CU-Boulder NRSC 2100 - Synaptic Transmission

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NRSC 2100 1st Edition Lecture 8 Synaptic Transmission Information transfer at a synapse Plays role in all the operations of the nervous system 1897 Charles Sherrington synapse Chemical and electrical synapses 1921 Otto Loewi chemical 1959 Furshpan and Potter gap junctions Gap junctions electrical synapses Channels cytoplasm to cytoplasm Connexon formed by six connexins Cells electrically coupled Bidirectional flow of ions Neurotransmitters chemical synapses These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Discovery of neurotransmitters credited to Otto Loewi 1921 using frog hearts in contact through water Ringer s bath Gray s Type I and Type II Synapses Type I assymetrical synapse usually excitatory EPSPs Small clear synaptic Vesicles TypeII symetrical synapse usually inhibitory IPSPs Small clear synaptic vesicles Vs Dense core synaptic vesicles secretory granules Synthesis and Packaging of Neurotransmitters Peptides of dense core vesicles synthesized in soma like other peptides Packaged in vesicles 100 nm in Golgi apparatus Vesicles transported down axons via microtubules Examples Cholecystokinin Enkephalin Synthesis and Packaging of Neurotransmitters Neurotransmitters in small clear vesicles synthesized directly in synaptic terminals precursors synt enz Packaged in small vesicles 50 nm Examples Choline Acetate Enzyme Acetyltransferase Acetylcholine Stopping the Action of Neurotransmitters Reuptake into presynaptic terminals or glial cells ex amino acids excitatory amino acid transporters EAATs Enzymatic degradation ex Acetylcholinesterase AChE

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