RELS 108 1nd Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture II Dimensions of Human Spirituality a Spirituality and Human Thought b Belief vs Faith c Spirituality and Feeling d Spirituality and Action Outline of Current Lecture III Nature and Appearance of the Sacred IV Transcendence Liberation in Buddhist Tradition Current Lecture Nature and Appearance of the Sacred Sacred Sanctus to set apart o The sacred is extraordinary Profane Outside of the Temple outside of sacred space o The profane is ordinary homogenous secure Sacred manifests in two distinct ways o Transcendence Standing over or above Primarily found in Christianity Judaism Islam the Abrahamic Traditions God s nature power which is independent of the material world beyond all physicality Transcendence in Buddhism refers to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the higher realms Bodhisattva Being who is awake Purpose is to be reborn where suffering exists keep working towards eradicating suffering Transcendence in Hinduism God Brahman Goal of Hinduism is union or identification with Brahman Soul Atman Atman is Brahman Brahman manifests as Saguna Brahman with attribute and Nirguna without attributes Bhagavad Gita Song of The Lord Transcendence is a level of spiritual attainment i e goal of yogic practice meditation etc Yoga means to link up with Cycle of Birth and Death Samsara Hinduism Buddhism and Jainism all revolve around this idea Reincarnation for eternity o Immanence The Sacred is contained within the natural world Not standing over above us Present right here right now contained within to dwell to remain in These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Nature Worship Religions God and Nature are one Pantheism Theos God Pan all across Found in pantheism panentheism both transcendent immanent God in the world outside the world Panentheism God is Nature yet infinitely beyond it as well Examples of immanence in Taoism Buddhism Revelation of Christ Incarnation the incarnation of the Logos Divine Word Sacrifice Communication with the Sacred Performance of sacred rite for the purposes of communicating with the Sacred Divine o EX Shaman Medicine Man Mediator between the Sacred and Earthly realm Singing dancing fasting etheogenic psychoactive substances i e peyote ayahuasca iboga Shamans bring forth Ecstasy Ex Stasis which means to stand outside of oneself Transcendence Liberation in Buddhist Traditions Spiritual goal of Buddhism Nirvana Nirvana to extinguish blow out as in a flame Sanskrit meaning Nirvana is used in modern times to refer to waking up it means awakened 4 Noble Truths 1 Life is Suffering Dukha Means to awaken the human heart to creaturely pain suffering on the planet 2 Suffering has a Cause Origin Means there is a reason behind all the pain suffering in the world The origin of our pain suffering is craving clinging thirsting Trishna 3 The Cessation of Suffering Nirodha 4 Path of Cessation The Eightfold Path
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