Atm Ocn 100 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Cloud Project II Description of cloud III Fog identification Outline of Current Lecture II Main cloud types III Cloud identifications IV Beginning of atmosphere composition Current Lecture Today discussing types of clouds Website site of the day http tropic ssec wisc edu A lot of tropical cyclones right now a lot of tropical activity What city in US is getting nailed San Diego And Phoenix Site you can look at how things are developing and how things are Can look at satellite Tropical storm tropical cyclone has an intensity of at least 45 knots not greater than 65 knots Greater then that is hurricane 1 15 X turns knots into MPH I s around picture are investigation areas Gives you movement what is projected of moving Red where its been purple is prediction Visible in West Pacific is dark right now White gray area is colder than 70 18 kilometers above the ground Low louds storm has been weakening Upper part of storm stripped off Because it is low rotating piece has warm temperatures compared to deep cloud It is really here as we can see Water off California cold Water warmer south As hurricanes move north they die But remnants can move into San Diego and Phoenix and get in there and produce heavy rains Storm is dissipating very rapidly as it moves up that way never strong hurricane in California because water is to cold winds over Atlantic these generate hurricanes Models showing weak development Showing no development of this wave In order for this to develop into tropical cyclone warm water is important significantly warm not overly warm but also need low wind shield Wind should be constant with height not changing direction speed as higher But if this happens cloud rips it to sheds will not let it develop into tropical cyclones Unable to develop into tropical cyclone because of strong wing shield in Atlantic Later we will see some models of what they think is going to happen Back to class Cloud types 3 main types of clouds Atmosphere creates instabilities In the way temperature varies with height Situation where warm air underlines cold air Think temperature decreases with height it does but not the effectively temperature Air parcel taking from a higher elevation brought to surface will get warmer How much warmer it will get Temperature when it reaches surface pressure comprises and gets warmer Not actual temperature but what the actual temperature would be if you brought it down This is how we compare temperature of one air parcel to another at different heights and different Some will have warmer temperature than others Parcels from different heights move down to surface and compare temperatures If one that is up high if potential temperature is colder then parcel down low universe sink that air and make warmer air rise Parcels may rise and fall air rising and falling Warm potential temperature wise Compare temperature common pressure to decide whether warm air or cold air is up there Comparing them with same rules with same pressure Potential temperature is what you use When unstable situation occurs warm air up cold air down Warm air rising producing clouds unstable clouds Another way is dragging air up there even though its stable Even though cold air down and warm air above Can drag it up to upper level If air against mountain lifting it up mountain Can get colder and colder till it condenses upslope fog Another way air up even if stable Weather systems When weather system large scale movements of air associate with those system as upward and downward currents Upward currents can take large area of moist air and lift it Part of big circulation Air just being pulled up even though doesn t want to go up Being pulled up by large scale circulation This is stable lifting Large scale circulation pulling air up lifting air up part of big weather system pulling it up Clouds then tend to be flat 3 Cloud types Stratus Uniform layered cloud formed by stable lifting of air over large areas by large weather systems Often covers entire sky Occur at lower levels Near surface Can be liquid clouds usually are Air being lifted by large scale weather system cold enough water rinses out now cloud Layered clouds Air going up over deep regent Layer of clouds Stratus like layers Or break into cumulus type clouds can happen but rarely see stratus cloud turn to ice can last for days Lose ice because they get high enough Cumulus clouds Unstable clouds having vertical development Result from warm moist rising as a bubbles Unstable lifting here Air shoots up where no longer warmer than surroundings puffy cauliflower like vertical clouds Can see air rising upward Animations see air swirling up Lifting up with clouds Crisp cauliflower then sharper and fuzz out Glaciation point in cloud cloud turns into ice and becomes fuzzy can look fuzzy or crisp When air rises not usually turn to ice as air rises and cools will get cold liquid water in air Condensation become 20 to 30 degrees Celsius before it turns into ice Can get up to 20 degree Celsius and still look crisp But once ice starts to form at 20 will turn whole cloud to ice What happens if super cool cloud looks crisp sharp edges ice starts in it then ice will spread like a cancer through whole thing Within minutes cloud goes from crisp to fuzzy as it glaciates Average lifetime is about 20 minutes Can have a whole system of cumulus blooms happening a couple hours thunderstorms Typically life cycle no more than 20 minutes Airplane would freeze and cause ice Greatest of all natural hazards to airtravel don t fly through cumulus Or deicing warms wings to melt ice off Cirrus Are layered ice cloud If layered produces ice that cold above those ice clouds look very different When you see liquid cloud crisp on edges not fuzzy Cloud becomes ice looks fuzzy Fuzzy clouds that are high are cirrus clouds Fuzzy because made up of ice Stratus clouds can become cirrus because it can turn into ice If cloud doesn t reach certain height cold water won t turn to ice Type of cloud can form ice and go to bottom conform liquid to ice Stratus cloud cold no ice that is because there is not enough ice forming in that cloud to initiate and ice process so it just doesn t Airplane with silver iodine cloud seeding material will turn all that liquid to ice very quickly Or cloud can grow to a little higher elevation where then it will initiate into ice Liquid droplets in cloud super cool liquid will not fall as
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