GEO 101 Final Exam Study Guide Not a cumulative study guide 1 What are the major features of the ocean floor a Continental Shelf i Continental crust under water b Continental Slope i Slope between continental crust oceanic crust c Abyssal plain i Ocean floor d Seamounts i Submerged volcanoes e Canyons i Rivers cuts down into continental shelf ii Turbidity currents create graded beds carry sediment to abyssal plains 2 What are the types and underlying causes of ocean currents a Surface currents i Driven by wind Coriolis effect b Deep currents i Downwelling ii Upwelling deep water being forced upwards c Cause by i Coriolis effect ii Density 1 Temperature 2 Salinity 3 How does the moon create the tides a Because of moons gravitational pull 4 Know the different types of waves and wave actions that we covered a Different Types i Open Ocean waves energy moves forwards water stays put 1 Counter clockwise olliptical motion 2 Bobbing up and down ii Translational wave friction between wave and ocean floor b Wave Actions i Wave Refraction waves more or less hit parallel to the shore Affects way sediment moves and erosion ii Longshore current path of sand particles Creates zig zag and pulls you down the shore 5 What are the different kinds of coastlines and why do they form where they do a Beach b Barrier Island c Tidal Flat d Rocky Coast e Coastal Wetlands f Coral Reef g Estuaries h Fjords i What determines type of coast i Tectonic setting ii Climate iii Sea Level iv Sediment supply 6 What do humans do to try and stabilize the coastline a Groins barriers built to keep sand from eroding b Jetty protect harbor entrances c Breakwater decrease wave energy d Beach nourishment bring in new sand 7 What are the characteristics of a good aquifer a High Porosity and permeability 8 How does groundwater move and how is that movement affected by different sediments and rocks a Gravity under water table From high elevation to low elevation b Pressure above water table 9 How do humans access groundwater a Wells b Springs c Hot Springs 10 What are the components of a geyser a Water supply b Heat supply c Plumbing system 11 How can groundwater resources be depleted a Lowering the water table b Saline intrusion c Reversing flow d Land subsidence 12 What factors influence groundwater quality a Soft water salt b Hard water calcium magnesium c Hydrogen sulfide d Iron rich 13 What geologic features are created by groundwater a Caves 14 What are the five types of deserts and why do they form where they do a Subtropical i Global air circulation Takes up all the moisture and takes it away b Rain Shadow i Air picks up moisture Rising air cools and rain clouds form Air comes down other side of mountain with dry air rain shadow One side of mountain wet and the other dry c Coastal i Works opposite of rain shadow Cool dry air air absorbs moisture desert d Continental Interior i Far from ocean Air moisture used over continent Water squeezed out of air e Polar i Global air circulation Cold air is dry cannot hold moisture 15 What are the main causes of desert weathering a Physical weathering b Chemical weathering 16 How is sediment transported and deposited in the desert a Transported i Water flash floods ii Wind b Deposited i Alluvial Fan abrupt change in velocity Stream dumps coarse sediment ii Talus Apron pile of debris around base of mountain Gravity iii Salt Lake no outlet Water collects and evaporates Salt concentrates iv Playa dry lakebed Salt accumulates v Dunes wind moves sand and carries small grains away 17 What kinds of geological formations are common in the desert a Desert pavement b Dunes c Mesa d Butte e Chimney 18 How is desertification caused a Changing non deserts into deserts b Causes i Deforestation ii Overgrazing iii Agriculture iv Water mismanagement v Drought 19 How do glaciers form and what are they composed of a Formation i Large amount of snow ii Most does not melt iii Gentle slope iv Stratified v Compact over time b Composed of Ice 20 What are the types of glaciers a Mountain b Continental c Temperate d Polar 21 What controls the movement of glaciers a Gravity is prime mover b 2 main types i Basic sliding slides on melt ii Plastic Deformation solid changing shape occurs below 60m 22 What causes glacier advance and retreat a Amount of snow b Summer temperatures 23 How do glaciers cause erosion a Loose debris b Plucking c Embedded rocks striations polishing dust 24 What geological features are created by glaciers a Arete ridge caused by 2 glaciers b Horn peak shaped by 3 glaciers c U shaped valley d Hanging valley e Fjord coastal valleys filled with water 25 What global consequences result from glacier advance and retreat a Ice loading and glacial rebound i Isotacy ii Tectonic changes b Sea level change 26 How do geologists know about the history of glacier advance and retreat a Fossils b Deposits c Plate tectonic evidence 27 Why is New Orleans sinking covered in multiple classes a Isotacy b Land subsidence c Human activity wetland removal no where for water to go artificial levees no new sediment extracting groundwater compacting sediment Comprehensive Section of Final Exam 1 Scientific method when are theories formulated a Theories are scientific ideas supported by an abundance of evidence they have passed many tests and have failed none 2 Major rock types and where they are found igneous metamorphic a Igneous rocks freeze out of lava or magma Found near volcanoes but also inside and outside of the Earth b Metamorphic rocks are any rocks changed by temperature and or pressure A solid state change Associated with mountain building regional metamorphism intruding magma into a rock contact metamorphism very deeply buried sediment burial metamorphism fault zones where 2 plates move against each other dynamic metamorphism and subduction zones 3 What happens at each tectonic boundary Geologic features rocks faults a Divergent Boundaries i Two plates move apart 1 Mid ocean ridge creates topography 2 Continental rift creates volcanoes ii Igneous rocks found here iii Normal faults b Convergent Boundaries i Two plates move toward each other 1 Subduction zone causes earthquakes Volcano formation ocean continent Volcanic island arc ocean ocean a Normal Faults Thrust Faults 2 Collision continent continent form giant mountain ranges Continents being forced together a Thrust faults reverse faults ii Metamorphic rocks found here c Transform Boundaries i Two plates sliding past one another 1 Mostly ocean ocean
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