1 VC dimension examples What is VC dimension of H2 w0 w1x1 w2x2 0 y 1 VC H2 3 For Hn linear separating hyperplanes in n dimensions VC Hn n 1 For any finite hypothesis space H can you give an upper bound on VC H in terms of H hint yes More VC Dimension Examples to Think About Logistic regression over n continuous features Over n boolean features Linear SVM over n continuous features Decision trees defined over n boolean features F X1 Xn Y Decision trees of depth 2 defined over n features How about 1 nearest neighbor Tightness of Bounds on Sample Complexity How many examples m suffice to assure that any hypothesis that fits the training data perfectly is probably 1 approximately correct How tight is this bound Tightness of Bounds on Sample Complexity How many examples m suffice to assure that any hypothesis that fits the training data perfectly is probably 1 approximately correct How tight is this bound Lower bound on sample complexity Ehrenfeucht et al 1989 Consider any class C of concepts such that VC C 1 any learner L any 0 1 8 and any 0 0 01 Then there exists a distribution and a target concept in C such that if L observes fewer examples than Then with probability at least L outputs a hypothesis with Agnostic Learning VC Bounds Sch lkopf and Smola 2002 With probability at least 1 every h H satisfies Structural Risk Minimization Vapnik Which hypothesis space should we choose Bias variance tradeoff H4 H3 H2 H1 SRM choose H to minimize bound on true error unfortunately a somewhat loose bound What You Should Know Sample complexity varies with the learning setting Learner actively queries trainer Examples arrive at random Within the PAC learning setting we can bound the probability that learner will output hypothesis with given error For ANY consistent learner case where c H For ANY best fit hypothesis agnostic learning where perhaps c not in H VC dimension as measure of complexity of H Mistake bounds Conference on Learning Theory http www learningtheory org Avrim Blum s course on Machine Learning Theory http www cs cmu edu avrim ML09 index html
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