MSU HB 337 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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HB 337 Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 5 Note Please refer to chapter notes or PowerPoints for answers Lecture 1 Technology 1 What is technology 2 How is technology changing how hotels and restaurants do business 3 What are some examples of technology innovations in hospitality Lecture 2 computer hardware and software 1 What are the key concepts surrounding computer hardware 2 What distinguishes RAM from ROM 3 Describe the different types of ports 4 What is software What are the different types of software and how are they different from one another Do you install software before or after hardware 5 What are the multiprocessor interfacing 5 C s and what does each one entail 6 What should be the cost of IT Expenditures for Maintenance and Support Should you pay for enhancements on your computer for extra cost Lecture 3 Electronic data processing and databases 1 Describe electronic data processes What are their advantages 2 Name and describe the four types of databases 3 Describe the process of linking tables 4 What is SQL and what is it used for 5 Describe the different data storage methods 6 What is data mining Describe the different types of data mining Lecture 5 Networks 1 What is a network and what are its components How are different types of networks used in different situations 2 Describe the differences between workstations nodes and clients 3 What is network topology How do the different types of network topology function 4 What are the different components of a network 5 What are the pitfalls of human vs computer security over a network How can hacking be prevented Lecture 4 1 What are the 6 principles of social media How do people really catch on to things 2 Give the histories of the most popular social networks 3 What is so important about user generated content

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MSU HB 337 - Exam 1 Study Guide

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