RELS 108 1nd Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture I Spirituality Morality Ethics Outline of Current Lecture II Soteriology III Salvation and Death IV Ways of Conceiving Salvation Liberation Current Lecture Perspectives on Liberation Salvation in the Context of Human Spirituality Soteriology Study of salvation liberation within the field of religious studies What do humans want o Buddhism Enlightenment Nirvana that which saves us from Samsara conditioned worldly existence Nirvana is ultimate freedom liberation o Hinduism Moksha is that which saves us from Samsara Liberation comes from the identification joining of Atman Brahman o Christianity Eternal life through Christ Christ is that which saves Kenosis self emptying The emptying of one s personal will or ego o Islam That which is saves which is referred to as Ifran Ifran means knowing awareness Ifran is connected to Islamic Mysticism Salvation and Death Death as End o Modern idea that is rooted in the Doctrine of Eternal Oblivion These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Soul dies when body dies no re birth Doctrine of Eternal Oblivion comes from Annihilationism which is a Christian idea belief that apart from salvation in Christ the final punishment is not hell as normally conceived rather hell is total nonexistence Annihilationism apart from salvation is final non existence Ways of Conceiving Salvation Liberation 1 Individual Salvation in this World o The Search for Meaning o Desire to be Remembered o Ideal of Completion 2 Individual Salvation in Another World o Joining the Spirit World o Cosmic Cycling or Expansion Tchich Nhat Hanh about Freedom YouTube video watched in class
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