UA GEO 101 - review for geology test

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review for geology test 09 17 2013 1 Earth system The global interconnecting web of physical and biological phenomena Lithosphere atmosphere biosphere hydrosphere 2 Scientific Method a sequence of steps for systematically analyzing scientific problems in a way that leads to verifiable results 3 Stars and galaxies 4 Doppler Effect Red shift the universe is expanding 5 Formation of the universe big bang expanding the universe theory 6 Formation of the solar system nebula theory protoplanetary disk planetesimals protoplanets 7 Solar system the sun planets moons asteroids comets 8 formation of the moon a small planet collides with the earth 9 Earth magnetic field dipole protection from the solar system 10 atmostphere nitrogen and oxygen 99 within 50kn high pressure at low elevation 11 surface 70 water 30 land topography bathymetry 12 Earths internal layers crust mantle and core based on composition lithosphere and asthenosphere based on the ability of flow 13 plate tectonics contentantal drift o the fit to the continents o locations of past glaciations o the distribution of climate belts o the distribution of fossils o matching geologic unis 14 paleomagnetism magnetic inclination magnetic declination paleopole 15 sea floor abyssal plains mid ocean rides fracture zones trenches seamounts 16 sea floor spreading sediments thickness heat flow crust compesition earthquakes new sea floor at mid ocean ridges and old one at trenches marine magnetic anomalies 17 lithosphere conteinental lithosphere oceanic lithosphere 18 plate boundaries earthquake locations divergent convergent and transform plate boundary midocean ridges subduction zones volcanic arcs transform faults 19 hot spots interior of plates hot spot tracks 20 contental rift and collision 21 driving force ride push force slab pull force 22 plate movement GPS hot spot tracks paleomagnetism 23 Mineral definition o naturally occurring o solid o crystalline structure o definable chemical composition o inorganic 24 crystal crystal phace crystal phace angle crystal structure polymorph 25 formation of mineral crystals solidification of a melt precipitation from a solution diffusion in solids biomineralization precipitation from a gas 26 physical properties of minerals color streak luster hardness specific gravity crystal habit cleavage specific properties 27 mineral composition and classes silicates silicon oxygen tetrahedron 28 rock definition naturally occurring coherent an aggregate of minerals or glasses 29 magma formation melting due to a decrese in pressure decompressions melting due to an addition of violatiles melting due to heat transferred from rising magma 30 Composition magma classes felsic intermediate mafic ultramafic 31 different compostions source rock composition partial melting assimilations magma mixing 32 rising magma hot and less dense pressure by overlying rock 33 viscosity temperature hotter magma less viscous volatile content more v less v silica content mafic magma less v 34 intrusive igneous settings dikes sills pluton 35 lava high silica felsic more viscous and hard to flow steep lava dome low silic mafic less viscous and easy to flow gentle shield volcano 36 products pahoehoe and a a coloumnar jointing pillow lova lava foundation lapilli bomb pyroclastic flow volcanic ash lahar volcanic gas vesicles 37 shape of volcano crater eruption and fissure eruption calderas shield volocano cinder cone stratovolocano 38 eruption styles viscousity and gas content effusion low viscosity low gas pressure lava flow shield volcano explosion high v high gas pressure pyroclastic debris cinder cone stratovolcano 39 in the context of plate tectonics subduction zone contential rift hot spots mid ocean ridges 40 predicting eruptions earthquake activity changes in heat flow changes in shape o increases in gas emission and steam sample test 09 17 2013 1 according to the scientific method observation occurs prior to developing a hypothesis true 2 the big bang theory states that all matter in the universe was once confined to a single point 3 the density of the mantle is greater than that of the core false 4 asthenosphere lies directly below the crust false 5 within the sea floor the rate of heat flow is greatest along mid ocean ridges 6 the age of oceanic crust decreases with increasing distance from a mid ocean ridge false 7 marine magnetic anomalies result from sea floor spreading in conjunction with magnetic polarity reversals 8 tectonic plates might consist of oceanic or continental lithosphere or a combination of both 9 the point 1 and 2 are on the plate same 10 point 1 is then point two younger 11 natural glass is not considered a mineral because it does not have a fixed crystalline structure 12 the color of a mineral in powdered for is termed streak 13 the most abundant element in the contintental crust is oxygen 14 brick is a rock false 15 if a body of magma has more silica its viscosity will decrease False 16 when rock is partially melted the chemistry of the melt is more felsic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted 17 which of the following is NOT a way magma changes compostition Rapid cooling 18 eruption styles effusive or explosive are influenced by viscosity of the lava the compostion and the amount of volatiles 19 gabbro forms on or near the surface False 20 rhyolite flows slower than basalt true 09 17 2013

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UA GEO 101 - review for geology test

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