In Class Exam review 10 10 2013 Sediments loose mineral grains Weathering processes that break up and corrode preexisting solid rocks a Physical frost wedging jointing b Chemical hydrolosis oxidation sedimentary rocks clastic biochemical organic chemical clastic weathering erosion transportation depostition lithification Sedimentary structures ripple marks dunes cross beds graded beds strategic formation Sedimentary environments glacial mountain streem desert river lake delta beach shoolow marine deep marine shallow water carbonate Metamorphism one kind of rock transforms into a different kind of rock Process recrystallization phase change neocrystalization pressure solution and plastic deformation Causes heating pressure compression shear hot water Rock types foliated and non foliated Intensity high graded vs low graded Environments thermal or contact burial dynamic dynamothermal hydrothermal The rock cycle progressive transformation of earth materials from one rock type to another then another and so on Elastic rebound theory stress build up elastic deformation fault slip Earthquake cycle stick slip behavior foreshocks aftershocks Seismic waves body waves p s surface waves Love and Rayleigh Epicenter location S P time epicenter distance intersection from 3 stations The size of an earthquake modified mercalli intensity richter magnitude scale moment magnitude scale p is faster than s seismic wave propagation diff velocities in diff rock types no s waves in a liquid slow P in a liquid reflection refraction discoveries the moho the core mantle boundary liquid outer core solid inner core applications velocity depth profile seismic reflection profile faults normal reverse thrust strike slip earthquake locations divergent transform convergent contential rifts collision zones intraplate earthquake damage ground shaking 4 factors landslides liquefaction fire tsunamis earthquake prediction long term seismic zones recurrence intervals seismic hazard maps short term foreshock detection ground deformation monitoring other changes not confirmed earthquake safety rules drop cover hold on deformation a process by which rocks break or bend brittle vs ductile temp oressure deformation rate composition strain stretching shortening shearing stress compression tension shear stress pressure geologic structure joints faults folds anticline syncline monocline plunging fold dome basin foliations isostasy an equilibrium condition buoyancy force equals gravitational force locations of mountain ranges convergent boundaries continental collision zones continental rift zones GPS observation of mountain building Questions 10 10 2013 1 when jointing breaks a large block of rock into smaller pieces the surface area so chemical weathering happens Increases faster 2 Clastic sedimentary rocks are primarily classifies on the basis of grain size 3 Which of the following is not included in the clastic sedimentary process Weathering Evaporation Deposition Compaction Cementation 4 the principal compound making up limestone is CaCO3 Which mineral type is dominant in limestone Carbonates 5 which environment would most likely produce sedimentary deposits characterized by very well sorted and very well rounded grains that are nearly pure quartz Beach 6 which of the following is not a metamorphic process Recrystallization Phase change Neocrystillization Pressure solution Elastic deformation 7 compared to low graded metamorphic rocks high grade rocks Are produced at greater temp and greater pressures 8 which list properly orders metamorphic rocks from lowest to highest grade Slate phyllite schist gneiss 9 commonly serves as a protolith in the formation of marble limestone 10 refers to the progressive transformation of earth material from one rock type to another rock cycle 11 a surface along which rock on opposed sides is offset by earthquake induced slip is called a fault 12 the point on earth s surface directly above the point where an earthquake occurs is termed the Epicenter 13 which type of seismic wave travels fastest p wave 14 which of the following statements is not true P waves Propagate perpendicular to the vibration 15 to find the epicenter of an earthquake we use the fact that p waves are faster than s waves 16 an earthquake with magnitude 8 0 is greater in ground motion than an earthquake with magnitude of 4 0 ten thousand times 17 earthquakes are likely to occur along All three major types of plate boundaries 18 tsunami waves become higher as they approach coastal areas because the depth of the sea floor decreases 19 to predict an earthquake geologists Measure ground deformation identify epicenter Measure age of rocks by radiocarbon dating examine land forms and sedimentary strata 20 the core mantle boundary was discovered by identifying a p wave shadow zone 21 a hot body of rock is more likely to exhibit than is a cold body of rock Ductile deformation 22 what type is the above fold Plunging anticline 23 which of the numbered surface layers is the oldest 1 2 3 4 1 below are older than above 24 the balance between the weight of a mountain range and the buoyancy provided by the underlying mantle is termed isostatic equilibrium 25 which of the following has a different mechanism for mountain building The Himalayas The alps The andes The appalachians 10 10 2013
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