Sample questions 10 08 2013 Chapter 6 1 The breakdown of exposed rock into small fragments and dissolved ions is termed A deposition B erosion C weathering D stratification 2 The majority of the rocks that occur at the surface of Earth are A intrusiveigneous rocks B extrusive igneous rocks C sedimentary rocks D metamorphic rocks 3 Clastic sedimentary rocks are primarily classified on the basis of A grain size B degree of sorting C angularity D mineral composition 4 Which transport medium carries the largest particles A ice B water C wind 5 Chemicaland biochemical rocks are classified primarily on the basis of A grain size B degree of sorting C angularity D mineral composition 6 The principal compound making up limestone is CaCO3 Which mineral type is dominant in limestone A Silicates B Sulfides C Carbonates D Metals 7 is composed of carbon and organic chemicals from plants A Evaporite B Conglomerate C Coal D Arkose 8 Which of the following locates at the top of a graded bed A Mud B Silt C Sand D Pebble 9 Which environment would most likely produce sedimentary deposits characterized by very well sorted very well rounded grains that are nearly pure quartz A river B glacier C beach D alluvial fan 10 Finding mudstone chalk and chert together at outcrops suggests that the ancient environment represented was A a delta B shallow marine C deep marine D a lake Chapter 7 1 Clay minerals within a buried body of shale are recrystallized at 400 C and high pressure to form mica producing a rock called phyllite this is an example of A diagenesis B erosion C metamorphism D weathering 2 Which of the following is NOT a metamorphic process A Recrystallization B Phase change C Neocrystallization D Pressure solution E Elastic deformation 3 Which of the following is NOT a cause of metamorphism A Heating B Pressure C Weathering D Compression E Hot water 4 indicates planar surfaces alignment A Strata B Bedding or layers formed by mineral grain C Foliation D Compaction 5 Which is NOT a foliated metamorphic rock A Slate B Marble C Gneiss D Metaconglomerate 6 Compared to low graded metamorphic rocks high grade rocks A always contain more quartz and feldspar B are produced closer to the surface high in the stratigraphic column C are produced at greater temperatures and pressures D are produced at cooler temperatures but greater pressures 7 Metamorphism may be induced by A contact with a hot pluton B contact with hot groundwater C heat and pressure associated with deep burial D fault sliding E all of the above 8 Thermal contact metamorphism produces A foliated rocks only B nonfoliated rocks only C both foliated and nonfoliated rocks 9 The mineral assemblage within metamorphic rock is A always identical to that found within the protolith B dependent only on the mineral assemblage of the protolith C dependent only on the temperature and pressure of formation D dependent on both the mineral content of the protolith and the temperature and pressure of formation 10 Which of the following processes CANNOT occur in the formation of metamorphic rock A realignment of minerals so that they develop a preferred orientation B segregation of minerals into layers of different compositions C solid state rearrangement of atoms or ions to create a new assemblage of minerals D complete remelting of the rock followed by solidification to form a new rock 11 Which list properly orders metamorphic rocks from lowest to highest grade A conglomerate sandstone siltstone shale B shale slate phyllite quartzite C slate phyllite schist gneiss D gneiss schist phyllite slate 12 Foliated metamorphic rocks possess A leafy plant fossils ancient foliage B a homogeneous texture resulting from randomly oriented grains C a planar fabric consisting of mineral grains in preferred orientations or preferred patterns of association banding D minerals precipitated directly from sea water 13 commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of slate A Limestone B Sandstone C Shale D Gneiss 14 commonly marble A Limestone B Sandstone C Shale D Slate serves as a protolith in the formation of 15 Exhumation is the process that returns deeply buried rocks to the surface A True B False 16 A shield is an older interior region of a continent A True B False Interlude 1 refers to the progressive transformation from one rock type to another A Rock cycle B Rock group C Rock formation D Rock forming environments of Earth material 2 Which of the following is NOT a direct stage when a metamorphic rock becomes a sedimentary rock A Erosion B Deposition C Melting D Lithification 3 An igneous rock can become another type of igneous rock A True B False 4 What drives the rock cycle in the Earth system A Internal heat B Gravitational field C Heat from the Sun D Life E All of the above 5 The rock cycle occurs because the Earth is a dynamic planet A True B False Chapter 8 1 Alabama is an earthquake free place A True B False 2 Geologists who specially study earthquakes are called A seismologists B paleontologists C volcanologists D speleologists 3 A surface along which rock on opposed sides is offset by earthquakeinduced slip is called a A joint B fault C fold D wall 4 The elastic rebound theory explains how an earthquake happens through successive processes of A 1 elastic deformation 2 stress build up and 3 fault slip B 1 fault slip 2 stress build up and 3 elastic deformation C 1 stressbuild up 2 fault slip and 3 elastic deformation D 1 stress build up 2 elastic deformation and 3 fault slip 5 In which case can you find seismicity A Sudden slip on a fault B Movement of magma in a volcano C Giant landslides D Underground nuclear bomb tests E All of the above 6 The point on Earth s surface directly above the point where an earthquake occurs is termed the A hypocenter B epicenter C focus D fault 7 The quantity of offset that occurs along a fault is termed A fault gouge B the fault gauge C displacement D accumulation 8 The intersection between a fault plane and the ground surface is called the A dip line B plunge C fault trace D seismic interface 9 The repetition of stress build up and release is termed A faulting B elastic rebound theory C stick slip behavior D earthquake 10 A fault slip due to an earthquake stops by friction A True B False 11 Aftershock following a major earthquake A may continue for days after the mainshock B are mostly much smaller than the mainshock C may occur on a different fault from the mainshock D all of the above 12 pass through the interior of Earth A
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