TAMU BIOL 112 - Views before Darwin
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BIOL 112 1nd Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture II Darwin s observations a Adaptation b Many shared characteristics c Rich diversity III Views before Darwin Outline of Current Lecture IV Creation V Linnaeus VI George Cuvier VII Hutton and Lyell Current Lecture o 2 Creation old testament organisms fixed no evolution Also came up with the idea that the Earth is relatively young This was a problem for Darwin as there was not enough time for evolution to occur with this theory o 3 Linnaeus organisms share characteristics Known as the father of taxonomy Groupings based on shared morphological characteristics Still use his classification strategy today Taxonomy domain kingdom phylum class order family genus species biggest smallest Linnaeus did NOT realize that shared characteristics shared an ancestry see fig 1 14 o 4 George Cuvier fossils the remains of extinct organisms Extinction not due to evolution but to catastrophes Local disasters flood organisms die fossils new populations would colonize the area No evolution organisms forms fixed just migration and reproduction Darwin interpreted fossils as evidence of evolution o 5 Hutton and Lyell the Earth is very old These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Hutton gradualism the sum of many small changes over time amounts to a profound change ex A species that looks nothing like what it looked like before Lyell uniformitarianism rate of geological change is very slow and therefore the Earth must be old Uniformitarianism uniform rate of change over time For Darwin Hutton s hypothesis is analogous to evolution in biology Lyell Earth was old enough for evolution to take place

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TAMU BIOL 112 - Views before Darwin

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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