TAMU BIOL 112 - Natural selection in action
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BIOL 112 1nd Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture II Lamark III Darwin going the voyage of the Beagle IV Things needed for natural selection Outline of Current Lecture V Scientific theory VI Natural selection in action VII Darwin s theory explained many observations VIII Fossils IX Anatomical homology X Molecular homology Current Lecture A scientific theory that is based on physical phenomenon and causes and stands up to experimental tests o Also explains a lot of observations Natural selection in action o Fossils homology analogy biogeography Darwin s theory explained many observations o Natural selection in action ex Drug resistance fig 22 14 Methicillin resistance by S aureus Methicillin antibiotic blocks synthesis of the bacterial cell wall Resistance mutation are in the methicillin resistance gene S Aureus variation in sequence Fossils o Intermediate fossils can be explained in terms of descent with modification Ex Whales other cetaceans evolved from a terrestrial ancestor Fig 22 70 Archaeopteryx intermediate fossils birds evolved from reptilian ancestors Anatomical homology o Similar structures due to common ancestor although function can differ Ex Forelimbs of various vertebrates Fig 22 17 Many bones in common shape organization number These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o High degree of similarity between structures the organisms had a common ancestor who had those characteristics o Because characteristics come from a common ancestor homologous characteristics or an example of homology Homologous characteristics must have many points of similarity Molecular homology o Gene or protein sequences that are very similar between 2 species Ex Bacteria and us protein that carry out essential processes ex Metabolisms are very similar homology o Similar because bacteria and us inherited genes from a common ancestor

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TAMU BIOL 112 - Natural selection in action

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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