MSU HB 337 - Social Media
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HB 337 1st Edition Lecture 3 History of Social Media Social Media started with internet forums Myspace Linked in launched in 2002 Facebook launched in 2004 now the biggest social media site Most Popular Social Networks Facebook Were against ads in the beginning Now ads are more integrated more difficult to ignore on news feed TwitterMost Important Social Media Sites For Teens Fall 2012 Facebook was most popular Fall 2013 Twitter and Instagram have caught up to Facebook How Social Media affects business Domino s Pizza Offending Video showing two employees blatantly ignoring food safety in the kitchen Biggby Coffee Trayvon Martin tweet Glad that bullet killed him How social media catches on More about psychology than technology 6 Principles of Social Media Social Currency When people talk about a restaurant or place Tend to talk about things that give us social status Environmental Cue Top of Mind Example Rebecca Black s Friday terrible song search engines spike every Friday for people searching for it These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Emotion When people care they share Different types of emotions Public When we see something we are more likely to imitate it Practical We like to share relevant information Stories Wrapping up content in a broader area User generated content Has different needs Selective information processing our brain can only process so much Peripheral cues incidental History of Social Media Social Media started with internet forums Myspace Linked in launched in 2002 Facebook launched in 2004 now the biggest social media site Most Popular Social Networks Facebook Were against ads in the beginning Now ads are more integrated more difficult to ignore on news feed TwitterMost Important Social Media Sites For Teens Fall 2012 Facebook was most popular Fall 2013 Twitter and Instagram have caught up to Facebook How Social Media affects business Domino s Pizza Offending Video showing two employees blatantly ignoring food safety in the kitchen Biggby Coffee Trayvon Martin tweet Glad that bullet killed him How social media catches on More about psychology than technology 6 Principles of Social Media Social Currency When people talk about a restaurant or place Tend to talk about things that give us social status Environmental Cue Top of Mind Example Rebecca Black s Friday terrible song search engines spike every Friday for people searching for it Emotion When people care they share Different types of emotions Public When we see something we are more likely to imitate it Practical We like to share relevant information Stories Wrapping up content in a broader area User generated content Has different needs Selective information processing our brain can only process so much Peripheral cues incidental

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MSU HB 337 - Social Media

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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