CU-Boulder IPHY 3410 - 7_ Joints_outline

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INTRODUCTION TO JOINTS AND ARTICULATIONS Learning Goals 1 Define joint articulation 2 Define the movement types of joints synarthrotic amphiarthrotic diarthrotic 3 List the three general categories of joints 4 Describe the general structure of fibrous joints identify the three main types of fibrous joints and give examples of each indicating the degree of movement for each type 5 Describe the general structure and function of cartilaginous joints identify the two main subtypes of cartilaginous joints and give examples of each indicating the degree of movement for each 6 Describe the general structure and function of synovial joints identify the six main subtypes of synovial joints classified by shape and give examples of each indicating the degree of movement for each 7 Demonstrate all movements allowed by synovial joints including one type of gliding 5 types of angular movements 3 types of rotation and 11 special movements that do not fit into the previous categories 8 Differentiate between circumduction and rotation 9 Explain and diagram the following basic structural features of synovial joints articular cartilage joint cavity articular capsule synovial membrane synovial fluid reinforcing ligaments nerves vessels and articular disc or meniscus 10 Explain the function of synovial fluid 11 Compare bursae and tendon sheaths explain the structure and function of these associated synovial joint structures 12 Identify several important synovial joints including knee and shoulder Describe the type of joint based on shape explain movements allowed describe location structure and function and any other significant features 13 Based on the structure of the synovial joints predict why they are capable of certain types of movement e g hinge joint can only do extension flexion 14 Discuss disorders and injuries of joints including types of arthritis bursitis tendinitis sprains and dislocations Others may be discussed in lecture Outline I CLASSIFICATION OF JOINTS A Articulations B Two ways to classify joints i Structure a Fibrous Joints b Cartilaginous Joints c Synovial Joints ii Movement a Synarthroses b Amphiarthroses c Diarthroses II FIBROUS JOINTS A Suture B Syndesmosis C Gomphosis III CARTILAGINOUS JOINTS A Symphysis B Synchondrosis IV SYNOVIAL JOINTS A Structure i ligaments ii articular joint capsule iii synovial membrane iv synovial fluid v joint cavity vi articular cartilage vii nerves vessels viii articular discs some B Rheumatoid arthritis C Movements at Synovial joints i Gliding ii Angular a Flexion b Extension c Abduction d Adduction e Circumduction iii Rotation a Rotation b lateral medial rotation iv Special movements a supination pronation b Inversion eversion c dorsiflexion plantar flexion d protraction retraction e elevation depression f opposition D Kinds of Synovial Joints i Hinge ii Pivot iii Plane Gliding iv Condyloid Ellipsoidal v Saddle vi Ball and Socket V BURSAE TENDON SHEATHS A Bursa B Tendon sheath C Bursitis tendinitis D Carpal Tunnel Syndrome VI SHOULDER JOINT A Ball and socket joint B Glenoid labrum C Articular capsule i Ligaments ii Tendons D Dislocations VII KNEE JOINT A Patella femoral joint B Tibiofemoral joint C Two degrees of freedom D Function i Stability ii Mobility E Capsule 2 layered F Ligaments G Menisci H Common clinical conditions VIII Other Clinical Terms Disorders A Sprain B Dislocation C Osteoarthritis D Gouty arthritis

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CU-Boulder IPHY 3410 - 7_ Joints_outline

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