JOURN 4000 1st Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Media incitement cases II School shootings and incitement Outline of Current Lecture I Taxation II Fighting words III Hate crimes Current Lecture Who picks up the bill when someone is hurt Byers case Insurance Medicare taxpayers Edmondson s family Clear and present danger can t criticize judges during cases Taxation Huey Long papers criticizing him levying taxes on papers struck down by Supreme Court Minnesota Star and Tribune Use tax Supreme Court said no Arkansas 1991 Papers and magazines are exempt from sales tax but TV and satellite is not Missouri 1989 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Newspapers exempt from sales tax magazines were not Magazine publishers sued Missouri Supreme Court said not fair newspapers had to pay sales tax Fighting words What would make average person fight Peace statute A person commits crime of peace disturbance if they unreasonably and knowingly disturb another person Hate crimes RAV vs St Paul Fighting words statute has to be a blanket statute can t be a laundry list Content discrimination Mitchell vs Wisconsin Ethnic intimidation can you have a laundry list Greater sentences hate message is broader sends broader message to community Can you have a laundry list Race or other protected status Race color religion national origin originally in MO Now gender sexual orientation disability Expanded in 1999 because of Matthew Shepard 2003 Virginia vs Black Cross burning a crime Burning cross with intent to intimidate can be illegal First prior restraint case in 1931 Near vs Minnesota Injunctions enjoin someone must stop what they re doing Mandatory injunction you must do something Contempt of court fine if don t follow injunction
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