RELS 108 1nd Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture II Nature and Appearance of the Sacred III Transcendence Liberation in Buddhist Tradition Outline of Current Lecture IV Appearance of the Sacred V 3 Patterns of Sacred Manifestation VI Sacred Persons VII Sacred Objects VIII Sacred Time IX Cosmology X 4 Noble Truths XI What is the Eightfold Path Current Lecture Appearance of the Sacred Hierophany sacred showing or revealing Sacred Sign 3 Patterns of Sacred Manifestation 1 Prophetic Oriented towards a person prophet a EX Judaism Islam b Prophets receive sacred revelation 2 Sacramental Oriented towards an object a EX Christianity Shinto Tribal religions b Sacred can show up in an object such as a totem or rock 3 Mystical Focuses on certain state of being or consciousness in the quest for enlightenment or union with the sacred a EX Buddhism Jainism b Mystical states Nirvana Moksha Samadhi one pointed concentration c Altered or expanded states of awareness brought through yogic or meditative methods Sacred Persons Founders of a spiritual tradition These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Buddha Mohammed Jesus Martin Luther Lutheranism Rastafari Lao Tzu Taoism Joseph Smith Mormon Church John Calvin Calvinism Confucius Archetype Primary Pattern Concept of Messiah Hebrew word for the Greek Christos Sacred Objects Books statues relics types of food Sacred Time Sacred time is indefinitely recoverable indefinitely repeatable It does not pass but reoccurs Kairos vs Chronos o Kairos is cyclical repeatable o Chronos refers to chronological sequential time Linear Cosmology All spiritual traditions have cosmological accounts regarding the origin of the world The study of origins and eventual fate of the universe Does the Cosmos have a purpose telos Continuation of Discussion Yesterday 4 Noble Truths 1 Truth of Suffering Discontent 2 Origin of Suffering 3 Cessation of Suffering 4 Path Leading to Cessation What is the Eightfold Path 1 Right View 2 Right Thought 3 Right Speech 4 Right Action 5 Right Livelihood 6 Right Effort 7 Right Mindfulness 8 Right Concentration
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