MSU HB 337 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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HB 337 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lecture 6 Hotel Guest Cycle Reservations What are the 4 types of transactions Cash A R A P Paid Outs The hotel guest cycle consists of what aspects Arrival Occupancy Departure What does the hotel need to take care of during a guest s arrival Reservations Check in What does the hotel need to take care of during the guest s occupancy Housekeeping Switchboard F B During a guest s departure what does the hotel need to worry about Settlement Check out The pre sale phase consists of what Reservations Forecasting pre registrations activites Advanced deposits prepayments account creation The post sale phase consists of what Room status updating account reconciliation transfer to city ledger guest history recordation The point of sale phase consists of what Guest registration Room Rate Assignment Occupancy Housekeeping Transaction Processing What are the 4 reservation channels 1 IDS Internet Distribution System 2 CRS Central Reservation System 3 DGS Global Distribution System 4 Website Direct Property Web Reservations Lecture 7 Guest Centric Technologies What are back office modules that are used by HB orgs General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Payroll Accounting Time Attendance Cost Management Inventory Control Tracking Valuation Weight Average General Ledger Mechanics include the following Step 1 Create charts of accounts Step 2 Post transactions debits and credits Step 3 Print Trial Balance Step 4 Print Financial Records Step 5 Close out the period What is the function of the payroll department Performing Calculations Distributing Expenses Printing Documents Time and Attendance Overtime and Lost Time Scheduling System of outsource What is the function of a electronic locking system Hard wired system that transmits codes to the key through wires What are some examples of key cards Magnetic Stripe Cards Memory Cards RFID cards What are some types of Energy Management Systems EMS Electronic Key Card Body Heat Body Motion What are the 3 different types of minibars Traditional minibar Semi automated minibar Automated minibar What are some examples of In Room Systems In room safes guest room phone systems Voiceemail Wake up systems in room entertainment systems guest room control panels self check in out systems Lecture 8 System Selection and Revenue Management What must be determined before reviewing organizational needs Mission of organization goals structure What must you evaluate in the current system before making a new one Identify Problematic Areas Formulate Objectives What must you define in your budget Capital resources quantitative evaluation payback What must be determined in your evaluation of a system Software customer support and vender reputation training and installation hardware Define Revenue Management A computer aided program determines whether the pricing and room allocation should be increased decreased or closed based upon an analysis of demand and competitive pricing conditions

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MSU HB 337 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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